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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,连 词,(,Conjunction),连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分。用来连接,词,,,短语,,,从句与句子,。,连词主要可分为两类:,并列连词,从属连词,并列连词,表示词,短语, 从句或句子之间具有并列关系。 可以表示平行关系,转折关系,选择关系 和因果关系。,and (,和,) both and,(,和,两者都),neither nor,(,既不,也不,),not only but also(,不但,而且,),as well as (,和,也,除,外,而且,),1.,表示平行关系的连词,:,as well (,也,而且,),用于句末,.,他是一个科学家,而且也是一个诗人,.,He is a scientist, but he is a poet as well.,He is a scientist as well as a poet.,他们也会来吗,?,Are they coming as well?,This is an old clock that is not only very handsome but also accurate,注意:,在否定句中列举并列成份不用,and,,而要用,or.,Eg,. There is no air or water there.,There is no air,and no,water there.,B.,在“祈使句,+and +,简单句(一般将来时)”结构中祈使句表条件,相当于,if,引导的条件句。,Eg,. Now stop blowing,and,youll find the glass clear again.,考点一:,1,),判断改错:,They sat down,and,talk about something.,They started to dance,and,sang.,I saw two men sitting behind,and,ate there.,F,F,F,eating,sing,talked,and (“,和,并且”,),与,or (“,否则”,),“and”,连接,平行,结构。,(,1,)肯定句中用,“,and”,表,“和”,;,(,2,)否定句中用,“,or”,表,“和”,。,2,),翻译:,我喜欢英语,和,数学。,我不喜欢英语,和,数学。,I,like,English _ math.,I,dont,like English _ math.,and,or,= Study hard,_,your math will be,worse,.,3,)用,“,and,”,或,“,or,”,填空:,Study hard,_,your math will be,better,.,and,or,“and”,意为,“这样,那么”,;,“,or”,意为,“否则”,。,2,、表示选择关系的并列连词。,常用的该类连词有:,or(,或则,否则,),or else(,否则,) otherwise(,要不然,),eitheror(,或者,或者,),如:,You should get the license right away,,,or youll have to pay a fine,either A or B,“,或者,A,或者,B”,neither A nor B,“,既不,A,也不,B”,not only A but also B,“,不仅,A,而且,B”,-,连词词组 :,Either,you,or,I _ going to the party.,(,或者你或者我将去晚会。,),Neither,I,nor,he _ seen the movie.,(我和他都没有看过这部电影。),Not only,you,but also,he _ French.,(不但你而且他也讲法语。),【,连接主语 时,谓语,“就近原则”,】,am,has,speaks,考点二,3,.,表示转折,和对比关系的并列连词,:,常用的该类连词有:,but while (,而,虽然,) yet (,可是,) however (,而,) whereas,,,however,,,nevertheless,,,on the other hand,,,on the contrary,She is not a funny girl,,,yet you cant help liking her,表,转折,的连词,but,和,however,:,e.g.,(,他努力工作,但以失败告终。,),He worked hard, _ he failed at last.,He worked hard. _, he failed at last.,区别,:,but,后,没有逗号,直接连接分句;,however,后,有逗号相隔,可放句末。,but,However,考点三 :,观察句子,:,(,1,),Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.,改为:,Although,he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.,或,He is over sixty,but,he works as hard as others.,(,2,),“,Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.”,*although/ though,和,but,这两个关联词不能同时用。,?,同样,此句错误,,because,和,so,等关联词都不能同时使用。,考点四 :,4,、表示因果关系的并列连词。,常用的该类连词有:,so, for, thus(,因此,),therefore,(因此),consequently,(因而,所以),,,hence(,因此,),,,accordingly,(因此,于是)。如:,It was raining heavily,,,so the sports meeting was postponed,For,因为、由于,补充说明理由,不用于句首,So,因此,表结果,He will surely succeed,for,he works hard.,It was late,so,we went home.,二,.,从属连词,是用来引导连接主句和从句的连词。,(1).,时间,:,when, while, as,当,时,when+,瞬间,延续性动词,while+,延续性动词,as+,瞬间,延续性动词 “一边,一边”,till/until, once, as soon as(,一,就,),the moment/instant(,一,就,),1.,引导时间状语的连词,你来时我将把这事告诉你。,她一人独处时常常哭泣。,他经过时笑了笑。,三思而后行。,When,you comes Ill tell you about it.,Often,she would weep when alone.,He smiled,as,he passed.,Look,before,you leap.,Mr. White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street.,A. where B. while C. when D. whether,C,While,Mr. White,was taking,a shower,,,the UFO land,ed,on the street.,考点一,“when”,和 “,while”,when,引导的状语从句的动作,多为,终止性动词,,也为,可持续动词,;但,while,只能,是,可持续动词,。,(,1,),while, when, as,这三个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。,1),当某事正在进行的时候,又发生了另一件事。,While, when, as,都可用来引导表示“背景”的时间状语从句。例如:,As/When/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car.,2),当两个长动作同时进行的时候,最常用的是,while,。例如:,While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework.,3),当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是,as,。例如:,As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them.,4),当两个短动作,同时发生时,或表示“一边,一边,”,时,最常用,as,。例如:,Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry.,She looked behind from time to time as she went.,5),当从,句的动作,先于主句的动作时,通常用,when,。例如:,When he finished his work, he took a short rest.,6),当从句是,瞬间,动作,主句是延续性动作时,通常用,when,。例如:,When John arrived I was cooking lunch.,注意:,(,1,),when, as, while,when,即可引导持续性动作,又可引导短暂性动作。它可以表示主句的动作和从句的动作,同时,发生,或从句的动作发生在主句动作,之前,。如:,When,I was a boy, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.,(同时),When,the lesson was over, we began our writing.,(从句动作在前),as,引导持续性动作,侧重主句和从句的动作,同时,发生。,He hurried home, looking behind,as,he went.,I saw your sister,as,she was getting on the bus yesterday.,He sang,as,he walked.,从句表示,“,随时间推移,”,连词能用,as,,不用,when,或,while,。,日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。,As the day went on, the weather got worse.,While,:指的是“在某一时间里”,“在,期间”,从句里的动作必须是持续性的,它也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生,往往侧重主句和从句动作的对比。,while,也可做并列连词,表示对照的意思。如:,He is tall while his brother is short.,我们要趁热打铁。,We must strike while the iron is hot.,当,when, as, while,表示“在,一段时间里”,主从句的动作同时发生时,可以换用。如:,While (When,或,As) we were discussing, Mr. Smith came in.,(,2,)如果,when,和,before,引导的从句位于主句之后,有时不能译成“当,时候” 和“在,之前”,而要译成“就”、“才”、“这时”等。如:,He almost knocked me down,before he saw me.,I was walking in the street,when I saw him.,考点二,我父亲直到我们吃完饭时才回来。,My father _ come back,until,we,had,supper.,notuntil/ till,直到,才,till,直到,为止,翻译:,他直到,3,岁才会讲话。,He _get up,until,his mother,wakes,him up.,didnt,他经常等到妈妈叫他才起床。,He _ speak,until,he,was,3.,couldnt,doesnt,(3),till,和,until,如果主句谓语动词是持续动词,通常用肯定式的主句,表示“直到,为止”。如:,如果主句谓语动词是瞬间动词,则用否定式的主句表示“直到,才”。如:,放在句首表示强调时一般用,until,。如:,Until he returns, nothing can be done.,I worked till (until) he came back.,I didnt go to bed until (till) he came back.,肯定句:,I slept until midnight.,我一直睡到半夜时醒了。,Wait till I call you.,等着我叫你。,(,在肯定句中可用,before,代替,),否定句:,She didnt arrive until 6 oclock.,她直到,6,点才到。,正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。,注意,:否定句可用另外两种句式表示。,Not until ,在句首,主句用倒装。,not untildid,直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已,蹉跎了几多岁月。,It is not until that,Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.,表示“一,”,就的结构,hardly/scarcelywhen/before, no soonerthan,和,as soon as,都可以表示,一,就,的意思,例:,I had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain.I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.As soon as I got home, it began to rain.,注意:如果,hardly, scarcely,或,no sooner,置于句首,,句子必须用倒装结构。,Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.,考点三,2.,引导原因状语从句的,because, as, since,,,for,等,because,多置于句末,回答,why,的提问;语气最强,句首句末均可,as,(因为), since,(既然)多置于句首,时置于句尾其前用逗号隔开。,For,语气最弱,引导的分句放在句末,.,3.,由,if, unless, as long as (=so long as), in case (that) (,如果,万一,),,,supposing (suppose),等引导:,必要的话往我家里打电话。,假如你错了你怎么办?,假如她发现了,我们怎么办?,If necessary, ring me at home.,Supposing (that) youre wrong, what will you do then?,Suppose she finds out, what shall we do then?,_ you go to bed earlier, you wont feel tired in the mornings.,A. UnlessB. Because,C. If D. When,解题技巧,以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用连接目的和结果状语从句的一组连词if,unless。if如果;unless如果不;除非。,本句是一个条件句,如果,选C。,C,注意,:,条件状语从句中的谓语动词的时态不可用将来时,只能用现在时态或过去时态表示将来时。,if, whether,if,和,whether,都可作“是否”讲,在引导宾与从句是一般可互换。例如:,I dont know whether (if) he likes that film.,在下列情况下,只能用,whether,不能用,if,:,1),在不定式前。例如:,I havent made up my mind whether to go there or not.,2,)用,or,并列两项以上时。例如:,I dont now whether he comes or not.,4.,引导让步状语从句的连词,as(,尽管,), even if/ though (,即使,),,,in spite of(,尽管,),however(,无论怎样,), whatever,no matter how/ who/ which,though/ although,不与,but,连用,.,尽管你读得快,你也不能在三天内读完这本书,.,Fast as you read, you cant finish reading the book in three days.,Although you read fast, you cant finish reading the book in three days.,不管他怎样努力,还是摆脱不了困难,.,Try as he might, he could nt get rid of the difficulty.,5.,引导结果状语从句的连词,sothat,(如此,以致,),suchthat, so that,sothat, such.that,区别,sothat, such.that,区别,1),sothat,中的,so,是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而,such.that,中的,such,是个形容词,,后接名词或名词短语。例如:,Im so tired that I cant walk any farther.,It was such a warm day that he went swimming.,2),如果在,名词之前,有,many, much, little, few,时,用,so,不用,such,。例如:,He has so little education that he is unable to get a job.,6.,引导目的状语从句的连词,In order to, so that, in order that(,为了,),so that, in order that,引导的目的状从中一般,有,can, could, may, might,等情态动词。,They set out early so that they might,arrive in time.,Jack studies hard so that he can get a good,job.,He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy music during the trip.,A. because B. so that C. when,B,他起早是,为了,赶上早班车。,(,表目的,),He got up early,so that,he,could catch,the early bus.,He got up early,so that,he,caught,the early bus.,他起早,,结果,赶上了早班车。(表结果),He got up,so,early,that,he,caught,the early bus.,sothat,so that,:,为了; 所以,结果,如此,以致,7.,引导比较(方式)状语从句的连词,as,as,比较级,+ than,,,as if,(犹如,好似), as though,as(,按照,),Eg,. Tom walks as fast as Mike.,She stroked(,抚摸,) my head as if I were her son.,Funny,Husband (H) & Wife,(W),about Shopping,情境对话 :,H,:,“,What are we going to do, my dear,?”,W:,“Go shopping.”,H,:,“,We can do nothing _shopping.”,W,:,“,In fact, _ you _ I like shopping.”,H:,“Why must you do the things _ you dont like?”,W:,“_ my skirts are out of style, I want,to buy a new one.”,W,:,(,In the clothing shop.,),I dont know_ they fit(,适合,) me. ”,H:,“I dont know _ you really like.,Just,go inside,and try them on.”,H,:,(对,seller,笑笑) “,Can you talk to me for a few minutes,?”,S,:,Why?,H,:,Because _ my wife sees (that),I am talking to,other ladies, she will be angry at once and leave.,S,:,“,Then why do you let her go?”,H,:,“,I want to leave _ I wont pay for them.”,根据对话内容,填入适当连词。,except/but,neither nor,that,Because,if,what/ which,if/when/ as soon as,and/ so that,


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