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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,2021新人教版八年级上册英语期末复习试题,一、用括号里的词的适当形式填空。,1. If you give me time, I _ (find) the solution.,2. If you want to pass, you _ (have to) study hard.,3. What _ (happen) if they dont agree with each other?,4. Beckham is a famous football _(play).,5. Myfather made a living by _(sell)small toys when he was young.,6. Did the children enjoy_(they)in the party last Sunday?,7. The college graduate enjoyed _(teach)in the poor mountain area,8. He_(have)a great time if he _(come)to the party tomorrow.,9. I think tomorrow is a good time_(have)the party, Everyone_(have),10. Half the class _(stay)at home on the weekend now.,11. I will also be able _ (work)outside sometimes.,12. What about _(listen)to the radio?,will find,will have to,will,happy,player,selling,themselves,teaching,will have,to have,will have,will stay,to work,listening,comes,13. The_(three)shirt is the nicest of all.,14. This bag is much_(big)than that one.,15. Most students spent more than one hour_(write)the composition.,16. All of us were surprised_(see)how Americans abused the Iraqi prisoners.,17. I dont know if he _ (come)tomorrow, but if he_(come)tomorrow, Ill let you.,18._ (join)the Lions, and you_(become)a great soccer player.,19. In the past, Peter _(spend )a lot of time every day_(play)football.,20. If he_(stay)at home, hell be sorry.,21. I am learning how_(swim).,22. Many ofmy friends are_(lawyer).,23. _watchTV too much is bad for your eyes.,24. Could you tell us the _differentbetween these two styles of music?,third,bigger,writing,to see,will come,comes,Join,will become,spent,playing,stays,t,o swim,lawyers,Watching,differences,25.Did you decide _(visit) your grandparents?,26.There are many _ (different) between them.,27.I cant stand _ (hear) the bad news.,28.18Lucy and Lily are the _ (win) of the talent show.,29.This shirt isnt as _ (good) as that one.,30.He is the _ (bad) student in his class.,31.The news _ (be) so terrible that we all cant stand,32.I really enjoyed _ (walk) around town.,33. is good to relax by _ (use) internet.,34.Did you have fun _ (play) at the,party?,to visit,differences,hearing,winners,good,worst,is,walking,using,playing,二.单项选择,( )35. - _ your friend _ the guitar at the concert?- Yes, he will.,A. Will; plays B. Shall; play C,. Will; play D. Do; play,( ) 36. If he _ go to college, he will have to work.,A. to B. does C,. doesnt D. isnt,( ) 37.There are many tall trees on _ side of the street.,A. both B. all C,. either D. neither,( ) 38. - Why not _ for help when you were in trouble?- Next time, I will.,A. you ask B,. ask C. asking D. to ask,( ) 39. Uncle Wang sits _ the bus. He is the driver.,A. in front B. in the front,C,. in front of D. in the front of,( )40.If you go to the party, you _ a good time.,A. would have B. have C,. will have D. had,( )41. Dont bring food to school. If you do, the teachers will _.,A. take it away B,. take them away,C. take away it D. take away them,( )51.Thank you for _ me the news. I m glad to hear that.,A. tell B,. telling C. tells D. told,( )52.Is there _ I can do for you?,A. something B,. anything C. everything D. nothing,( )53.My watch is not here. Maybe _ took it.,A,. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody,( )54. This work is _ for me than for you.,AdifficultBthe most difficult,Cmost difficultD,more difficult,三、单项选择25分,( )55.Lily _ stay at home because of the bad weather.,A.had to B.must to C.must D.should,( )56.There is _ junk food here,and it is _ terrible.,A.too much,too much B.much too,much too,C.too much,much too D.much too, much too,( )57.Do you enjoy _ here? No,I want _ there by bike.,A.walking,to go B.to walk, to go,C.walking,going D.to walk, going,( )58.We couldnt see the road clearly _ the heavy snow.,A.because B.because of C.so D.though,( )59.We stopped _ and _because we were tired and thirsty,A.working,to drink B.to work, drinking,C.to work, to drink D.working,drinking,(,)42. Please _ your big dictionary when you come here.,A,. bring B. take C. carry D. fetch,( )43. Dont _ jeans to the party.,A. put onB,. wearC. wearingD. dress,( )44. Jim asked me _ him with his math.,A. help B. helping C. helped D,. to help,( )45. What are you going to do tomorrow? _.,A,. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anything D. No thing,( )46. If we get there early, we _ things to a shop.,A. buy B.bought C,.will buyD.would buy,( )47. They _watch TV after school.,A,.sometimes B.sometime C.some timesD.some time,( )48. The text is very hard for you. There are _ new words in it.,A,.a fewB.a little C.fewD.little,( )49._of the two new books are interesting .,A. All B,. Both C. Any D.Either,( )50.They didn t go to bed _ they finished their homework.,A,. until B. because C. when Df,( )60._ do you go to school by bike? Only four times a week.,A.How many times B,.How often C.How long D.How soon,( )61.He likes playing _ tennis,and he dislikes playing _ drum.,A., B,., the C.the, D.the,the,( )62.Lisa is _ than her sister.,A.more smarter B,.much smarter C.more smart D.very smarter,( )63.She often pratices _ English by _ to the foreigners.,A,.speaking,talking B.to speak, to talk,C.speaking,to talk D.to speak, talking,( )64.He is different _ his brother,but he is similar _ his father.,A.from, from B.to, to C,.from, to D.to, from,( )65.We dont need a lot of driends _ they are good.,A.as many as B.as much as C,.as long as D.as more as,( )66.When did you _ home yesterday?,A.reach to B,.get C.arrive at D.arrive in,( )67.He often _ jokes and makes us _ .,A.talks,laugh B,.tells, laugh C.talks, to laugh D.tells, to laugh,( )68.Thanks _ me!,A.for tell B.to tell C.to telling D,.for telling,( )69. _ is it from your home?,10 minutes by bus.,A,.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon,( )70.Its interesting _ other people _ their talent.,A.to watch, to show,. to watch, show,C.watch, to show D.watch, show,( )71.Parents usually _ a role in _ their kids.,A.play,helping B.make, helping,C.play,help D.make,help,( )72.Students should study hard to make their dreams _.,A e out B e up C e true D e on,( )73.I cant stand _ the noisy music,let him _ it.,A. hearing, stop B.to hear,stop,C.hearing,to stop D.to hear, to stop,( )74.Would mind _ Mickey Mouse? No, I enjoy _ it.,A.watching, watching B.to watch, to watch,C.watching, to watch D.to watch, watching,( )75.Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon _ sound.,A.and B.of C.with D.in,(,)76.Who can sing the most beautifully? _.,A.Its up for B,.Thats up to you,C.It decides for you D.It decides to you,( )77.If I have _ ,I can do _. .,A.enoght time, enogh well B,.enough time,well enough,C.time enough, enough well D.time enough,well enogh,( )78.We had a good time _ because of the fine weather.,A.to dance B.at dancing C,.dancing D.of dancing,( )79. _ it rained heavy, _ they went on visiting.,A.Though, but B.But, though C,.Though, D.Because, ,( )80 -Could you please do the cleaning? -_.,A. Yes, I could B,. Yes, sure C. Here you are D. Youre welcome,(,)81. In our city, its _in July, but its even _in August .,A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D,. hot, hotter,( )82 Jay Chous music sounds_. I like it very much.,A,nice B. well C. bad D. quickly,( )83We _ TV when the telephone rang.,A. watched B,. were watching C. watch D. are watching,( )84. Michael has _ temperature so he has to stay in _ bed.,A. the; the B. a; the C. the; / D,. a; /,( )85.The air here is not as clean as _ in my hometown.,A. this B. it C,. that D. its,( )86. Its very important _ us _ English well.,A. of learning B. for learning,C. ofto learn D,.,. forto learn,( )87. The policeman asked the children_ in the street.,A,.,. not to play B. to not play C. dont play D. playing,( )88. I _ go to bed _ I finished my homework.,A. didnt, when B. /, until C,.,. didnt, until D.wont, until,( )89. All the people should do their best _ the work.,A,.,. to finish B. finish C. finished D. finishing,四、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。,90.Marysbrotherisas_(health)ashersister.,91.Mypenisnew,buthersis_(new)thanmine.,92.Itsnecessaryforus_(learn)Englishwell.,93.Thestorybookis_(interest)ofthethree.,五、单项选择。,( )94、_didyougoonvacation? HongKong.,A.What B.How C,.Where D.When,()95.Ofallthestudents,Angieisthe_butstudies_thanothers.,A.shorter,best B,.shortest,better C.shortest,best D.shorter,better,healthy,newer,to learn,the most interesting,()96.Imsureyoucanjumpas_asJimifyouwearyoursportsshoes.,A,.tall B.taller C.higher D.high,( )97、Thenews_prettyeducational.,A.beB,.isC.areD.am,( )98、Ourmathteacherwasillyesterday, soMrLitook_place.,A. heB. himC. hes D,. his,( )99、Heisdifferent_hisbrother,butheissimilar_hisfather.,A.from,from B.to,to C,.from,to D.to,from,( )100、Linliis_inherclass.,A. theyounger B. younger C. youngest D,theyoungest,( )101、Ithinkmathisas _ asmusic.,A,.interesting B.moreinteresting,C.mostinteresting D.themostinteresting,( )102、InChina,manyfamiliesare_tobuycarsthesedays.,A.enoughrichB,.richenough,C.veryrich D.toorich,( )103、IthinkEnglishis_thanPE.,A.muchimportant B.important,C,.muchmoreimportant D.moremuchimportant,()104、IcantfindmyCDs. _youputtheminthatbag.,A.Must B.Maybe C,.Maybe D.May,( )105.-When _ Jack _ for Shanghai? -Tomorrow morning.,A.,is ; leaving B. does ; leave .D .did ; leave,( )111. We arrived _ Chengdu _ a sunny summer morning.,A,.in ; on B. at ; on C. in ; in D. at ; in,( )112. -How does your father go to work? -_,A. By the bus B. To the bus C,. By bus D. On bus,( )113. -What are you doing_ vacation? -Im camping.,A.for B. with C. about D,. on,( )114. -Were going to Mount Emei this weekend. -_.,A. Have a good rest B,. Have a good time,C. Its dangerous D. Its interesting,( )115. -Why not drink some hot water? - _.,A. I have no water B. I have a sore throat,C,. Thats a good idea D. Too bad,( )116. Please eat a balanced diet to _healthy.,A. have B. make C,. stay D. need,( )117. Jack eats meat once _ twice a month.,A,. or B. and C. but D. on,( )118.My sister is only two years old , and I must _ her on Sunday.,A.look like B. look at C,. look after D. look for,( )119. -How often do you surf the Internet ? -_.,A,. Three times a week B. A week three times,C. Three weeks a time D. Three time a week,六. 单项选择 (每题1分,共15分),从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。,120.How are you going to be_ ?,Im going to practice basketball every day.,A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot,121. _ does he want to be when he _ ?,He wants to be a computer programmer.,A. What, grows up B. How, grows up,C. What, grow up D. How, grow up,122. The boy wants to be a(n) _ . He studies math really hard.,A. writer B. cleaner C. engineer D. artist,123. My New Years resolution is to travel to Qingdao. _ .,A. That sounds great B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure D. Id love to,124.Is she going to be _ actor?,Yes. She is taking_ lessons on weekends now.,A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting D. a, action,125. Where is Linda?, She may be at home. But Im not sure,_,it.,A. at B,. about C. with D. in,126. This is an important problem. Please,_,.,A,. write it down B. write down it C. write it in D. write in it,127. ,_,are you going to visit your uncle? Next week.,A. Where B. Who C. Why D,. When,128. My grandfather,_,me a postcard from New York last week.,A. gave B,. sent C. passed D. borrowed,129._ the beginning of the term, my mother bought me a new schoolbag.,A. With B. On C,. At D. By,130.His resolution,_,the life in the next year.,A,. has to do with B. is good at C. is next to D. cross from,131. I want to go to the movie tonight.,But my parents dont agree _ me.,A. with B. on C. at D. in,七 用所给词的正确形式填空(每题1分,共5分)。,132. I am going to _(be) a doctor when I grow up.,133. Jack plays the violin very well.,He must be a _ (violin) when he grows up.,134.He goes back home (week).,135.Whats the_ (mean) of what he said?,136. The _(begin) of the meeting is a video about animals.,137._ your father_ (want) to be a pilot?,be,violinist,meaning,beginning,Does,want,九.选择填空25分,( )148.I dont mind_ you with your English.,A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps,( )149.I cant stand_ the terrible TV show.,A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched,( )150. Thatmagazine_ everyMonday.,A.comes out B es up C es over D es true,( )151.we should _ Lei Feng.,A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after,( )152.Lets_ here,let him _ there.,A.sit,stand B.to sit, to stand C.to sit,stand D.sit,to stand,( )153.She often plans _ something to help others.,A.to do B.does C.do D.doing,( )154.What happened _ you yesterday?,I happened _ meet my old friend,Lucy.,A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with,( )106. I dont think the kid can _ the stories.,A. finishes reading B,. finish reading,C. finishes to read D. finish to read,( )107. My mother _ one hour cooking every evening .,A,.spends B. takes C. needs D. pays,( )108. It will _ you much time to finish the hard work. A.spend B,. take C. use D. need,( )109. Her mother asks her _ walk to school because it takes her too much time.,A.to not B. to C. dont D,. not to,( )110.Sally was so careful that she made _ mistakes in the exam.,A.a few B. a little C,. few D. little,八.用所给单词的适当形式填空。10分,138.I cant stand _ (listen) to the noisy music.,139.There _ (be) some exciting news in todays newspaper.,140.Would you mind _ (open) the window?,141.Did you watch _ (sport) show on TV yesterday?,142.Where do you plan _ (go) this Sunday?,143.Do you want _ (watch) the news?,144.Sally thinks soap operas are _ (educational) than sitcoms.,145.I hope _ (watch) the action movie one day.,146.Yao Ming is a _ (success) player in NBA.,147.I think Xi Yangyang is as _ (famous) as Mikey Mouse.,listening,will be,opening,sports,to go,to watch,more educational,to watch,successful,famous,( )163.We should eat many fruits _ apples and oranges.,A.for example B,.such as C.so as D.such like,( )164.There isnt _ in todays newspaper.,A.something new B.new something,C,.anything new D.new anything,( )165.Mr Wang didnt come,so Mrs Wang _ .,A.took him place B,.took his place,C.took of him D,became him,( )167.At the party,Lucy _ like a Mickey Mouse to make us _ .,A,.dressed up, laugh B.dressed up,to laugh,C.dressed on,laugh D.dressed on,to laugh,( )168.I think the actress_ well.,A.did Mulans role B.did Mulans way,C,.played Mulans role D.played Mulans way,( )169.The actors _ in the movie.,A.was good B,.did a good job C.did good D.played good,( )170. I think Boonie Bears(熊出没)isnt as _ as Pleasant Goat(喜羊羊).,I agree with you. Boonie Bears is _ than Pleasant Goat.,A.famous,more famous B.famous,less famous,C.more famous,less famous D.less famous,more famous,( )171.Kong Fansen is _ educational movie,most people felt _ .,A.an, exciting B.an,excited C.a,exciting D.a excited,( )181.What do you_ the movie? It is very educational.,A.think of B.like C.like of D.think,( )182.Mulan is _ exciting movie. It comes from _ old Chinese story.,A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a D.a,a,十.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。10分,183.He is more funnier_ (funny) than the other students in his class.,184.Did you have fun learning (learn) something?,185.Nelly practiced dancing (dance) a lot more than Lisa.,( )156.They are trying_ what is going on around the world.,A.look for B.to look for C,.to find out D.find out,( )157. _ November 18,1978,Mickey became foumas.,A.In B.At C,.On D.Of,( )158._ ,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.,A.In 1930s B.In the 1930s C,.In the 1930,s,D.On the 1930s,( )159.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons_ ,he became _ .,A.successful,successful B.successfully,successfully,C.successful, successfully D,.successfully,successful,( )160.I saw two _ an apple_ when I came by.,A,.mice,eating B.mouses,eating C.mice,ate D.mouses,ate,( )161.Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon _ sound and music.,A.and B,.with C.in D.of,( )162,.,He always tries to face any_ and met some _ things.,A,.danger,dangerous B.danger,danger,C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous, danger,186.His mother often makes him clean (clean) his room on weekends.,187.Lisa practiced a lot more and wanted to want (win).,188.Its necessary for us to learn (learn) English well.,189.He is different (different) from his brother. They have some differences (different).,190.Im better (good) at physics than my sister.,十一.选择填空25分,( )191.She is talented _ music but I am good _ sports.,A.in, at B.at,in C.at,at D.in,in,( )192.Its very important for him _ me laugh.,A.to make B.making C.makes D.made,( )193. _you dont give up(放弃),your dreams will com


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