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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Language points,1. population,(1) 对人口提问用what, 不用how many, how much。,Whats the population of the city,这个城市有多少人口?,(2) population,作主语时用单数,但前有分数,小数,百分数时,谓语动词用复数。,The,population,of China is larger than that of America.,中国人口比美国人口多。,80%,of the population are farmers.,百分之80的人口是农民。,(3) 人口的增加或减少用grow (increase) 和 fall (decrease); 人口的多少用large和small。,The population of China,_ large. And 70% of the population of China _ peasants.,is,are,2. However,it,is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.,考点,此句中的it是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的that从句。另外, what, how, where, who等也常用作主语从句的引导词。,考例1,_ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. (浙江2006),A. As B. That C. This D. It,点拨,It 是形式主语,that引导的从句为主语从句,作真正的主语。,考例2 _ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader. (上海2007),A. That B. What,C. Whether D. Where,点拨 分析句子构造可知,谓语动词was前是主语从句,主语从句中的谓语动词referred to后缺宾语,故用what引导。,3. means n. 方式, 手段(单复数一样)。,The quickest means of travel is by plane.,Every possible means has been tried , but none has worked.,Are there any possible means of getting,there,Some means are practical while others are not.,联想记忆:,1) by no means 决不,一点也不,She is by no means poor; in fact, she is very rich.,2) by this means (in this way); 用这方式 by means of 用方式,He succeeded by means of hard work.,3) by all means 当然可以, 没问题,-Can I see it -By all means.,4. majority,大多数,n.,1) the,majority,of the people: most of the,people,大多数人,2) majority,常与,a /the,连用,; most,后接名词或,of +,n.,The,majority,were/was for the plan.,The,majority,of the people / Most people/,Most of the people are against the idea of,building a new factory here.,The majority_ for the budget.,The majority of students _hard-working.,The majority of the damage _ easy to repair.,单独做主语时, 假设强调整体, 谓语动词用单数, 强调个体时, 谓语动词用复数 。 a/the majority of + n. 后可用不可数名词,也可用 可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。,was / were,are,is,发散记忆:,major adj. 主要的, 重要的 a major road,v. (+in sth.)主修科目,minority n. 少数人,少数,eg. Only a small minority of students are interested in politics these days.,- Whats the boys favorite sport,- _ of boys like playing football.,A. None B. The most,C. The majority D. Every,【解析】C 考察majority的用法。问句,问的是男孩们最喜欢的运动是什么,,即:多数男孩喜欢的,所以选择:the,majority of + 名词(的大多数)。most,当“大多数讲时,其前通常无冠词, of 后,的名词一般有限定词。,5. In the 16th century, after the arrival of Europeans, the native people,suffered,greatly.,在16世纪, 欧洲人到来之后, 当地人陷入了极大的苦难。,vi,.,受痛苦;受损害,vt.,遭受;忍受,suffer,辨析:,suffer,与,suffer from,suffer (,vt.,),和,suffer from,的区别:,suffer,指一般的损害、痛苦等等, 其宾语为,pain, loss, grief, insult, punishment, wrong, hardship, injustice, discouragement, disappointment, setback,(挫折),但,suffer from,表示遭受战争,自然灾害带来的苦难及患病之意。,suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries,承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤,suffer from headache/illness/war/the flood,遭受头痛/疾病的困扰/战争/ 洪水,1) in addition to:,除此之外,另外(+n./doing),e.g. I met my past teacher and some former,classmates _ in the supermarket.,in addition,_ cakes and candies, guests,were,also,provided with,fruits.,除了有蛋糕和糖果, 还给客人们准备了水果。,In addition to,6.,In addition, many,died from,the diseases brought by Europeans.,2),辨析:,die from, die of,die of,死于疾病、饥饿, 多指内部原因。,die from,常用死于创伤、交通事故, 多指外部未知原因。,die of cancer/hunger/sorrow/thirst/,old age,死于癌症饥饿悲哀干旱衰老,die from a wound/overwork/an unknown cause,死于外伤过度劳累不明原因,Many of them died of starvation.,The soldier died from a wound in the breast.,Some die of hunger, but some _ eating too much.,A. die from B. from,C. X D. of,7. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century when they,fought against,the native people and took their land.,16世纪早期, 西班牙士兵到达南美洲, 这时同土著人作斗争并占领这片土地。,fight for,“为事业, 自由, 真理, 权利等而斗争(战斗),fight against (可用with) the enemy,“为反对而斗争;接人和国家名词, 意思是“与战斗,辨析: fight against, fight for与fight with,fight with sb. 也可表示与某人并肩作战,fight a war/ battle 打一场战争,They are,fighting for,freedom.,他们正为自由而战。,8. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.,在首批移居加州的西班牙人中,大局部是宗教人士,他们的职责是向原住民传授天主教。,1) 句中Spanish前面有序数词限定成分,故其后用不定式定语形式。,She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize.,2) majority作“多数,大半讲, 单独作主语时, 谓语动词多用单数, 在强调“多数成员的各个成员时, 谓语动词也可用复数。,the majority of后可用单数名词, 也可用复数名词, 谓语动词的数与of 后面的名词相一致。,The majority_ for the budget.,The majority of students _ hard-working.,The majority of the damage _ easy to repair.,was / were,are,is,9. This is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.,考点 why在此引导表语从句。表语从句也可由what, where, when等引导。,考例1 Why not try your luck downtown, Bob Thats _ the best jobs are. (浙江2007),A. where B. what C. when D. why,点拨 is后为表语从句, 根据前一句, 将表语从句补全后为: the best jobs are in the downtown, 故用A。,考例2 The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed to make us do so. (上海2007),A. when B. why,C. whether D. that,点拨 is后为表语从句,分析表语从句的句子构造,不缺任何成分,故用that引导。that在表语从句中只起连接作用。,10. Some died or returned home, but most,remained,in California to,make a life,for themselves despite great hardship.,1) remain的用法:,remain用作不及物动词, 意为 “剩下、留下、呆在, 相当于stay。如:,Whentheothershadgone,Joan,remained(=stayed)tocleantheroom. 别人走了, 琼留下来清扫房间。,stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开, 过暂时住在某地, 尤指宾客逗留,而remain指别人已经走了, 而某人仍在原地。,He stayed at the hotel for three days.,Onlyafewleaves,remained,(=werestill)onthetree.,树上只剩下几片叶子了。,TheSmiths,remained,thereall,throughtheyear.,史密斯一家人在那里呆了整整一年。,Thesoldierswereorderedto,remain,wheretheywere.,士兵们接到命令呆在原地。,注意:“呆在那里可以说remain/ staythere,但“呆在家里只能说stay(at)home.remain作连系动词, 意为 “一直保持,仍然处于某种状态中,后可接多种成分作表语。,a. 接名词作表语,PeterbecameamanagerbutJohn,remained,aworker.,彼得当上了经理, 但约翰仍然是一个工人。,Theirmarriage,remains,asecret.,他们的婚姻仍然是个秘密。,b. 接形容词作表语,Whatevergreatprogressyou,havemade,youshould,remain,modest.,无论你取得了多么大的进步, 你都应一直保持谦虚。,Theshop,remains,openuntil11at,night.,这个商店一直营业到晚上十一点。,c. 接过去分词作表语, 表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。如:,Theynever,remained,satisfied,withtheirsuccesses.,他们从不满足于自己的成绩。,(表主语所处的状态),They,remained,lockedinthe,room.,他们仍然被锁在房子里。,(已经发生的被动动作),d. 接现在分词作表语,表示正在进展的动作。如:,Theguestscamein,butshe,remainedsittingatthedeskreading. 客人进来了,但她仍然坐在桌旁看书。,(正在进展的主动动作),Theyremainedlistening.,他们一直在听。,e. 接不定式作表语, 表示将来的动作。如:,This,remains,tobeproved.,这有待证实。,(将来被动动作),Whetheritwilldousgood,remains,tobeseen.,这是否对我们有好处, 还要看一看。,Havingatripabroadiscertainly,goodfortheoldcouple,butitremains_ whethertheywillenjoyit. A.tosee B.tobeseen,C.seeing D.seen,请看2002年的高考题:,f. 接介词短语作表语,Ihave,remained,intouchwiththe,Greensformorethan10years.,我和格林一家保持了十多年的联系。,Hehadto,remain,inhospitaluntil,hewasbetter.,他不得不住院, 直到身体好转。,注意:,remain作名词时,表示“剩余物, 一般用其复数形式。如:,Theremainsofamealcanbe,giventoapig.,残汤剩饭可以喂猪。,Theyfoundsomeremainsofthe,TangDynasty.,他们发现一些唐代遗物。,remaining是形容词, 意为“剩余的,常作前置定语; 而left那么只能作后置定语。如:,Thereareonly5booksleft.,只剩下五本书了。,Heboughtmeagiftwiththe,remainingmoney.,他用剩余的钱给我买了一件礼物。,2) make a life,开场新的生活,They go to big cities to make a life.,关于life的短语:,earn/make/get a living 谋生,lead/live a .life 过着.的生活,11.,By the time,California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society.,到1850年加利福尼亚被选为美国的第31个州的时候, 她已经成为一个多元文化的社会。,“by the time + 从句 作时间状语, 假设从句用一般过去时, 主句常用过去完成时; 假设从句用一般现在时, 主句就用将来完成时。,By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learnt maths all by himself.,12.,Although,Chinese immigrants began,to arrive during the Gold Rush Period,it was,the building of the rail network,from the west to the east coast,that,brought even larger numbers to,California in the 1860s.,虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开,始到来了, 但是更大批量的中国移民却,是在19世纪60年代为修建贯穿美国东西,海岸的铁路而来的。,点拨,此句为主从复合句, 从句为,although引导的让步状语从句, 主句为it,was . that强调句, 用来强调主语the,building of .。如:,It was,being invited to the party,that,was,a great honor to the family.,被邀请参加聚会是这家人的荣幸。,强调句: It is (was) 被强调局部+ that (who) + 句子其他局部。,此构造强调的成分仅限于主语, 宾语和状语。,原句:My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.,强调主语:,It was,my father,who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.,强调宾语:,It was,the experiment,that my father did in the lab yesterday evening.,强调时间:,It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the lab.,(,注意不用,when),强调地点:,It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening.,练习:,1). It was last night _ I see the comet. A. the time B. when,C. that D. which,强调句的构造是: It +be +强调局部 + that (who) + 主谓句。强调句的连词只有两个,that和who。当强调的局部是人,且为句子的主语时,才用 “who,其余用that。,2). It is ten years _ Miss Green returned to Canada. A. that B. when C. since D. as,考点是连词用法。此题易误选为A. 其实本句不是强调句。假设是, 去掉It be that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉 “It isthat, 只剩下ten years Miss Green returned to Canada. 不成句。因此本句不是强调句。,13.,In more recent decades, California has become home to more people from Asia, including Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Laotians.,最近几十年, 加利福尼亚成了更多亚洲人的家, 其中包括韩国人、柬埔寨人、越南人和老挝人。,这是一个简单句。句中有in the past few years, in recent years 等时间状语时, 句子的谓语动词通常用现成完成时,如: In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. 另外, including 是介词, 意为“包括(于之中)。,14. mix:,vt./vi.,(combineso that they cant be separated)混合、掺和,mix A with B,1) He,mixed,red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint.,2) It is better to,mix,work with pleasure.,3) Oil doesnt,mix,with water.,油和水不相交融。,联想记忆:,mixture 混合物; mixed 混合的, 复杂,的, 男女混合的,The city is a,mixture,of ancient and modern buildings.,Hearing the news, I had,mixed,feelings.,A,mixed,society includes people of different classes, tastes, etc.,1) He is famous for _ Chinese traditional music _ western performance forms and instruments.,2) Miss Xu _ my results with someone elses.,mixing,with,mixed up,15. nationality: 国籍, 民族,1) - What is your nationality,- Im Chinese.,2) to take American nationality,参加美国国籍,1. What n_ are you,I am Chinese.,2. Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The _ (大多数) were against it.,3. The Taiwan _ (海峡) separates Taiwan Island from the mainland.,I. 根据以下各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出各单词的正确形式。,ationality,majority,Strait,练习坊,4. _ (移民) in the 1980s was very high.,5. Radio and television are important m_ of communication.,6. The unemployment _ (百分比) keeps rising.,7. R_ (种族的) conflicts still exist in many countries.,Immigration,eans,percentage,acial,II. 根据句意, 选择适当的词填空。,1. Spanish; Spain,a. He chose Germany, but personally Id prefer to go to _.,b. Apart from English, we study Russian and _.,Spain,Spanish,2. Mexico; Mexican,a. Many _ regard the United States as a land of milk and honey.,b. In _ they were able to live high on a moderate income.,Mexicans,Mexico,3. Danish; Denmark,a. He was born in _, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30.,b. The body of law was established by the _ invaders and settlers in northeastern England in the ninth and tenth centuries.,Denmark,Danish,4. Korean; Korea,a. The capital and the largest city of North _ is in the southwest central part of the country.,b. Were going to have a history course glancing at the _ conflict.,Korea,Korean,5. Pakistan; Pakistani,a. _ speak their own language, not English.,b. He is on the way to _ via the Silk Route.,Pakistanis,Pakistan,1. When you receive this letter, I will have left this country. _ _ _ this letter reaches you, I will be in another country already.,III. 每空填一词, 使该句与所给句子的意思一样或相近。,By the time,2. Day by day, thousands of birds started flying over to his garden and settled there.,Gradually, the garden _ _ _ thousands of birds.,became home to,3. They played many songs and some of my favorites were among them.,They played many songs, _ some of my favorites.,including,4. People used to think that the earth was flat. _ _ _ _ that the earth was flat.,5. Youre likely to have forgotten about it. _ _ _ _ you have forgotten about it.,It was once thought,It is likely that,make a life; by means of; declare war on; in and around; fight against; settle in; keep up; be forced into doing,1. He crossed the river _ a raft.,2. She hopes to _ from writing childrens books.,IV. 用所给词组的适当形式填空。,by means of,make a life,3. I _ taking a taxi because the last bus had left.,4. They _ the enemy bravely to gain their freedom.,5. Were a little disorganized after the move, but do come and see us when weve _.,was forced into,fought against,settled in,6. Lets hope the sunny weather _ for Sundays football match.,7. Germany _ France on 3 August 1914.,keeps up / will keep up,declared war on,1. 大局部人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。(a majority of ),V. 根据括号内的提示将以下句子翻译成英语。,A majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.,2. 很有可能他不会按时参加晚会。(It is likely that .),3. 大家都相信汉语将会在全世界得到更广泛的传播。(It is believed that .),It is likely that he will not take part in the party on time.,It is believed that Chinese will be spread even more widely in the world.,4. 愿意住在气候温和地区的人占绝大多数。(a large percentage of),5. 最快的交通工具是飞机。(means),A large percentage of people would like to live in the places with a mild climate.,The quickest means of travel is by plane.,1. The majority of the students is from the countryside.,2. He is possible to win the tennis match.,3. It was suggested that he was sent to the hospital at once.,VI. 以下各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。,is are,possible likely,第二个was be,4. Canada is larger than any other country in Asia.,5. There was such little water left that we must save it.,去掉other,such so,


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