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,高中英语课件,madeofcanruohanxing,9/30/2024,2,Loading,9/30/2024,3,Is she real,9/30/2024,4,Loading,Lets see a movie,9/30/2024,5,9/30/2024,6,A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans.Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer.Today there are different kinds of robot,including industrial robots,household robots,and entertainment robots.Robots also often appear as characters in stories.,9/30/2024,7,Some more videos,9/30/2024,8,Will it be possible for a humanbeing to fall in love with a robot?,9/30/2024,9,Were going to learn,such a story.,9/30/2024,10,9/30/2024,11,A retelling of an Isaac Asimovs story,called,Satisfaction Guaranteed,.,About a human-like robot.,Asimovs first law for robots:,A robot must not injure human beings,or allow them to be injured.,The robot,cause the main character to,have some very confusing feelings.,Background information,9/30/2024,12,.Find out the four,Characters in the story.,Larrys wife,a housewife,the robot,employed in a company that makes robots,a woman that Claire envies,Larry Belmont,Claire,Tony,Gladys Claffern,9/30/2024,13,.,What is the type or form of literature of this passage?,Argumentative writing,Narration 记叙文,Expository writing 说明文,Science fiction,9/30/2024,14,9/30/2024,15,Listen and Choosethe answer,1.Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony?,A.Because he was a robot.,B.Because she didnt like him.,C.Because he was more like a being,than a machine.,D.Because he never changed his facial,expressions.,9/30/2024,16,2.The robot Tony helped Claire to realize her dreams by_.,A.making her home elegant,B.giving her a new haircut and,changing the make-up she wore,C.giving her advice on her dresses,D.all the above,9/30/2024,17,3.As a result,the experiment shows_.,A.Claire and Tony fell in love with,each other,B.Tony had to be rebuilt,C.Tony was angry with his designer,D.Both A and B,9/30/2024,18,4.All the following statements are true except _.,A.Tony tried to please Claire,B.Claire tried to displease Tony,C.Tony managed to protect Claire,D.Gladys admired Claire for her Tony,9/30/2024,19,5.We can infer from the passage that_.,A.Claire liked Tony but feared him,B.Claire cried because Tony made her angry,C.Claire forgot Tony as soon as Tony left her,D.Tony had no feelings as human being,9/30/2024,20,Match the main idea of each paragraph.,9/30/2024,21,A robot used to do the housework was,going to be tested out by Larrys wife,Claire.,The robot,called Tony,didnt look like a,machine at all.,It was disturbing and frightening to Claire,that Tony looked so human.,But Claire began to trust Tony.,Tony wanted to please Claire by helping her,make herself and her home elegant.,Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed,the makeup she wore.,2,1,3,4,6,5,9/30/2024,22,Tony expected the house to be completely,transformed.,Tony worked steadily on the improvements.,Tony folded his arms around Claire,bending,his face close to hers.,Claire might not be as beautiful as those women,but none of them had such a handsome lover.,Then she remembered Tony was,just a machine.,The company was very pleased with Tonys,report on his three weeks with Claire.,7,10,8,9,11,12,9/30/2024,23,TRUE OR FALSE?,1.Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.,2.When Tony,the robot,offered to help dressing,Claire was pleased to accept it.But she thought it was surprising for a robot to be so human.,3.Tony could understand Clarie when she said she was not clever.,T,T,F,9/30/2024,24,4.Claire was sorry she could do little to help her husband,who wanted to improve his social position.,5.Tony was eager to help Claire.He scanned quite a lot of books in the library,but he could find no way out.,6.Tony went to Town with Claire to buy things he wanted to improve the house.,T,F,F,9/30/2024,25,7.While Tony worked on the improvements of the house,Claire also did her part.,8.Claires guests were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.,9.Claire was very happy to find that Gladys envied her.,10.The company was very pleased with Tonys report because he had successfully made a woman to fall in love with him.,T,F,T,F,9/30/2024,26,9/30/2024,27,Find out the information about Tony,tall,handsome,facial expressions,never changed,smooth,hair,deep voice,soft and warm skin,quick,clever,capable,9/30/2024,28,How did,Claire feel?,What happened?,_,She saw Tony was _ and _.His hair was _and his voice was _.,_,Tony asked whether she,needed help dressing.,amazed,By his _ and the _ and _of his skin.,_,Tony caught her in time,held her firmly in his arms.,alarmed,embarrassed,happy,surprised,shy,tall,handsome,smooth,deep,fingernails,softness,warmth,9/30/2024,29,How did Claire feel?,What happened?,_,Tony folded his arms around her,bending his face close to hers and declared that he didnt want to leave her and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.,_,She was envied by those women.,_,She remembered Tony was just a machine.,surprise,happy,sad,9/30/2024,30,


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