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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,3B Unit6,The five senses,温故知新,律动歌曲,单词学习,趣味游戏,小试身手,活学活用,小结作业,Kitty教你记单词,mirror,Black hair,Two brown eyes,One nose,Two ears and a mouth.,I can see me!,Look in the mirror.,What can you see,We have five senses.They are_.,What do you do with your ears?,I,listen,and,hear,with my ears.,I hear,the wind,with my ears.,I hear,the voice,with my ears.,I hear,the birds,with my ears.,I hear.with my ears.,Listen,what do you hear with your ears?,Listen to,the.I,hear,the with my ears.,drill,dog,aero,lorry,duck,drill,airplane,lorry,dog,duck,We have,the sense of hearing,We _ and _ with our ears.,听 觉,listen,hear,Smell it with your nose.What is it,I smell the flower with my nose.,We,smell the flower with,our,nose,s,.,He/She,smell,s,the flower with,his/her,nose.,We _ _ our noses.,smell,We have,the sense of smelling,嗅 觉,with,What do you do with your eyes?,I _ and _ with my eyes.,()look ()smell ()see ()listen,look,see,blue-green orange-red-purple-pink,Look and see it with your eyes!,What is it,What do you do with your fingers?,I,touch,and,feel,with my fingers.,People,work,and,play,with their fingers.,Monkeys,peel bananas,with their fingers.,Touch,and,feel,it with your fingers!,How does it feel,hard smooth,soft fluffy,rough,sharp,We have,the sense of touching,.,(触觉),Using your senses,Can you see,Can you feel,Can you touch and feel,Rub your hands do like me!,Can you smell,Can you hear,Can you listen and hear,Open your ears follow me!,We,taste with,our tongues.Our tongues are covered with thousands of tiny,taste buds,.,味蕾,taste buds,t,o,ngue,舌头,t,A big black bear bit a big black pig.,tongue,-twister,绕口令,I hear with my ear that a little deer is near.,我的耳朵听到了一头小鹿正在附近。,一只大黑熊咬了一只大黑猪。,What do you do with your tongue?,I,eat,with my tongue.,I,talk,with my tongue.,I,sing,with my tongue.,I,read,with my tongue.,I,taste,with my tongue.,Who drinks my drink?,When we eat something,our,taste buds,can know four kinds of tastes.They are,sweet,salty,sour,and,bitter,.,Taste it with your tongue!,How does it taste,sweet,sour,bitter,salty,We taste with our tongues.,Snakes smell with their tongues.Frogs catch insects with their tongues.,Dogs drink water with their tongues.Cats wash faces with their tongues.,We have the sense of tasting.How interesting!,read fast,Snakes smell with their tongues.,What do animals do with their tongues?,Frogs catch _ with their tongues.,What do animals do with their tongues?,insects,Dogs _ _ with their tongues.,What do animals do with their tongues?,drink,water,Cats _ _ _ their tongues.,What do animals do with their tongues?,wash,faces,with,I,listen,and,hear,my _.,I,smell,with my _.,I,taste,my _.,I,look,and,see,with my _.,I,touch,and,feel,my _.,ears,nose,eyes,fingers,tongue,with,with,with,listen and hear,smell,taste,look and see,touch and feel,five sens,e,s,Use your five sense,s,!,(五种感官),A,E,D,C,B,A,E,D,C,B,I,see,the,flower,with my,eyes,What do you _ with your _,I,see,the flower with my eyes.,I,smell,the flower with my nose.,I,touch,the flower with my hands.,I use three senses.,How many senses do you use,I,see,the,flower,with my,eyes,What do you _ with your _,How many senses do you use?,I _ with my _.,What do you _ with your _,Homework,Review P15.,Finish the table on P15.,Thank you!,


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