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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit,Six,I Want to Say More about My Big Project,I,Review of Unit 5,Did you enjoy the first intimate contact with academic writing(an outline for your big project)in your English learning,Are you satisfied with your proposal,especially the introduction section,SWALES,CARS MODEL IN WRITING AN INTRODUCTION,Teaching Objectives,At the end of this lesson,you will be able to,know,the importance of introduction in a RP.,know,what is the CARS model,.,know the importance of the CARS Model in introduction,.,know the steps in the model.,analyze the Introduction part by applying the model.,apply the model in the introduction part for the later research paper writing.,The Logical Connection among,RP,Genre,Introduction,RESEARCH PAPER Genre-IMRD,Introduction,of the RP,-,Subgenre-,Elements of Introduction,9/30/2024,7,1.,Context,2.,Focus,3.,Justification,Purpose of Introduction,Is to,c,reate,a,r,esearch,s,pace for the writer(CARS)(Swales,2004;Swales&Feak,2004),9/30/2024,8,WHAT IS CARS,It is an acronym of,C,reate,A,a,R,esearch,S,-pace,WHAT IS CARS,It is a model pioneered by John M.Swales in 1981,who investigated,introduction,sections of research articles(RAs).,Swales named this as,Create a Research Space(CARS),and identified the typical moves in the organization.,11,John Malcolm Swales,Linguist,Best known -,genre analysis,Application-Rhetoric.Discourse,analysis,EAP,ESP and information,science.,DEFINITION OF GENRE,A,staged,structured,communicative,events,motivated by various,communicative purposes,and,performed by members of specific,discourse communities.,(Berkenkotter,&,Huckin,1995;,Bhatia,1993,2004,;,Swales,1990),EXAMPLES OF GENRE,9/30/2024,13,Research article,conference proposal,business report,grant application,letter to the editor,reference letter,thesis,dissertation.,Can you name some more examples of Genre,More Examples,proposal,lecture,seminar,abstracts,grant proposals,laboratory reports,textbooks,letters,editorials,.,Genre sets,:,abstract and introduction in the research paper,Genres and subgenres,:,Review book review,film review,CD review,Promotional writing sales letter,tourist,brochure,ads,prospectus,Why INTRODUCTION is So Important,O,pening paragraph,Production of academic paper-the necessity of getting started is INTRODUCTION,a key factor in sharing knowledge from research with peers,Introduction Section as a Problem,Many L2 writers perceived writing introductions as the most difficult section to write.(Flowerdew,1999;Shaw,1991;Swales,1990 as cited in Jogthong,2001),Two main reasons(Swales),9/30/2024,18,1.,the need to attract an audience,2.,the need to compete for acceptance and recognition.,9/30/2024,19,Create a Research Space(CARS),provides a structure based on RAs introduction,based on the,search that,RA introductions,is a,hierarchically organized text,contain,ing,three obligatory moves,THREE MOVES,9/30/2024,20,Move 1,To establish a,research territory,Move 2,To identify a,niche or gap,in the territory,Move 3,To signal how the topic in question,occupies that niche,Each move has a number,of steps,Introduces the topic and discusses its importance,Describes the current situation,features and characteristics of that area of study,Move 1,EXAMPLE,9/30/2024,22,Multiple studies suggest that writers prefer audio-taped feedback on their writing to traditional handwritten comments(Dragga,1991;Neuwirth et al.,1994;Pearce van Horn Christopher,1995).,MOVE 1,9/30/2024,23,Establishing a Niche(citation possible),STEP 1 A,(Obligatory),indicating a gap(or),STEP 1 B,Adding to what is known(or),STEP 2,Presenting positive justification,Move 2,9/30/2024,24,Writers find“niche by showing that,previous research is not complete or there,are still aspects of research field that,require further examination,The most common way is to present a,negative evaluation,of some features,of research territory described in,Move 1.,In Move 2,EXAMPLE,9/30/2024,25,However,these studies have primarily observed technical and business writers.Moreover,these studies have not compared students perceptions of audio-taped comments with“live forms of teacher feedback such as student-teacher conferences.,MOVE 2,9/30/2024,26,By indicating a knowledge gap,the writer builds up a“demand for the current contribution.,Essentially the gap-represents,unresolved question which,current contribution seeks to solve,the key move-“hinge that connect M1&M3(Swales&Feak,1994,p.185),In Move 2,OCCUPYING THE NICHE,9/30/2024,27,Step 1,(Obligatory)-,Announcing present research descriptively and/or purposively,Step 2,(Optional),Presenting research question or hypotheses,Move 3,IN MOVE 3,9/30/2024,28,writer states how s/he intends to fill the gap by announcing present research(obligatory),describes what s/he cons


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