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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The last leaf,电影发布会,Sue (,戴美珍,)Old Berhman(,张雪庄,),TV host(,陈昊,) Johnsy(,杨佳星,),A FILM RELEASE,Good morning! ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates, and welcome to the English movie release for,the last leaf.,nice to see you here!,(欢呼声),Im so excited to stand here as a host, especially with so many lovely girls and so many handsome boys. (,掌声,),Our film is adapted from,the last leaf,. This wonderful article gives us many enlightenments. now ,I think it must have drawn much attention from you, my deer classmates. so lets begin our film release!,I am the host of this film release ,chenhao ,welcome!,This movie have three main characters, daimeizhen played the role of sue .yangjiaxing act as the Johnsy, zhangxuezhuang act as the old berhman. I think they are the best actors in cau, and maybe you have seen their confidence and smile already, right? This is gonna be an interesting and exciting film release!,We are horned to invite them to come to our film release . They will answer the journalists questions.,Before they answer our questions ,I will give you a introduction to our exciting movie.,.,The Film “The Last Leaf” is based on the short story by O. Henry. A young girl decides that she will die when the last leaf drops from a dying vine outside her window, as lingering pneumonia slowly takes her will to live. Her neighbor, old Berhman, is an elderly artist frustrated by his inability to paint what is in his heart. In an attempt to save the young girl, he creates the masterpiece he has been struggling to paint. A beautifully shot and moving story. This excellent film is my favorite adaptation of O. Henrys short story. Old Berhman did a great job, although his character is insignificant in this version, in the book. Overall the film is a wonderful adaption of the film and just like the essay,it truly touched the heart of us.,Now ,please invite Johnsy to answer the journalists questions!,Question 1:,R,:Hey Johnsy.Do you have anything to say to Behrman?,J,:Thanks very much for what he had done for me.He,sacrifies himself to save my life.But at the same time,I,feel guilty,too.Such an excellent painter lost the life,because of me. I learned a lot from this role.I will use,the rest of my life to help others.Im glad to be a,second Behrman!,R:the reporter J:Johnsy,Question 2:,R,:,Bs picture give you a second life.Is there any different thoughts on life?,J,: Yes,of course my attitude towards life has changed.We should be more brave to face the disease and difficulties.Although I still not recovered from the disease,I still have confidence in the future!Cherish own life, because everyone only has once!,Cherish life,Life is so precious,It allows you to survive not to waste.,Life is so haggard,Straight to make you self-destruct by jumping off a building.,Life is full of hardships,Book are suffering,Straight so that you catch up!,Life is the fate,Straight to make you life and death quest.,Ah, friends,Do not want to take life,Lost its way ticket.,Ah, friends,Value life,The universe there is only you!,Life is so fragile,Generated in the Prevention of Cruelty to hundredfold.,If you casually discarded,Love the life you sad painful!,Ah Friend Friend,Happy every day,The lives of each are brilliant shine.,珍爱生命,生命是如此珍贵,,它使你求生勿废。,生命是如此憔悴,,直使你跳楼自毁。,生命中充满磨难,,磨难是书,,直使你奋起直追!,生命是缘,,直使你生死相随。,啊,朋友,,勿要轻视生命,,丢掉它有去无回。,啊,朋友,,珍惜生命,,宇宙间唯独有你!,生命是如此脆弱,,产生中爱护百倍。,如果你随便丢弃,,爱你的生命痛苦伤悲!,朋友啊朋友,,快乐每一天,,生命每时都闪耀光辉。,Cherish your life!,Thanks for Johnsys excellent answers!,Lets invite sue to answer our questions!,Thanks for sues wonderful statements !,Lets invite old berhman to answer our questions!,Thanks for Old berhmans excellent answers,.,From all above, we can see the friendship has a very strong power. When people feel sad ,they can turn to their best friends. And faith are strong enough to heal one person. whoever read the story would deeply shocked and moved. I am sure OHenry is trying to tell us a story about hope, relief, love, motivating and sacrifice. In fact we can believe in what we have seen by ourselves and the choice is over your hands,.,At last, I have three poems to present you,A Forever Friend,永远的朋友,A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out. ,别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。”,Sometimes in life,有时候在生活中,,You find a special friend;,你会找到一个特别的朋友,; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.,他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。,Someone who makes you laugh until you cant stop;,他会把你逗得开怀大笑;,Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.,他会让你相信人间有真情。,Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.,他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。,This is Forever Friendship.,这就是永远的友谊,信念,The loss of an Estate Because Estates can be Replenishedfaith cannot Inherited with Life Beliefbut oncecan be Annihilate a single clause And BeingsBeggary,远大于失去一份地产,;,因地产能够再置,而信念无法重建。 信念可与生承继,但却只有一次,;,废止个单一条款做人 实乃乞丐赤贫。,the beautiful heart,心灵之美,I am a hungry bird,我是一只饥肠辘辘的小鸟,Rushed to the storm to find nests,冲向暴雨去寻找窝巢,But a gust of wind whistling,不料,一阵狂风呼啸,I was mercilessly volumes to the corner,我被无情地卷到了墙角,Suddenly, I was picked up by a kind man as treasures,突然,我被一好心人捡起当作珍宝,Although his hands are rough,尽管他的手很粗糙,Although there are many wrinkles in his eyes,尽管也有许多皱纹在他眼角,However, all this is not important, not important,但是,这一切都不重要,不重要,I was careful to care,我被他细心地照料,A few days later, I went back to the natural bosom:,数天后,我又回到了自然的怀抱,I finally realized,我也终于体会到,Appearance is not important, only the beauty of best,面貌不重要,心灵美才最好,


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