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,空白演示,在此输入您的封面副标题,.,听句子,选择与所听句子意思相符的图片。(,5,分),12345,.,听对话,选择正确的答案。,(5,分,),( ),6.What does Grace think of her school trip?,A.Exciting.B.Relaxing.C.Boring.,( ),7.How was the weather last Sunday?,A.Fine.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.,( ),8.Where did John go yesterday afternoon?,A.To the zoo.B.To the library.C.To the bookstore.,EDBAC,第十二套综合检测题(,Unit 11,),时间:,120,分钟满分:,120,分 得分:,听力部分(,25,分),C,B,B,( ),9.Where are the speakers?,A.At school.B.At homeC.At the park.,( ),10.How did David go to Shanghai?,A.By train.B.By car.C.By plane.,.,听下面两段长对话,选择正确答案。(,5,分),听第一段对话,回答,1112,小题。,( ),11.Ann went to Dalian to see her .,A.uncleB.friendC.aunt,( ),12.Ann went to Dalian by .,A.busB.trainC.air,听第二段对话,回答,1315,小题。,( ),13.Lucy last weekend.,A.cleaned her roomB.did her homeworkC.played soccer,( ),14.Tony on Saturday morning.,A.cleaned his roomB.did his homeworkC.played soccer,( ),15.Tony played soccer with his .,A.brothersB.friendsC.classmates,A,B,A,C,A,B,B,.,听短文,完成表格。(,10,分),16. 17. 18.,19. 20.,shopping,Rainy,museum,Cool,City Park,笔试部分(,95,分),.,单项选择。,(15,分,),( ),21.Mike and I to the zoo and some tigers there yesterday.,A.go;sawB.go;seeC.went;seeD.went;saw,( ),22. was your trip?,It was very nice.,A.WhatB.WhereC.HowD.When,( ),23.She didnt do last night.,A.anyB.anythingC.nothingD.something,( ),24.What your father last Sunday?,He went to the library.,A.does;doB.do;doesC.did;doD.do;did,( ),25.Mr. Lie very week last year.,A.went fishingB.went fishC.goes fishingD.goes fish,D,C,B,C,A,( ),26.Jack the cow and the chickens just now.,A.milked;feedsB.milked;fedC.milks;fedD.milks;feeds,( ),27.Mike is robots.,A.interesting inB.interesting onC.interested inD.interested on,( ),28.Mr. Smith can teach you chess.,A.to playB.playingC.playedD.play,( ),29.They had fun that day.,A.skateB.skatedC.to skateD.skating,( ),30.It an day.,A.sounds like;excitedB.sounds;exciting,C.sounds like;excitingD.sounds;excited,B,C,A,D,C,( ),31.There are hats in the box.,A.too muchB.much tooC.too manyD.much,( ),32.It was a boring day. We didnt like it all.,A.atB.inC.onD.with,( ),33.It rained yesterday afternoon, but ,we all took umbrellas with us.,A.luckB.luckyC.lucklyD.luckily,( ),34.(,湖南中考,)I to the cinema yesterday.,Its a pity.You didnt invite me.,A.goB.wentC.have goneD.goes,( ),35.(,湖南中考,)Did you buy anything special?,Yes,I something for my mother.,A.boughtB.buyC.will buyD.buys,C,A,D,B,A,( ),36.A.cleanedB.forgotC.visitedD.studied,( ),37.A.busB.trainC.carD.subway,( ),38.A.orB.soC.butD.when,( ),39.A.a pair ofB.pairs ofC.a kind ofD.kinds of,( ),40.A.keptB.sawC.usedD.drew,( ),41.A.ofB.forC.aboutD.with,( ),42.A.soldB.readC.taughtD.showed,( ),43.A.TheyB.HeC.SheD.It,( ),44.A.bankB.restaurantC.libraryD.hospital,( ),45.A.paidB.missedC.rememberedD.spent,C,A,B,D,B,C,D,A,B,D,.,阅读理解。(,20,分),A,Tom is a little boy.He is eight.Last Sunday his mother took him to visit his uncle.His uncles home is far from their home.So they went there by bus.There were only twenty people on the bus.They sat on the bus.Tom was very happy.He ran on the bus.His mother said,“Tom,,,dont run,!,Sit down.” But Tom said,,“,I like to see my uncle very much.I want the bus to go a little faster.”,( ),46.Tom seven years old last year.,A.wereB.isC.areD.was,( ),47.Tom to visit his uncle with his mother last Sunday.,A.wentB.wantC.goesD.go,( ),48.Which of the following is true?,A.They took a car last Sunday.B.They wanted to go there by bus.,C.They took a bus to go there.D.They taked a bus to go there.,( ),49.There were people on the bus.,A.muchB.a lot ofC.a littleD.a few,D,A,C,D,( ),50.Tom he liked to see his uncle very much.,A.sayB.saidC.saysD.sayed,B,( ),51.The swimming pool is in .,A.the museumB.the parkC.a village,( ),52.The writer and Helen didnt in the museum.,A.swimB.take notesC.take photos,( ),53.They were in the Hong Kong Museum of History for hours.,A.twoB.threeC.four,( ),54.From this passage,(文章),we know Hong Kong was in the past.,A.a village houseB.a fishing parkC.a fishing village,( ),55.Which of the following is TRUE,(下面哪一项是正确的),?,A.Helen saw an old boat in the museum.,B.There were lots of fishermen in the park.,C.The writer took a computer to the museum.,B,A,B,C,A,.,情景交际。(,5,分),根据对话内容,从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话。,A:What did you do last Saturday?,B:We visited Blue Water Aquarium(,水族馆,).,A:,56,B:We walked there.Its not far.,A:,57,B:Of course.We walked around the,aquarium and saw many kinds of fishes.,A:,58,B:We had lunch under a big tree,and,then we went swimming.,59,A:I had a busy day.,B:,60,A:I helped my mother clean the house.,E,A.We talked about you.,B.Where did you have lunch?,C.How about your weekend?,D.Did you have a good time there?,E.How did you get there?,F.What did you do?,G.When did you come back?,D,B,C,F,.,词汇。,(10,分,),A),根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。,61.We p lots of apples and gave them to the old men.,62.Lets make a f to cook food.,63.I want to be a g in the museum.,64.The f look very beautiful in the garden.,65.The beef is expensive,,,but the fish is very c.,B),选用方框中的词,并用其正确形式填空。,66.I dont want to do because Im tired,(累),.,67.His young sister is in English very much.,68.Can you tell me how there?,69.Peter and Bob chickens yesterday.,70. ,they got there before it rained.,icked,ire,uide,lowers,heap,luck,,,interesting,,,feed,,,get,,,anything,anything,interested,to get,fed,Luckily,.,根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。(,10,分),71.,昨晚我和女儿一起散步了。,I with my daughter yesterday evening.,72.,在周六下午我们去购物了。,We on Saturday afternoon.,73.,我今天早上没吃早饭。,I this morning.,74.Betty,你学校旅行怎么样?,太令人兴奋了。, your school trip,,,Betty?,It was .,75.,明明,你的周末过得怎么样,?,不是很好,我准备数学测验了。,Mingming,how was your weekend?,It very good.I the math test.,went for a walk,went shopping,didnt have breakfast,How was,relaxing,wasnt prepared for,.,任务型阅读。(,10,分),Last summer vacation I went to Taiwan with my parents.Taiwan is really beautiful!The weather is good.It is always warm and humid,(湿润的),because the sea is around Taiwan.In the north,there is winter,,,but in the south,theres no winter and you can enjoy sunshine every day.The typhoon,(台风),season is from June to October.,There are many mountains in Taiwan.(,A)A-Ii Mountain is one of the biggest mountain there.,We went to climb A-li Mountain one afternoon. There are many trees in the forest there.They are very tall and many of them are really old.,Sun Moon Lake,(日月潭),is the largest natural lake in Taiwan.In the lake there are many kinds of fishes.,(B),We also went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine,. There are many kinds of foods in the small towns near the sea.A kind of dumpling with shrimp,(虾),in it is my favorite.,Taiwan,a beautiful island,(岛),.I love it!I took my photos there.Would you love to see them?,根据短文内容,完成下列句子。,76.The writer spent the summer vacation with .,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。,( ),77.The trees in the forest in A-li Mountain are .,A.tall and oldB.shortC.newD.short and old,78.,将画线(,B,)处的句子译成汉语。,。,79.,画线(,A,)处句子有一处错误,请指出并改正。,80.,回答下列问题。,Whats the weather like in Taiwan?,.,his/her parents,A,我们也去了海滩享受阳光,改,mountain,为,mountains,Its always warm and humid,.,书面表达。(,15,分),现在,人们越来越亲近大自然,越来越喜欢在大自然中放松身心。你最近有没有去哪里旅行呢?请你仔细回想,介绍一下你近期的一次旅行。(,60,词左右),提示:,1.Where did you go?,2.Who did you go with?,3.How was the weather there?,4.What did you do there?,One possible version:,Last week,,,I had a quite good vacation to Hainan with my family.We had great fun playing in different places.On Monday,the weather was sunny and hot.We went to White Beach,(白沙滩),and swam in the water.On Tuesday,it was cloudy.We visited two museums.We saw a lot of old things.On Wednesday,it was rainy.We walked in the city and bought some interesting things.On Thursday,the weather was cool.We climbed mountains.We were very tired,(累的),but felt very happy.I really enjoyed my vacation.,


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