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,单元主题素养练,Unit 12 The ugly duckling,提示,:,点击 进入习题,一,二,三,四,五,六,趣听练,趣读写,趣说练,七,八,一、请你听一听,根据,Sally,说的内容选出正确图片。,(,)1. A.,B,.,(,)2. A,. B,.,B,A,(,)3. A. B.,(,)4. A. B.,B,A,二、学完,丑小鸭,的故事,妈妈问了,Sally,几个问题。请你听一听,帮,Sally,选出恰当的答语。,(,)1. A. She has four.,B. She has three.,(,)2. A. Its yellow. B. Its grey.,(,)3. A. They are big.,B. They are small.,A,B,B,(,)4. A. No, she doesnt.,B. Yes, she likes them all.,(,)5. A. He feels sad.,B. He feels happy.,A,B,三、,Sally,会讲,丑小鸭,的故事,请你根据故事内容给下列图片排序。,(,),(,),(,) (,) (,),4,3,5,1,2,四、你能找出句子里隐藏的反义词或对应词吗,?,请你读一读,找一找。,1. The ugly duckling is a beautiful swan now.,2. Its hot in summer. But its cold in winter.,3. The panda is black and white.,4. The short girl has long hair.,5. The old lady has a young friend.,young,beautiful,cold,white,long,五、读一读,请你根据人物对话,选择对应的图片。,(,)1. Look,!,Alice. How many ducklings are there in the river?,There are five yellow ducklings.,(,)2. Whats that, Joe?,Its a white swan. Its beautiful.,A. B. C. D.,C,B,(,)3. What do you see, Peter?,I see a boy swimming in the river.,(,)4. Who sits on the eggs?,Mother Duck sits on the eggs.,A. B. C. D.,A,D,六、一位老人有只很老的猫,这只猫能抓老鼠吗,?,请你读一读,选一选。,An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. The old cat sees a mouse in their house. She jumps and catches the mouse. But she cant bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away. The old woman is very angry,because the cat cant kill the mouse. She hits the cat. The cat says, “Dont hit me. I have worked for you for many years. I am too old now. Dont be unkind to the old. ”,(,)1. Who has a cat?,A. An old man. B. An old woman.,(,)2. Who sees a mouse?,A. The old woman.,B. The old cat.,B,B,(,)3. Can the cat catch the mouse?,A. Yes, she can.,B. No, she cant.,(,)4. Does the cat eat the mouse?,A. Yes, she does.,B. No, she doesnt.,A,B,七、你听过狐狸和公鸡的故事吗,?,故事里谁更聪明,?,请你根据故事内容判断句子正,(T),误,(F),。,Fox and Cock,One morning, a fox sees a cock. He thinks, “This is my breakfast. ”,He comes up(,走近,)to the cock and says, “I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me? ”,The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away.,People in the field(,田地,)see the fox. They cry, “Look, look,!,The fox is carrying the cock away. ”The cock says to the fox, “Mr Fox, do you understand?,People say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours, not theirs. ”,The fox opens his mouth and says, “The cock is mine, not yours. ”Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.,(,)1. The fox wants to eat the cock.,(,)2. The cock doesnt like singing.,(,)3. The fox catches the cock in his mouth.,(,)4. The cock is clever. He runs away.,T,T,F,T,八、假如你是故事里的丑小鸭,请你讲一讲自己变成白天鹅的故事。,I am an ugly duckling. I am big and grey. . .,I am an ugly duckling. I am big and grey. My mother doesnt like me. My brothers and sisters dont want to play with me. So I swim away. I see some chicks. They laugh at(,嘲笑,)me. I have no friends. Im sad and lonely(,孤独的,). It is spring again. I look into the water. Im not an ugly duckling. Im a beautiful white swan now.,一、,1. There is a mother duck and four ducklings.,2. There are many eggs.,3. The ugly duckling swims away.,4. Its winter. Its cold and snowy.,二、,1. How many eggs does Mother Duck have now?,2. What colour is the ugly duckling?,3. Are the three yellow ducklings big or small?,4. Does Mother Duck like the ugly duckling?,5. The ugly duckling becomes a swan. How does he feel?,三、,There are four eggs, three small eggs and a big egg. Mother Duck sits on the eggs. One day three small eggs open. The big egg opens later. Its an ugly duckling. Mother Duck and three yellow ducklings swim. They are happy. In winter, it is cold. The ugly duckling has no home. It is spring again. The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.,


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