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Section,Writing,叙写关于体育运动的故事,Step,文本研读,.,框架建构:整体理解,1,Look through Nicks story and youll find that it is a,_,to share your story.,2,The passage is about the authors,_,narrative,sports story,.,文本剖析:特色表达,A sports story,Start,(,开端,),Three years ago.,Feeling,(,感触,),I loved it and I 1._ when my team won the ice hockey competition,which made me feel like 2,._,_,_,Improvement,(,改进,),I decided to join a skating club.I 3,._,my local team almost every evening.,Goal,(,目标,),My ultimate goal is to 4,._,_,_,and 5._,was proud,I could achieve anything,practised with,be an ice hockey teacher,help people learn to play this game,Step,知识点,1,persuade,v,说服,,,劝服,He,persuaded me not to go to the party,.,他说服我不去派对。,It will be difficult to,persuade them that,there is no other choice.,使他们相信没有别的选择将会是件困难的事情。,归纳探究,persuade sb.to do sth.,persuade sb.into doing sth.,说服某人做某事,persuade sb.not to do sth.,persuade sb.out of doing sth.,说服某人不做某事,persuade sb.of sth.,使某人相信某事,persuade sb.that.,使某人相信,学法点拨,说服某人其他表达方式:,argue sb.into doing sth.,convince sb.to do sth.,talk sb.into doing sth.,即学即练,单句语法填空,/,完成句子,An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people _(buy)a product or service,or to believe in an idea.,While shopping,people sometimes cant help,_,(persuade)into buying something they dont really need.,The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people,_,_,_,(persuade)to eat more fruit and vegetables.,The director _(,试图说服,)her to play a part in his new film,but she rejected,.,to buy,being persuaded,are persuaded,tried to persuade,2.,be,terrified of doing,不敢做某事,3,my ultimate goal,我的最终目标,Step,Writing a sports story,文体介绍,叙述关于运动的故事需主要叙述人物的经历或事件的发展变化过程,主要内容包含所发生事件的时间、地点、人物、事情起因、事情发生的过程和结果。写作时首先交代事件发生的背景,然后具体描述事件的经过,最后谈谈自己的感受或得到的启示。此类文章多用一般过去时。,篇章结构,第一部分:提出主题,(,交代开始何种运动,),第二部分:具体描述,(,开展此项运动的原因、经过和结果,),第三部分:对此项运动的感受,常用表达,(1),开展此项运动的原因,When I watched.playing.at the Olympic Games,I was deeply impressed by his/her excellent skills and I decided to be just like him/her.,当我看到,在奥运会上,,我对他,/,她出色的技术印象深刻,并决定像他,/,她一样。,I fell in love with.as soon as I started playing it and formed the habit of playing it with my friends at weekends.,我一开始,就爱上了这项运动,并养成了周末和朋友一起做这项运动的习惯。,As we all know,a person who keeps on taking exercise regularly will keep fit and live a happy life.,众所周知,一个坚持经常锻炼的人会保持健康,生活愉快。,There is no doubt that doing more exercise is helpful to us.,毫无疑问,多做运动对我们有益,。,(2),开展此项运动的经过,After school I usually spend half an hour on it,which not only builds up my body but also makes me refreshed.,放学后,我通常会花半个小时在这项运动上面,这不仅能锻炼我的身体,还能让我恢复精神。,Each time I finish it,I will feel it excellent to strengthen my body.,每次做完这项运动,我都会为增强了我的体魄而感觉很棒。,(3),对此项运动的感受,.both contributes to a powerful lung and reduces the risk of heart attacks.,既助于提升肺部功能,又能降低心脏病发作的风险。,.helps me relax after a period of exhausting study and improves my study efficiency.,有助于我在一段时间的疲劳学习后放松,提高我的学习效率。,I consider it a good way to relax myself.,我认为这是放松自己的好方法。,My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically.,参加体育运动让我知道体育运动能使我们身心健康。,实践应用,英语课上,老师让学生讲述自己具体做某项运动的经历。要点如下:,1,你与你所讲述运动的渊源;,2,做运动的经历或过程;,3,运动给你带来了什么。,第一步布局谋篇,第二步遣词造句,完成句子,1,有句谚语这样说:,“,没人会在意健康的价值,直到失去了它,”,。,As the proverb goes,“_,_,_,”,2,我非常理解。,I understand it,_,3,我小时候身体不健康。,_,when I was young,.,No one cares the value of health until he loses it,exactly,I wasnt healthy,4,我打乒乓球之后,身体变好了。,_ after I played pingpong.,5,我太累了,不想继续,(,练,),下去。,I was,_,6,父母劝说我不要放弃。,_ give up by my parents.,My health improved,too tired to continue,I was persuaded not to,句式升级,7,用,because,合并,2,、,3,句,,3,、,4,句之间加,however,连接。,_,_,8,用,but,合并,5,、,6,句。,_,_,I understand it exactly because I wasnt healthy when I was young.However that improved after I played pingpong.,I was too tired to continue,but I was persuaded not to give up by my parents.,第三步完美成篇,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇英语短文。,_,_,As the proverb goes,“No one cares the value of health until he loses it.,”,I understand it exactly because I wasnt healthy when I was young.However that improved after I played pingpong.,At the start,I was too tired to continue,but I was persuaded not to give up by my parents.Gradually,it was more and more important to me.,By playing pingpong every day I can keep my mind so alert that I can finish my tasks in time.Without it,I will feel tired and my body becomes quite sluggish;during the night,I may find it becomes harder to fall asleep.It has become part of my life.,


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