选修7 unit2 Workbook答案

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Workbook,Unit 2 Robots,Listening,Page 54,1. Before you listen, look at the pictures of the robots. What do you think each one does?,2. Now listen to the interview and number the pictures in the order that you hear about them.,4,2,1,3,Answer key for Exercise 3:,Vacuum cleaner,It can move from room to room cleaning your house. You can,programme,it so that it cleans when youre away and you can control what its doing from your computer at the office.,Personal robot called “,PaPeRo,”,It understands 650 phrases, speaks more than 3,000 words. It can recognize different people. It can check your email. It can help children do research on the Internet for their homework, talk to them about their day at school and play games.,Tiny helicopter,It will be used to fly into dangerous areas. For example, it can fly into a house thats been destroyed by an earthquake and check if anyones inside.,Walking chair,It helps people who cant walk to go up and down stairs.,Suggested answers to Exercise 4:,Robot 1 could get stuck somewhere in the house, might fall down stairs and then not be able to clean; couldnt empty itself of the dirt collected; might miss parts of a room.,Robot 2 couldnt replace a human friend; unable to understand feelings; couldnt look after the child in a dangerous situation.,Robot 3 could be easily damaged; sometimes would not be able to tell whether someone was dead or alive; not able to give first aid.,Robot 4 might fall over on rough or sleep ground; looks like the person is too far off the ground and would find it difficult to move from the chair to another place.,Using words and expressions,biography,chapter,biochemistry,theoretical,staff,part-time,bonus,thinking,framework,assessment,junior,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 55:,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 55:,1,2,2,2,1,1,Answer key for exercise 3 on page 55:,turn on,ring up,leaveout,turn down,turn around,ring off,leavealone,turn into,test out,Using structures,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 56:,I did not expect,to be interviewed by the general manager.,The magazines,are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room (by anybody).,She hates,to be laughed at by her classmates.,He doesnt want,his writing to be interrupted (by the guests).,/ He doesnt want,to be interrupted while writing.,These rules,must be obeyed by everybody as they are for the good of the whole school.,These are the issues,to be discussed tomorrow.,It is wrong for him,to be made to work all night.,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 56:,The dishes need,to be washed,.,The mail needs,to be sent right away,.,The singer refused,to be photographed,.,The house is,to be sold,.,Answer key for exercise 3 on page 56:,那本关于,圣经,的书需要在这周末之前还给图书馆。,下周末前,这个旧扶手椅将有一个沙发代替。,不要着急,你有足够的时间把那个传真发到你的公司。,你同妻子离婚的决定必须要得到她的同意。,That book on the Holy Bible,needs to be,returned to the library by/before the end of the week.,That old armchair is,to be replaced by,a sofa next week.,Dont worry-you still have plenty of time for that fax,to be sent to,your company.,You decision,to divorce your wife,has to be made with her agreement.,刚刚出了一起事故,不过没有必要惊慌,没有人受伤。,虽然她考得不错,但是她预料父母还是会对考试的结果感到失望。,当在医院进行大手术的时候,她得到了家人的关爱和支持,(为此)她感到非常高兴。,There has been an accident but there is,no need to be,alarmed,. Nobody has been hurt.,Although she had done well, she expected her parents,to be disappointed,by her exam results.,She was happy,to be supported,by the affection of her family when she had a serious operation in hospital.,他为自己被宣布称为智力竞赛冠军得主的事感到十分兴奋。,他把他们已经得到的,2000,元与将提供的,1500,元加在一起,总共,3500,元。,没有主力队员的参与,他们一定会在即将到来的比赛中被打败。,He was so excited,to be declared,the winner of talent competition.,He added the 2,000,yuan,they had received to the 1,500,yuan,to be offered, marking 3,500,yuan,in all.,Without their key/leading player, they are bound,to be beaten,in the coming competition.,Reading task,Robots in the fight against landmines,Here and there are the mine signs.,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 58,The main topic is the role of robots in the fight against landmines. The title tells us that.,Natasha,Westey,.,Someone using a metal detector to find landmines; the robot that can find landmines; some people who have lost their legs because of landmines.,Chiba University (Japan).,Afghanistan and Cambodia.,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 58,How many people are killed or injured by landmines every year?,How often is someone killed or injured by a landmine?,For how long do landmines keep causing damage?,How many landmines are buried just beneath the surface of the ground?,In how many countries are landmines buried?,How many landmines are removed every year?,How many landmines are buried in the ground every year?,How big is the robot that can find landmines? (what are the dimensions of the robot that can find landmines?),How much does it weigh?,How many legs has it got?,When was an agreement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines signed?,How many countries signed the agreement (to stop the manufacture and use of landmines)?,paragraph,Main idea,Supporting details,1,Introduction: the damage landmines cause,26,000 people killed or badly injured each year,100 million buried in 60 countries,most victims are innocent people,2,The problem of landmines,each year 100,000 removed,each year 2,000,000 buried,difficult and dangerous to remove,Suggest answer to Exercise 3:,3,Robots can help find traditional mines,much safer in the hurt for landmines,faster at finding landmines,research at Chiba university,4,Robots can find plastic mines,experimental robots in production,to use radar to locate mines,to identify types of mines,5,World opinion turned against landmines in the 1990s,agreement in Ottawa, Canada to stop the manufacture and use of landmines,still a lot of work to be done,Discussion,Write a letter of suggestion to,Obama,-the president of the US, for the US hasnt yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.,Material,Producing one landmine costs $3, yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1,000 to find and destroy, according to the ICBL.,Over 80 per cent of the 15,000 to 20,000 landmine victims each year are civilians, and at least one in five,are children, according to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL). The deadly legacy of landmines far outlasts the conflicts that that gave rise to them. Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Colombia, and Angola.,A sample:,XXX,China,28 March,Dear Mr. President,I read in the newspaper that the US hasnt yet committed to the Mine,Ban Treaty. Im writing to suggest your country sign on the agreement.,1. Landmines kill or badly injure around 26,000 people every year. There are about 100 million landmines buried just beneath the surface of the ground in 60,countries. Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Colombia, and Angola.,think this is one reason why people in these countries hate the US so much.,2. Producing one landmine costs,$3, yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1,000 to find and destroy, according to the ICBL. So stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on finding solutions to clearing the landmines. As you know, your,country has designed the most advanced robots. Why not use your advanced technology and spend more money on designing some robots to clear the landmines. If so, it will benefit the whole world. People all over the world will think highly of you and your country.,You and your country will become more influential. Japan has set a good example. They have developed robots that can be used to clear landmines. I hope your government will follow Japans example.,Thank you for reading the letter. I hope you will consider my,suggestions. I believe you also hope the whole world will enjoy peace. Lets work together and make a peaceful world.,Yours sincerely,XXX,Listening task,Page 59,What kinds of animal do you think they are?,Would you like to own one? Which on? Give reasons.,Do you think having a robot as a pet is a good idea Give reasons.,Aibo,Furby,paro,Tama,Answer key for Exercise 3:,Name,Type of animal,Robot 1,Robot 2,Can walk, sit, lie down and wag its tail. Learns the name you give it and can answer when you call it. Develops own personality. Can learn 50 commands.,Likes being patted. Speaks his own language, then gradually switches to English the more time you spend with him.,Aibo,Dog,Furby,Not stated but looks like a big-eared bird,Robot 3,Robot 4,Can open and close its eyes and move its flippers.,Can recognize her own name. Purrs when patted. If you hit her shell give you an angry hiss. Gradually her,behaviour,changes and she develops her own personality.,Paro,Seal,Tama,Cat,Answer key for exercise 4:,Amanda,Amanda,Jamie,Victoria,Jamie,Imagine you are a robot pet that,belongs to a child.,1 Think about what kind of child you belong to. Is it a boy or a girl? What is the child like? Is the child kind or not? Is the child sick or in good health?,2 What kind of robot pet are you ,Aibo,Furby,Paro, Tama,?,Writing task,Write about one day in your life in your diary. Remember that you are writing from the robot pets point of view.,A sample,Wednesday Sunny,I am very happy today, because this is the first day that I spent with my owner, Susan. Susan is a 6-year-old sick girl. She cannot go out with other children because of her poor health. So her parents bought me as,her companion. There are different types of robot pets in the store. Her mom preferred the seal-type robot, while her dad thought the lovely dog would be a good companion. But Susan loves kitty very much. She insisted on having me as her companion. So they chose me.,The shop assistant told them I have more than just entertainment value, offering companionship and a variety of other services to the sick. A network system will enable me to speak to the children in natural way, especially to children who are sick,and this will make them more comfortable.,I can be connected via cell phone or ISDN line to a network system center, allowing health workers or parents to send medical information and encouraging messages to the sick. Im endowed with 100 phrases,ranging from the light-hearted (“Today is,the karaoke party. Lets sing a lot.”) to,more practical information (“It is three,oclock. It is time to have medicine.”).,Susan smiled a lot and her parents,Said she has never spent a happier day. I,am happy too because Ive brought,pleasure to her.,


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