冀教版英语八年级下Lesson18_Friendship Between Animals课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revision,1.In our school library there _ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them _ growing larger and larger.,A. are, is B. is, are C. have, are D. has, is,2.- Is your friend Michael still in Australia? -I dont know, I have _information about him because we havent seen each other for _ years.,a little, a few B. little, a few,C. a few, a little D. few, a little,3. _ your name on the paper and you can get a magazine.,Cut down B. Look down,C. Turn down D. Put down,Think about it!,Do you think there is friendship between animals?,What different animals have you seen living well together?,Lesson 18,Friendship Between Animals,rhino,hippo,insect tortoise,friendship,rhino,skin,warn,insect,relationship,n.,友情,友谊,n.,犀牛,n.,皮,皮肤,v.,警告,提醒,n.,昆虫,n.,关系,关联,Words and expressions,survive,hippo,tortoise,truly,boundary,v.,生存,存活,n.,河马,n.,龟,adv.,真正,正确地,n.,分界线,边界,Words and expressions,1.,一起生活,2,、过去常常做某事,3.,在某人的背部,4.,通过清洁它的皮肤,5.,警告某人关于某事,6.,即将来临的危险,7.,团聚,一起,8.,不仅, ,而且, ,9.,一个美好的结局,10.,打动许多人的心,live together,used to do sth,on ones back,by cleaning its skin,warn sb about/of/against sth,coming danger,get together,not just (only)but also,a happy ending,touch many peoples hearts,by doing sth,warn sb (not) to do sth,Phases,I. Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.,This week Danny learned about _. He learned about the relationship between the egret and the rhino. The rhino is big and _. But it lets a small bird called an egret sit on its _. They help each other. The egret helps to _ the rhinos skin. It also makes noise to _ the rhino about coming danger. The rhino helps the egret get food more _.,animals,strong,back,clean,warn,easily,II. Read and answer the questions.,1. What is the relationship between the egret and the rhino?,The egret helps the rhino stay healthy by cleaning its skin. It also makes noise to warn the rhino about coming danger. The rhino helps the egret get food more easily.,2. Who is Owen? Who is Mzee?,Owen is a baby hippo. Mzee is a 130-year-old tortoise.,3. How did people feel when they heard the story of friendship between Owen and Mzee?,They felt moved.,4. Do good friends need to say something to show they care?,No.,1.,I,used to,think only the same animals live together.,过去我认为只有相同的动物住在一起。,used to do sth.,意为“过去常常做某事,过去曾做过某事”。表示过去的动作或状态。例如:,Tom,used to,live here.,I,used to,swim in the river when I was a child.,be used to doing sth.,习惯于做某事,我过去常常起得晚,但是现在我习惯于早起,。,合作探究,I,used to get,up late,but I,am used to getting,up early now.,be used to do sth.,意为“被用来做某事”,是被动语态,不,定式表示目的,用于多种时态。如:,刀子是用来切东西的。,Knives _ things.,used to do sth.,意为“过去常常做某事”,否定形式,:,(1)usednt to do (2)didnt use to do,一般疑问句:,(1),used,提前,(2),句首前加,did,used,变为,use,He used to tell us stories.,否定句,:,疑问句:,He,usednt to,tell us stories.,He,didnt use to,tell us stories.,Did he use,to tell us stories?,2.,The egret helps the rhino,stay healthy,by,cleaning its skin.,白鹭通过帮助犀牛清洗皮肤来帮助它保持健康。,stay healthy,意为“保持健康”,与,keep healthy/keep in,good health,同义。,Lets start the lesson,by,singing a song.,They can read,by,touch.,By,getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning.,by doing sth.,通过做某事,介词,by,表示方式,手段,后跟,v.+ing,形式。,You can improve your English _ practising more.,People passed on their knowledge by_ (tell) stories.,by,telling,by,的其他的用法:,The children are playing,by,the village.,She has to go home,by,ten oclock.,My father walked,by,my school yesterday,.,(3),常和,come, go, walk,等词连用,表示经过,,,相当于,past,(1)by+,地点名词,表示方位,在,旁边,(2)by +,时间点,到,为止,3.,It also,makes noise,to,warn,the rhino,about,coming danger.,它会发出声音来警告犀牛即将到来的危险。,make noise,意为“制造噪音,发出令人不愉快的声音;吵闹、发出嘈杂声”。,This will make a loud,noise,.,Dont make any,noise,. The baby is sleeping.,He,warned,us,about,the serious situation.,They,warned,the passengers,of,thieves.,The police,warned,the people,not to,go out in the late night.,2) warn sb. about/of sth.,意为“提醒、警告某人注意某事”。,warn sb. (not) to do sth.,意为“警告某人(不要)干某事”。,4.,Good friends can show they,care,without words.,好朋友能够不用语言来表达他们彼此关爱。,1) care,作动词,在句中意为“关心,担心”。,care for sb.,表示“照顾,照料”,与,take care of,同义。,care about sth.,表示“在乎,介意”。例如:,The mother,cared for,the sick child day and night.,The only thing he,cares about,is money.,2) words,在句中意为“(说的)话”。例如:,I dont understand your,words,.,5.Sometimes different animals get together,not just,to survive,but,also,for friendship.,有时候不同的动物在一起不仅仅是为了生存,也是为了友谊。,not just but also,= not only but also,不仅, ,而且, ,1.,后面连接的词的词性必须对等。,He speaks not only,English,but also,French,.,2,.,谓语动词的数应与,but also,后的主语保持一致。,Not only you but also _ (teach) in this college.,Test,一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。,1.Is there any,r_,between them?,_,is truly a gift from god.,3.the egret helps the rhino stay healthy by cleaning its,s,_,4.I,w,_ them that there might be snakes in the woods.,5.We crossed the state,b,_ at midnight.,1. relationship 2.Friendship 3.skin 4. warned 5. boundary,二、用所给词的适当形式填空:,1.She was the only one to _ (,生存,) the crash(,坠毁,).,2.I was _ (warn) by my father not to get home later then 11:00.,3. Friendship truly has no _ (,分界线,).,4.I play basketball _ for my school _ for myself.,(不仅,而且,),5.His speech was inspiring and _ (,触动我的心,),survive,warned,boundaries,not just,but,also,touched,my,heart,6.,The egret helps the rhino stay healthy by cleaning _ (it) egret sit on_,(rhino) back.,7.Are they _ (have) fun?,8._ (main) they are helping each other.,9.Last week we _(read) that story in class.,10.My son is _ (,一个八岁的,)boy.,11.we _ _ _ together last night.(,我们昨天晚上一起吃饭,睡觉,游泳,.),its,rhinos,having,Mainly,read,an eight-year-old,ate , slept and swam,单项选择,!,Is that Mr. Jiang ?,No, he,Guiyang. He will be back in more than two weeks.,A. goes B. went C. has gone to D. has been to,2,、,Have you ever,_,Xinghai Lake?,Yes,,,I,_,there last month. Its quite beautiful.,A. gone to, went B. been to, went C. been to, go,3.,The,woman made his son,_,finally after she told him some jokes.,A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing,4. In the zoo, you could not take photos,_,the animals.,A. to B. of C. / D. with,C,B,C,B,5,、,Jack looked at her mother in _.,A,surprise B. surprised,C. surprising D. surprises,6,、,The giraffe is too tall, so it cant go _ the gate.,A. through B. cross,C. into D. in,7,、,Your brother is sleeping. Youd better_.,A. not wake him up to wake him up,C. not wake up him D. not to wake up him,8,、,The train will _Beijing at half past four.,A. get B. arrive in,C. reach to D. arrive at,A,A,A,B,1.,但愿圣诞节会感动你。,May the Christmas season _.,2.,过去我吃完晚饭经常会去散布。,I _ have a walk after supper.,3.,你怎样邮寄信件,是通过航空邮件还是普通邮件?,How did you send the letter, _ airmail or _ ordinary mail?,根据汉语意思完成句子。,touch your heart,used to,by,by,4.,别这么吵!,Dont _ so much _.,5.,她对环境问题深感担忧。,She _ deeply _ environmental issues.,6.,气象局发出了飓风警报。,The Weather Bureau _ hurricanes.,make,noise,cares,about,warned about,Homework,Make sentences with the phrases:,have been to take photos,Its time to wake up,2 Finish off the activity book.,Preview,1. Learn the words in Lesson 19 by heart.,2. Read the text in Lesson 19 and underline the useful phrases.,


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