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I can do single hand push-ups 50 times at a time.,2. I have been a construction worker.,4. I have been to five countries.,心理学家发现了一个惊人的事实:,在人际交往中,肢体语言往往能比口头语言传递更多的信息。人类的沟通更多的是通过肢体语言进行的。确切地说,有,65,以上的人际交流是通过肢体语言完成的。,肢体语言在小学英语教学中的,实践与探究,河南农大附小,孟江涛,1.,什么是肢体语言?,肢体语言又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作,从而代替语言藉以达到表情达意的沟通目的。,2.,人们在沟通时肢体语言起到了,_,的作用。,A. 35% B. 45% C. 55% D. 65%,根据调查研究:当我,们在与他人进行沟通时,,语言只是起到,7%,的传达作,用。语气却占去剩下的,38%,。更重要的是:,肢体语言在沟通中起到了,55%,的作用。,肢体语言有哪些分类?,肢体语言的分类,手势,(Gesture),眼神,(Eye Contact),面部表情,(,Facial Expression,),语音、语调,(,Speech/Voice,),一位语言学家曾说过“一首诗直到读出来才成为一首诗”。要学好英语,就应该能够大声的朗读出来。,人际距离,(,Interpersonal distance),有一种美 无需修饰 那是从心里流出来的长歌,河畔滩头 关关雎鸠的鸣唱声里,我们听见了 窈窕淑女,,君子好逑的爱情箴言,山野林地 坎坎伐檀声里,我们看见一群袒露的脊背上,,迸发出的 不稼不穑 胡取禾三百亿兮的悲愤,旌旗呼啸处,我们听见了出征将士 岂曰无衣 与子同袍,的怒吼,Hello, guys! I am David, your host on the,broadcast of Chicago. Let,s get to know,the weather report of Chicago. The weather today will be sunny with wind. It will change,to rain from the day after tomorrow.,Remember to keep warm then. Thanks for your listening. Now let,s enjoy a light music.,语音、语调,Zip: Whats your favourite fruit, Monkey?,Monkey: I like apples. Theyre sweet.,Rabbit: I like fruit. But I dont like grapes.,Theyre sour. Bananas are my,favourite. Theyre tasty.,Zip: I like carrot juice. Its fresh and healthy. What about you, Zoom?,Zoom: I like beef, but Im heavy now. I have to eat vegetables,.,为什么学生喜欢身体语言?,小学生好动、爱表现,对许多事物都充满了好奇,但又不能持久,有什么好的办法吗?,苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教师如果不想方设法使学生产生情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态,而只是不动脑筋的脑力劳动,就会带来疲倦。”,教师要让学生感受到上英语课是一种享受,而不是一种负担。北宋心理学家程颐说过 :“教人未见意趣,必不乐学。”,美国著名教育家布卢姆指出:“学生的学习 兴趣、动机、态度、好奇心以与情感在促进学生智力发展中起着重要作用。 这些方面要,靠教师对学生的热爱和教师本身的感染熏陶,是其他任何教学手段都代替不了的。”,因此,指导学生学习要与调动学生的,非智力因素,相结合,加强学英语的目的性,激发兴趣,激励学生满怀信心地积极主动地学英语。,教师的肢体语言直接影响小学生的性格和行为,肢体语言的研究的一位专家,Fen. Lafle. Angles,曾经这么评价肢体语言对孩子们的影响,“,Once it was lost ,a baby couldnt have grown into a normal person ”,。 (,“,一旦失去了肢体语言,孩子不可能成长为一个正常的人,” 。,),TPR,全身反应法,美国加州圣约瑟大学心理学教授詹姆士阿歇尔,(James Asher),于20世纪60年代提出的教学法,。,力图通过身体活动来进行语言教学。,(Total Physical Response),教育戏剧,教育戏剧,(Drama-in-Education),简称,D.I.E.,,是将,戏剧与剧场的技巧运用到课堂教学的一种方式。,教学中,教室被当作剧场,教学仿佛戏剧表演,,学生在教师的引导下,以创作性戏剧之,即兴表演、,角色扮演、模仿、游戏,等方法进行学习,在互动过,程中充分发挥想象,表达思想,并获得美感经验、,增进智能与生活技能。,这种方式更能提供较具,弹性、活泼的教学环境。,Frozen image building,Frozen image building,即建立静态图像,,就是将,一个完整的短剧分割成一张张静态图片。在表演,每张“图片”前,小组成员须,先用英语交流,分,配角色,讨论如何“构建图片”,。表演时,表演,者在展示,肢体语言,的同时还需回答其他同学的提,问,如,Who are you? Where are you from?,等。,它事实上是表演短剧的准备阶段 。,印度儿童英语教学专家,Mahrukh Bharucha,现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。,鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。,义务教育英语课程标准,(,2011,年版),义务教育英语课程标准,(,2011,年版)在分级目标中关于表演有这样的描述:,能做简单的,角色表演,。(一级),能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的,故事,能在老师的帮助下,表演小故事或小短,剧,,演唱简单的英语歌曲和歌谣。(二级),肢体语言在小学英语教学中的使用,字母教学,语音教学,单词教学,对话教学,语篇教学,绘本教学,.,字母教学,语音教学,单词教学,policeman,accountant,engineer,salesperson,cleaner,Chen:,What does your mother do?,Mike:,She is an accountant.,Chen:,Where does she work?,Mike:,She works in a car company.,Chen:,How does she go to work?,Mike:,She goes to work by bus.,对话教学,(人教版 六年级下册,Unit 4 My Holiday,Story time,讲的是,Zoom,做梦到月球旅行的故,事,其中有几个角色,,Zoom, Zip,嫦娥,桂花,树,宇宙飞船等),主题实践,busy,语篇教学,Pre-reading,While-reading,Post-reading,U,N,I,T,3,L,A,S,T,W,E,E,K,E,N,D,河南省郑州市金水区农大附小,孟江涛,Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?,吹笛人彼得挑选了一大堆腌胡椒。 吹笛人彼得挑选了一大堆腌胡椒吗? 如果吹笛人彼得挑选了一大堆腌胡椒,那么吹笛人彼得挑选的腌胡椒在哪里哪?,tongue twister,How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,if a woodchuck could chuck wood?,假如一只美洲旱獭能扔木头,,它能扔掉多少木头呢?,Please watch the cartoon and answer the,question.,(请看动画并回答问题。),Task 1,Where,did Zhang Peng go today?,Today was a fun day. I walked to Mikes home in the morning. I studied English with him. We read funny tongue twisters together.,Then I went to a park by bike. I flew kites. It was a windy day. Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.,A dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and swam to it. Five minutes later, he returned the kite to me. I was very grateful to him.,Lets,read,_,_,What did he do there?,Please read the first paragraph quickly by yourselves, then answer the questions.,(请速读第一段并回答问题。),How did Zhang Peng go to Mikes home?,Today was a fun day. I walked to Mikes home in the morning. I studied English with him. We read funny tongue twisters together.,What did he do there?,Please read the first paragraph quickly by yourselves, then answer the questions.,How did Zhang Peng go to Mikes home?,Please read the second paragraph carefully and tick( ) or cross().,(请细读第二段并判断对错。),( ) 1. He went to the park by bus.,( ) 2. He went fishing in the park.,( ) 3. His kite flew into the lake.,Then I went to a park by bike. I flew kites. It was a windy day. Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.,Please try to tick() or cross().,( ) 1. He went to the park by bus.,( ) 2. He went fishing in the park.,( ) 3. His kite flew into the lake.,Please read the third paragraph carefully and number the sentences in your group.,(请细读第三段,小组讨论并标号。),( ) He jumped into the lake.,( ) He returned the kite to me.,( ) He swam to the kite.,( ) A dog saw the kite.,A dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and swam to it. Five minutes later, he returned the kite to me. I was very grateful to him.,Lets try to number the sentences.,( ) He jumped into the lake.,( ) He returned the kite to me.,( ) He swam to the kite.,( ) A dog saw the kite.,2,4,1,3,Today was a fun day. I walked to Mikes home in the morning. I studied English with him. We read funny tongue twisters together.,Then I went to a park by bike. I flew kites. It was a windy day. Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.,A dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and swam to it. Five minutes later, he returned the kite to me. I was very grateful to him.,Lets,read,Lets try to retell the passage.,(请尝试用下面词语复述短文。),子页,First Then At last,Please try to write a short passage.,(请尝试写一篇小短文。),Mikes Happy Day,Key words(关键词): watched,washed, cleaned, played,Lets review !,I walked to my friends home on a fun day.,We studied English very freely.,Today was a windy day.,I flew kites in a park very happily.,A dog saw the kite.,He jumped into the lake and swam to the kite.,At last, he returned me the kite.,Oh! Thanks a lot, lovely dog!,Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.,What should I do?,Homework,1. Please read the passage by yourselves.,(请自己尝试读短文。),2. Please try to retell this story to your friends.,(请尝试向你的朋友讲述这个故事。),3. Please write a short passage.,(请尝试写一篇小短文。),My Happy Day,PPT,模板下载:,行业,PPT,模板:,节日,PPT,模板:,PPT,素材下载:,PPT,背景图片:,PPT,图表下载:,优秀,PPT,下载:,PPT,教程:,Word,教程:,Excel,教程:,资料下载:,PPT,课件下载:,范文下载:,试卷下载:,教案下载:,T,H,A,N,K,Y,O,U,Which room would,you,like to choose?,A,B,C,Good,Average,Bad,Please,listen carefully,and answer the questions.,(请认真听,并回答问题。),1. How was their weekend at the hotel?,2. Did they enjoy their stay?,Dear Sir,Our weekend at your hotel was bad. Ou,r,room was big,everything was very old. Ou,r,friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.,My mother wanted to read a book,the lamp was too small.,My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen,they were cold and tasted bad.,I wanted to watch TV,the TV didnt work. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didnt sleep all night.,Im sorry,we didnt enjoy our stay very much.,Wu Yifan and famil,y,but,but,but,but,but,_,_,Comments,意见,评论,Tast 1: Please read the first paragraph quickly and answer the questions.,1.Which is Wu Yifan and his familys room?,2.What did Robin do in their room?,Our weekend at your hotel was bad. Ou,r,room was big but,everything was very old. Ou,r,friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.,Can you answer the questions?,1.Which is Wu Yifan and his familys room?,2.What did Robin do in their room?,He cleaned the room and fixed a broken chair.,Tast 2: Please read the second paragraph carefully and tick (,) or cross ( X ).,( ) 1. Wu Yifans mother read a book because the lamp was very big.,( ) 2. His father got some hamburgers from the hotel.,( ) 3. The burgers tasted good.,My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small.,My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad.,Can you tick (,) or cross ( X ) ?,( ) 1. Wu Yifans mother read a book because the lamp was very big.,( ) 2. His father got some hamburgers from the hotel.,( ) 3. The burgers tasted good.,X,X,Tast 3: Please read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.,1.Wu Yifan wanted to watch TV _ the TV _ work.,2.He didnt sleep _ _ because of the loud music.,night,Tast 3: Please read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.,1.Wu Yifan wanted to watch TV _ the TV _ work.,2.He didnt sleep _ _ because of the loud music.,but,didnt,all,night,Dear Sir,Our weekend at your hotel was bad. Ou,r,room was big,everything was very old. Ou,r,friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.,My mother wanted to read a book,the lamp was too small.,My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen,they were cold and tasted bad.,I wanted to watch TV,the TV didnt work. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didnt sleep all night.,Im sorry,we didnt enjoy our stay very much.,Wu Yifan and famil,y,but,but,but,but,but,J,u,s,t,t,r,y,!,Can you retell the passage?,你能试着复述这篇短文吗?,On the weekend my family went out.,We stayed at the hotel, but it was old.,Mom wanted to read, but there was a small lamp.,Dad got burgers but tasted bad, and very cold.,Lets chant,I wanted to watch TV, but it didnt work.,And I didnt sleep, cause the loud music.,Hows my weekend?,Thats very bad! Bad, bad, bad!,What about me?,Dear sir,we didnt enjoy our stay.These are my comments!,Can you write?,If you had a trip, how was your stay,at,the hotel? Can you write comments to the hotel?,(如果你外出旅游,住宾馆的感受如何?你能给宾馆提点建议吗?),Dear Sir/Madam,Our stay at the hotel was_. The room was_ but ( and ) _. My mum . My dad. I. We (didnt) (enjoy)ed our stay in the hotel. Im sorry./Thank you.,your name,_,1. Please try to retell this passage.,(,请尝试复述这篇短文.,),2. Please try to write down your comments about your stay in a hotel.,(,请尝试写出你对所住宾馆的建议.,),H,o,m,e,w,o,r,k,T,h,a,n,k,y,o,u,!,绘本教学,英文称Picture Book,日文用汉字为,“,絵本,”,,就是“画出来的书”,指一类以绘画为主,并附有少量文字的书籍。绘本不仅是讲故事,学知识,而且可以全面帮助孩子建构精神,培养多元智能(绘本和普通的图画书有区别)。绘本是发达国家家庭首选的儿童读物,国际公认“绘本是最适合幼儿阅读的图书”。,Three funny fish were,swimming in the sea.,One funny fish said,“Look at me!”,I”,“I am bright and funny and red.”,“I am the best fish here,” it said.,Then a big fish came and,swish, swish, swish.,That was the end of,the funny red fish.,_were swimming in the sea.,Two funny fish,One funny fish said,“_!,I am _-,as _ as the sun!”,Look at ME,yellow,bright,Then the big fish came and.,_,!,Yum,yum,yum,One funny fish was,swimming _.,It said, “No one ever looks at me.”,in the sea,Then along came the big fish-,Oh, _.,dear me,The funny fish said, “ He cant see me!,I can hide. I _ look like a _,so _ leaves me alone!”,can,the big fish,stone,Could you please give this story a title ?,_,(,标题,),_ funny fish were,_ in the _.,One funny fish said,“_!”,I”,“I am _ and _ and _.”,“I am the _fish here,” it said.,Then a big fish came and,_.,That was _of,the funny red fish.,Two funny fish were swimming in the sea.,One funny fish said,“Look at ME!,I am yellow-,as bright as the sun!”,Then the big fish came and.,_,!,One funny fish _,swimming in the sea.,It said, “_ ever looks at me.”,Then _the big fish-,Oh, dear me.,The funny fish said, “ He _ see me!,I can _. I can _a stone,so the big bad fish _!”,Which fish do you like best? Why?,Disscuss in your group,小组讨论,你最喜欢哪条鱼? 为什么?,Is the big fish really bad? Why?,大鱼真的很坏吗? 为什么?,sematic colour,保护色,Enjoy the story!,Share it with your friends!,Homework,Application,请小组合作完成一个绘本或者片段,的肢体语言的设计。,肢体语言使用的原则是什么?,身体语言的“度”,“Body Language”,不是随意而发的,它需要依据知识结构的特色有感而发,而不是装腔作势,更不是哗众取宠。身体语言的使用准确与否也是检测教师水准高低的一个尺度。,古人云:“身教甚于言教”,。个人的涵养和品德往往尽在不言中,常常是通过身体语言反映出来的。,Reflection,一、谈一谈今天的收获。,二、在以后的教学中您会使用肢体语言吗?,如何使用?,Thank you!,


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