MBA Test Summarylyr

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,MBA Training Session,A Summary,Part I.Cloze test(30 mins,10),one passage with 20 blanks to fill in,大纲要求:在一篇约300词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整。,a.Vocabulary,b.Grammar,c.Proper understanding of the context,Be careful not to be trapped in this post-exam,era.Sometimes one of the choices appear in the,context,but in fact is not acceptable in terms of,meaning or grammar.You cannot rely on the,context in such a way!,Part II.Reading comprehension(60 mins,40 points),4 or 5 passages(altogether 1800 words),followed by 20 questions.,考生应能读懂不同题材和体裁的文字材料。题材包括经济、管理、社会、文化和科普等,体裁包括说明文、议论文和记叙文等。根据阅读材料,考生应能:,1.掌握文章的中心思想,主要内容和细节;,2.理解上下文的逻辑关系;,3.根据上下文推断生词的含义;,4.进行一定的判断和推理;,5.理解说话者的意图、观点或态度.,Summary of reading strategies,You must find definite clues for questions;and you mustnt take anything for granted.,1.Questions on details(细节题),Read the question and then find the relevant information in the context(sometimes the information is expressed in quite the same words but sometimes in quite different words).And the answer must be around the relevant information in the text.You must be careful enough,and it is usually not a difficult job.,2.Questions on main idea(主旨题),1)结构法,Paragraph:,topic sentence,supporting sentences,concluding sentence,Essay:,thesis statement,body paragraphs,concluding paragraph,You can find the main idea in the underlined parts.,If the question is on the purpose of an example,the example usually appears in the non-underlined parts while the answer usually lies in the underlined parts.,2)合并法,When the structure of the essay is not of typical organization,you can read each paragraph and make a summary of each.Finally,when the summaries are combined,you get the main idea of the text.,Remember:active reading,rather than passive reading,is important for you to grasp the main idea,particularly that of a difficult text.,Frequently ask yourself questions like“what does the paragraph mean?”,“what is the authors purpose in writing the paragraph?”,or“what is the funciton of the paragraph in the whole text”can help you be fully awake in reading.,3).把握文章中的标志性语言.,When the structure is not typical,attention to special conjunctions can also help you grasp the main idea.,transition:,Case closed?Not at all.,But that is not always the case.,Now for the not-so-good news.(passage 3,MBA Test,2004),3.Questions on the meaning of a new word(词义揣测题),When you are asked about the meaning of a new word,the only thing you can rely on for an answer is the logic of the context.Sometimes,the word is similar in meaning to the context,and sometimes opposite.,Question 62,2004 MBA test,Judging from the context,what does“digital divide”(para.3)probably mean?,A.The governments analysis.,B.The divide between the poor and the rich.,C.The pace of the information age.,D.The gap between peoples access to the computer.,Key:D,Para.3:Now for the not-so-good news.The governments analysis spells out so-called,digital divide,.,That is,the digital explosion is not booming at the same pace for everyone.Yes,it is true that we are all plugged in to a much greater degree than any of us have been in the past.But some of us are more plugged in than others and are getting plugged in far more rapidly.And,this gap,is widening even as the pace of the information age accelerates through society.,Words and expressions for opposite meaning:,a.Not A but B,b.A rather than B,c.A,instead of B,d.A.However/neverthelss,B.,A,but B.,e.Despite A,B.,f.Different from A,B.,Words and expressions for similar meaning:,a.That is,b.That is the,notion,that.(appositional clause),c.,A,and,B,d.,A,or,B,e.The,city,of,Suzhou,f.For example/instance,.,g.,A,which/where,.,4.Questions on the authors attitude(作者态度题),1)To grasp the main idea.,2)To grasp the main structure.,3)Attention to key words or sentences.(I think,etc.),5.Exclusive method(排除法),Sometimes the choices are all very confusing.But if you use exclusive method,the answer is clear.It is effective not only for questions on the main idea but for those on meaning of a new word and those on the authors attitude.,6.Avoid the traps.(陷阱题),There are often perilous traps in reading.The wrong choices resemble the original text to a great extent while the correct seems far away from it.Then you must be careful enough to avoid being trapped.If you dig the true meaning of each choice,the answer is clear.,Passage 2,MBA Test,2005,41.From the first paragraph we can learn that _.,A.executives,specialized experts,are no more,clever than person in the street.,B.very few people decide before they think,C.those who pride themselves on being decisive,often fail to do so,D.people tend to consider carefully before making,decisions,Key:C,Part III.Translation(40 mins,20),考查考生理解所给英语语言材料,并将指定部分译成汉语的能力,译文应准确、完整、通顺.该部分有以下两种形式,每次考试使用其中一种。,A.要求考生阅读一篇约450词的文章,并将其中五个划,线部分(约150词)译成汉语;B.要求考生阅读一篇约200词的英语段落,并将其全部,译成汉语。,Three-step method:reading and understanding,language conversion,polishing,Be careful not to neg


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