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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Our World,Topic 3,The Internet makes the world smaller.,Section D,1:,学习一些新单词和词组。,2:,继续学习本话题语法知识宾语补足语。,3:,引导学生正确运用网络。,学习目标,Review,What can we do on the Internet,Internet,Send e-mails.,Find information.,Listen to music.,Watch movies.,Chat with our friends.,Play computer games.,Study English.,设疑自探,Do you know how to learn English on the Internet,Read the following passage and find out the answer.,Read the passage and choose the correct expressions from the box on Page 104 to complete it .,The answers are :,B,C,E,A,D,1,Read the passage and find out the answer.,Do you know how to use computers to learn English,Project,Becoming an Inventor,1. Look at the following pictures and talk about what they can do for us, using the expressions in the box.,解疑合探,do boring jobs learn English surf the Internet,carry people from place to place,Example :,People use,computers to write reports,.,advice about sth. / doing sth.,关于的建议,Eg: 医生给了他一些关于保健的建议。,The doctor gives him some advice about keeping healthy.,教师应该经常给学生一些关于学习的建议。,Teachers should often give students some advice about study.,质疑再探,2. change English into Chinese,把英语变成汉语,change sth. into sth.,把,变成,Eg:,我们应该把知识变成力量。,We should _ power.,请把这些冰变成水。,Please _ water.,change knowledge into,change the ice into,look up new words,查找新单词,look up,查找,(,代词,it , them,作宾语时,放在短语中间,),Eg,:,如果你不认识这个单词,可以在词典里查找。,If you dont know the word, you can _,in the dictionary.,look it up,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,Life in the future will,be different from,life today. Scientists will make computer much _ (small) and _ (useful). People will work _ (few) hours than they do now and this will _ (make) life _ (easy). Travelling will be much _ (cheap) and _ (many) people will go to other countries for holidays.,smaller,more useful,fewer,make,easier,cheaper,more,2,不同于,We will use _ (much) land to build new cities and _ (little) land for cows and sheep. This _ (make) meat _ (expensive). No one will eat it every day if they eat more fruit and vegetables, and we will,become _,(healthy).,more,less,will make,more expensive,healthier,Subject + Vt. + Object + Object complement,The Internet makes,the world,smaller.,It also helps us to find,information,much faster.,The Internet makes,our lives,easier and more interesting.,This helps make,life,easier.,运用拓展,Functions,Im sure the Internet will be,more and more,important to us.,Im not sure,if,it is good to shop online.,Guess,what,!,Do the exercises,1.Pens are helpful to humans. Students use pens for _.,A. write B. writes C. wrote D. writing,2._ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen.,You are right.,A. There B. This C. That D. It,3.Where are you going to work next year,_ Maybe in Hefei or Nanjing.,A. Im not so sure. B.I think so.,C. Thats a good idea. D.I hope not.,4.Dont make me _ the clothes. Im too tired!,A. washing B. to wash C. wash D. washed,Choose the best answer.,选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。,Kangkang: Hi, Michael. How often do you use the Internet,Michael: Very often. _,Kangkang: I never use the Internet. _,Michael: A lot of things. I often listen to music. _,Kangkang: Are you sure the Internet is good for us,Michael: _ It can help us do a lot of things. We can find,some information about places and jobs. _ But we,shouldnt spend too much time on it.,A. I also play games and find some information about study.,B. Yes, Im sure of that.,C. What about you?,D. It can make our life easier.,E. What do you often do on the Internet?,F. Im quite sure.,G. Guess what!,C,E,A,B,D,Summary,1. Grammar of this topic,:,Subject + Vt. + Object + Object complement,2. The phrases of this topic.,3. We know how to protect ourselves from,disasters.,Homework,完成,Review of Units 3 4,。,Thank you !,


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