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What happens to him?,3,2,1,How does he feel?,Why is he sad?,The poor can cant find his home.,Can you help me?,I want to go home.,Imitate the sad can, please!,(Tip: He is crying for help! He is,helpless!,无助的,),The poor can cant find his home.,Word Bank,poor,poor,可怜的;,穷的,If you meet the poor,what will you do?,Think and say,people,can,Read ,think and answer:,1.,Try to find out the other main characters(,主要人物,) .,2. Who help Can? Who does,not,help,him?,Poor can,Who help Can?,Who does,not,help Can?,Why?,-2-,There is a can beside the river. He is sad.,-1-,Can: Can you help me?,I want to go home.,Bird: Sorry, Im busy.,-2-,busy,忙的,S,t,o,r,y,T,i,m,e,-3-,The naughty bear kicks the can.,Bear: Haha!,Can: Oh,no!,-4-,There is a can beside the river. He is sad.,-1-,May pulls(,拉,) the cats tail. She is,_.,Jack likes to play jokes,(,开玩笑,).,He is_.,Tom always beats others(,打别人,).Hes_.,You give me a fight,(,吓我一跳,).,Youre_.,naughty,naughty,naughty,naughty,Can: Can you help me?,I want to go home. Bird: Sorry, Im busy.,-2-,kick -kicks,Can: Help!,-6-,Bear: Haha!,Can: Oh,no!,-4-,The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.,-5-,fly-flies,-3-,The naughty bear kicks the can.,Rabbit: Come on! Were late for school.,-8-,-7-,Monkey: Look at that poor can.,Can: Help!,-6-,The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey,-5-,Dontbe,lateforschool.,e,m,n,a,m,c,k,k,f,c,l,t,The can falls between two fish.,-9-,Mr: Here comes a can!,-10-,Ms: Lets give it to zoom. He can help.,Rabbit: Come on! Were late for school.,-8-,-7-,Monkey: Look at that poor can.,fall -falls,come -comes,Zoom catches the can.,-11-,Let me help you.,-12-,The can falls the two fish.,-9-,Mr: Here comes a can!,-10-,Ms: Lets give it to zoom.,catch -catches,Can: Thank you.,Home, sweet home.,-13-,Zoom catches the can.,-11-,Let me help you.,-12-,s,ee,gr,ee,n,b,ee,m,ee,t,sw,ee,t,How does he feel now?,After learning, try to give a title,of,the story.,Story time,?,C,a,n,s,W,a,y,H,o,m,e,A story must have.,-2-,There is a can beside the river. He is sad.,-1-,Can: Can you help me?,I want to go home.,Bird: Sorry, Im busy.,-2-,C,a,n,s,W,a,y,H,o,m,e,Listen, point and read.,开书认读!注意,语音,、,语调,以及,语气,!,-3-,The naughty bear kicks the can.,Bear: Haha!,Can: Oh,no!,-4-,There is a can beside the river. He is sad.,-1-,Can: Can you help me?,I want to go home. Bird: Sorry, Im busy.,-2-,Can: Help!,-6-,Bear: Haha!,Can: Oh,no!,-4-,The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.,-5-,-3-,The naughty bear kicks the can.,Rabbit: Come on! Were late for school.,-8-,-7-,Monkey: Look at that poor can.,Can: Help!,-6-,The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey,-5-,The can falls between two fish.,-9-,Mr: Here comes a can!,-10-,Ms: Lets give it to zoom. He can help.,Rabbit: Come on! Were late for school.,-8-,-7-,Monkey: Look at that poor can.,Zoom catches the can.,-11-,Let me help you.,-12-,The can falls the two fish.,-9-,Mr: Here comes a can!,-10-,Ms: Lets give it to zoom.,Can: Thank you.,Home, sweet home.,-13-,Zoom catches the can.,-11-,Let me help you.,-12-,1. There is a can,beside,the river. He is sad.,3. The can flies,over,Rabbit and Monkey.,5. Zoom catches the can.,4. The can falls,between,the two fish.,Read and match,2. The naughty bear kicks the can.,A,B,D,E,C,4,5,1,3,2,Can and Bear,Can and Bird,Can, Monkey and Rabbit,Two fish,Can and Zoom,Read aloud and Individual performance:,选择,一个,片段表演,一人表演不同角色!,Read the story.,Act out the story vividly,(,生动表演,),.,Read the story emotionally,(有感情朗读),.,Bird,Bear,Rabbit and Monkey,Zoom,Narrator,Mr Fish and Ms Fish,Can,1,2,3,4,5,Team performance:,五人一组,选择,角色,或,旁白,,合作表演故事,!,Story time,3,Talk Show:,Hi, Im . Im . Lets tell you a story about us,With yourbookclosed,could youretellthewholestory according to the key information?,合上课本,你能根据黑板上的关键信息复述故事吗?,Lets try retelling the story!,Lets discuss:,What does this story tell us?,Story time,C,a,n,s,W,a,y,H,o,m,e,3. If you come back to your beloved home, what will you say?,1. Why is Can beside the river?,Home,sweet home!,(,用于表达在家里或回家后的喜悦和放松的心情),在家真好,幸亏在家,终于到家了,),Dont,throw,the,garbage,on the ground.,(,人们不随地乱扔,垃圾!),2. Zoom takes Can home, how does Zoom feel?,Story time,Read and think,Helping others to enjoy yourself.,(,赠人,玫瑰,手有余香。),Homework:,Retell,the story.,Tell,others about what you,know from,the story,.,2,.,Try to write the story in Third person.,Zoom takes Can home. He is very happy.,He asks a bird for help, but the bird is busy.,There is a can beside the river. He is sad. He wants to go home.,I am writing in Third person.,Discuss: What if you meet the words we dont know?,讨论:遇到,不会的单词,怎么办呢?,Ask the teacher or classmates.,Look up the word in the English dictionary.,Write it down on your new words book.,(生词本),G,o,o,d,b,y,e,!,


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