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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,we laughed a lot,制 作 老 师:王琳,把动词原形与它的过去式连线。,is,told,go ate,do wore,eat went,tell,laughed,laugh was,wear did,drink thought,think drank,fly flew,child,child,ren,m,a,n,m,e,n,wom,a,n,wom,e,n,There are two_ .,There are two _,.,children,men,There are two,_.,men,theatre,The men wore womens clothes.,The women wore mens clothes.,actor,jokes.,The,actors,told lots of,It was,very funny.,We,laughed,a lot .,We,laughed,a lot.,restaurant,We all ate hamburgers and chips.,判断以下句子正误,对的打“v,错的打“X.,( )1.Last week Lingling went to a childrens cinema.,( )2.The men wore womens clothes.,( )3.The actor told jokes.,( )4.After the show Lingling went back home.,( )5.Lingling,enjoyed the show,.,X,theatre,V,V,X,to a restaurant,V,Dear Daming,Last week we went to a _s theatre. The men _ womens clothes. The women _ mens clothes. The actors _ lots of _ . It was very _. We laughed a lot. English _ love the theatre.,After the _ we went to a restaurant. We all ate hamburgers and chips.,Are you _ for your trip to America,From,Lingling,children wore told jokes funny wore show ready children,children,wore,wore,told,jokes,funny,children,show,ready,用括号里词的正确形式填空,Dear Daming,Last week we _ (go) to a childens theatre. The men _(wear) womens clothes. The women wore mens clothes. The actors _(tell) lots of jokes . It _ (is) very funny. We _ (laugh) a lot. English _ (child) love the theatre.,After the show .We all _ (eat) hamburgers and chips.,Are you ready for your trip to America,From,Lingling,went,wore,told,was,laughed,children,ate,Read and circle the correct words.,1) Xiaoyong (went / goes) to a party yesterday.,2) He (wears / wore) a blue sweater.,3) He (said / says) “Happy birthday to his friend.,4)He (gives / gave) his friend a present.,5) They (play / played) games together.,6) They (dance / danced) together happily.,7) They (ate / eat) a big birthday cake.,8) They (are / were) very happy.,答复以下问题,1.Where did Lingling go,2.What did she see,3.What did she eat,She went to a childrens theatre.,She saw the show.,She ate hamburgers and chips.,Exercise,(1) Where did Lingling go last week,(2) What did the men and the women,wear,(3) What did the actors do,(4) What did they do after the show,(5) What did they eat,


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