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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,satisfac,tion,Larry Belmont,test out,Claire,bonus,alarm,alarm,ed,apron,n.,满意;,满足,;,令人满意的事物,拉里,贝尔蒙特,考验出;检验完,克莱尔(女名),n.,额外津贴;奖金;红利,vt.,使警觉;使惊恐;惊动,n.,警报;惊恐,adj.,担心的;害怕的,n.,围裙,Words and,Expressions,Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately.,sympathy,over,weight,elegant,Gladys Claffern,favour,pile,n.,同情(心),adj.,超重的;体重超常的,adj.,优雅的,;,高雅的,;,讲究的,格拉迪丝,克拉芬,n.,喜爱;恩惠,vt.,喜爱;偏袒,n.,堆;摞;叠,vi.,堆起;堆积,vt.,把,堆起;积聚,Words and,Expressions,scan,finger,nail,absurd,hair,cut,make,up,accompany,cushion,vt.,细看;仔细检查;粗略,地看;浏览;扫描,n.,手指甲,adj.,荒谬的;可笑的,n.,发型;理发,n.,化妆品,vt.,陪伴;伴奏,n.,(坐、跪时用的)软垫;,靠垫;垫子,Words and,Expressions,bedding,neck,lace,clerk,count,er,ring up,turn around,aw,ful,n.,寝具;铺盖,n.,项链,n.,售货员;职员;旅馆接待员,n.,柜台;计数器,给,打电话,转身;翻转,adj.,极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕,的;(口语)糟透的,Words and,Expressions,affair,arm,chair,declare,cuisine,envy,leave alone,n.,事务;事情;暖昧关系,n.,扶手椅;单座沙发,vt.,宣布;声明;表明;,宣称,n.,烹饪(风味);菜肴,vt.,忌妒;羡慕,不管;别惹;让,一个人待着;和,单独在一起,Words and,Expressions,*,Jiajia is an intelligent _ robot.,*,Jiajia has the ability of _ human language,_,facial expressions,and _ body movements.,Who is she?,What do you know about her?,Watch and fill in the blanks.,human-like,understanding,detecting,making,human-like,She seems more like a human than a machine.,Can you imagine living with a human-like robot?,Read the story on P11-12 and learn how Claire and Tony get along with each other.,Unit 2,Reading,Satisfaction guaranteed,Why is the story entitled,Satisfaction guaranteed,?,1.To summarize the main idea of the story,2.,To understand what Tony did to help,Claire and how Claires emotion,developed during Tonys stay at her house,3.To,understand,why the story is entitled,Satisfaction guaranteed,4.To learn to use some useful words,expressions and patterns in the passage,Words:,desire,alarm,sympathy,elegant,favour,absurd,accompany,declare,envy,Expressions:,test out,ring up,turn around,leave alone,Patterns:,It+be+adj.+that-clause,There,stood,Gladys Claffern,.,Focus on,Skimming for general idea,-,employed in a company,that makes robots,-,Larrys wife,a housewife,-,the robot,to be,tested out by Claire in her house,one of the richest and,most powerful women around,a,woman that Claire envies,Characters in the story:,Larry Belmont,Claire,Tony,Gladys Claffern,Answer the following questions.,1.How many characters are mentioned?,2.Who are they?,3.What is the relationship between them?,Check your answer!,Scanning for specific information,What is the beginning of the story?,Larrys company had begun experimenting with a household robot.It was going to be tested out by Claire.,He was more like a human.,He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice.,His facial expression never changed.,How did Claire feel when she first saw the robot?,She felt alarmed.,Why?,Read the passage and answer the questions.,When Claire refused to have the robot in her house,Larry said to Claire that Tony would be a bonus.What did he mean?,Because Tony can help Claire to do many things she cant do by herself.,What were Claires problems?How did Tony help her?,Tony gave Claire a new hair cut and changed the makeup she wore.He also wrote out a list of items for her to buy,When Claire came back from the jewellery shop,she was quite angry with Gladys.,She didnt think she was clever.,She was overweight.,She felt her house wasnt elegant enough.,She wasnt like Gladys.,Claires problems,curtains,cushions,a carpet and bedding,a necklace.,Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return.,Tonys help,What would Tony do next?,Brainstorm,Read the passage and find out what Tony did and the reactions of Claire,Gladys and her friends.,Tony showed Gladys and her friends his affection towards Claire.,Gladys and her friends:,impressed,envied,Claires reaction:,surprised,happy,panic,Claires feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed.Fill in the occasions when Claire had these feelings.,P12,1,disliked him,Before he arrived,Occasion,Claire,When he arrived,was alarmed,When he offered to,help her dress,felt embarrassed,When he offered to,help her improve her,house and herself,admired him,The Change of Claires Feelings to Tony,called him a dear,felt his warmth,When she fell off a,ladder and was caught,by Tony,When he helped her,with the salesman,She remembered Tony,was just a machine,When she heard Gladys,whispering to another,woman that she had never,seen anyone so handsome,as Tony,cried all night,felt being envied,sad,to remember,he was just a machine,Review Claires emotional development.,At first,refused,to have Tony at her house,accepted,him,trusted,him,proud of,him,loved,him,Claires feelings,In Claires mind,Tony is more like a human than a machine.So Claire struggled when she was with Tony.,Characteristics,Similar,Different,Physical,Mental,Looks like a human being.Body and skin soft and warm.Hair and fingernails realistic.Voice like a humans.,Facial expressions never changed.,Quicke


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