Training ROI 培训的投资回报率

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Big Title Row OneSecond Row,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,*,Big Title Row OneSecond Row,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,39,*,Big Title Row OneSecond Row,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,*,Training ROI,培训的投资回报率,Wednesday, 12 December 2007,Training ROI,培训的投资回报率,US organizations spend USD200 billion on HRD interventions,美国机构用于人力资源方面的费用达每年,2000,亿美元,In the US alone, training is a USD60 billion industry,(Broad &,Newstrom,),仅在美国,培训业的规模达到,600,亿美元,Why should we evaluate training programs?,评估培训项目的意义:,To demonstrate that training is a valuable and important business tool used to help companies gain a competitive advantage,表明培训是一项有价值且重要的、使企业获得竞争优势的商业手段,To justify increased budget when companies already see the value of training,在企业意识到培训的价值所在后,促使其增加投入,To decide if training met the desired objectives,判断培训是否达到预计目标,To determine how well the participants learned the content,判断学员对培训内容的掌握程度,To strengthen the design, implementation and impact of the training,改进培训项目的设计、实施和效果,To help market the process of training to those unfamiliar with the benefits,使不熟悉培训的人了解其益处,To gain the commitment of participants and all other stakeholders,得到学员和利益相关者的配合,Why HR Managers dont evaluate training programs,人力资源经理不评估培训项目的原因:,Dont see the value of evaluating,未意识到评估的价值,Dont have the time not a priority right now,没时间,不是当前的首要任务,Dont feel that stakeholders would care,认为利益相关者并不关心,Dont want to trouble others to help out,不希望麻烦别人,Confused about what we should be looking at,不知所措,无处入手,Dont know when to perform the evaluation,不知道什么时候进行评估合适,Fear of failure (on the part of the training department),担心评估的结果是培训没有效果,Not sure how to calculate ROI,不知道评估的方法,What should we measure?,该评估那些方面呢?,Affective outcomes:,情感方面,Perceptions of and reactions to the training,对培训的认识和反应,Skill-Based outcomes:,技能方面:,Learning of new skills and behaviors,学到了新的技能,Cognitive outcomes:,认知方面,The degree of knowledge:,知识的标准,Facts,基础事实,Principles,原则,Techniques,技术,Procedures & processes,程序,What should we measure?,该评估那些方面呢?,Results of new capabilities implemented:,运用新技能后的结果:,The actual benefits achieved by the company,企业取得的实质利益的增长,Return on investment (ROI),投资回报率(,ROI,),Comparison of the cost of training with the monetized benefits acquired by the company,将培训成本与企业量化成货币的利益增长做比较,Four levels of training assessment,培训评估的四个标准,Reaction Did participants like the training?,反应,学员喜欢培训课程吗?,Learning Did participants learn the content presented?,学习,学员学到培训内容没有?,Behavior Did participants modify behavior based on content?,行为,学员是否根据培训内容调整了他们的工作方式?,Results Did training produce results for the company?,结果,培训是否为企业带来实际的好处?,How often are evaluations carried out?,(Blanchard Thacker & Way),上述评估方式的采用情况:,Reaction 70%,反应, 70%,Learning 25%,学习, 25%,Behavior - 10%,行为,- 10%,Results - 5%,结果, 5%,Who considers evaluations to be important?,(Blanchard Thacker & Way),哪些人认为评估是重要的?,Trainer,培训师,Training Manager,培训经理,Line Manager,部门经理,Senior Management,高级管理人员,Reaction,反应,Yes,Yes,No,No,Learning,学习,Yes,Yes,No,No,Behavior,行为,Perhaps,Yes,Yes,Perhaps,Results,结果,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,What do we look for when assessing results?,评估培训结果时应该看哪些方面?,Suspicion of,提出某个设想,Evidence of,该设想的证据,Proof of,该设想的进一步证据,What qualities do good assessment instruments have?,好的评估手段有哪些特点?,Reliability,可靠性,Validity,有效性,Simplicity of administration,易于掌握,Economical,低成本,Free of bias,无偏见,How do we measure?,怎样评估?,Ask questions,提问,Document analysis,分析文件,Observation,观察,Interviews,谈话,Job performance,工作表现,Tests and other assessment vehicles,测试以及其他评估手段,Where do we get information?,从哪里获取信息?,Participants,学员,Supervisors of participants,学员的主管,Subordinates of participants,学员的下属,Peer groups,同类组织,Training staff,培训者,External organizations,外部组织,Performance records,工作表现,Experts,专家,How do we evaluate each level?,每个评估标准的评估方式:,Evaluate Reaction,评估反应,Distribute and analyze,发出和分析,Questionnaires,调查表,How do we evaluate each level?,每个评估标准的评估方式:,Evaluate Learning,评估学习,Administer,管理,Written tests,书面测试,Performance tests,绩效测试,Simulations,实践模拟测试,How do we evaluate each level?,每个评估标准的评估方式:,Evaluate Behavior,评估行为,Collect performance data from,从以下方面收集绩效数据,Superiors,上级,Subordinates,下属,Peers,同事,Clients,客户,How do we evaluate each level?,每个评估标准的评估方式:,Evaluate Results,评估结果,Measure,测量,KPIs,关键绩效指标,Accidents,意外,Quality,质量,Productivity,生产率,Morale,士气,Costs or Profits,成本或收益,Challenges for each level:,每个评估标准的挑战,Reaction Did participants like the training?,反应,学员喜欢培训课程吗?,Trainees are easily influenced by skilful trainers,学员容易受熟练培训者的影响,Trainees are in a hurry to leave the training,学员急着离开培训,Trainees want to be nice, dont want to hurt others,学员不想伤害他人的感情或尊严,Trainees dont care about the evaluation results,学员不关心评估结果,Evaluation is based on fun rather than usefulness of content,评估基于乐趣,而不是无益的内容,Challenges for each level:,每个评估标准的挑战,Learning Did participants learn the content presented?,学习,学员学到培训内容没有?,Evaluation needs to be built into the design of the training,培训课程设计的同时就要将评估考虑在内,Pre and Post tests consume much time,培训前后的测试花费过多时间,Simulations are difficult to evaluate,实践模拟难以评估,Content isnt always easy to link to work being done,培训内容不总是能与日常工作密切相关,Challenges for each level:,每个评估标准的挑战,Behavior Did participants modify behavior based on content?,行为,学员是否根据培训内容调整了他们的工作方式?,Collecting evaluation information can be quite troublesome,收集评估信息可能会十分麻烦,Confidentiality of assessors needs to be assured,要保证评估者信息的保密性,Assessors arent trained to be objective,评估者不一定客观公正,Challenges for each level:,每个评估标准的挑战,Results Did training produce results for the company?,结果,培训是否为企业带来实际的好处?,Organization needs to cooperate,组织需要配合,Evaluators need to be knowledgeable,评估者需要知识丰富,Data collection can be troublesome,收集数据可能会很麻烦,ROI Definition,投资回报率的限定,The extent to which benefits of an investment exceed costs,投资收益超出成本的限度,ROI must include a time factor,投资回报率有一个时间限定,Why we should use Training ROI,为什么要分析培训的投资回报率,Allows us to measure trainings contribution,使我们能够衡量培训的作用,Enables comparison between different training programs,使我们能够比较不同的培训项目,Redirects focus on results, not the process,使我们更关注培训的结果,而不是培训过程,Justifies planned investment in training,证明计划中培训的投资是有价值的,Sets benchmark for the future,为将来的培训评估设定一个基准,Why we should use Training ROI,为什么要分析培训的投资回报率,Changes the mind-set of senior management,改变公司高层的固有看法:,Now: training is a cost,现在:培训是一项成本,Future: training is an investment,将来:培训是一项投资,Training as an expense:,将培训看作是一项成本,Should be minimized,应该尽量减少,Expenses are short term in perspective,只需要关注短期效果,Dont need to be examined closely,不需要对效果进行密切的跟踪,Are justified only if have immediate impact on revenue,只有在能够产生即时的和直接的收益增长时才能证明培训是有价值的,Competes for approval with entertainment, stationary.,会将培训与娱乐,办公费用支出等进行比较,Training as an investment:,将培训看作是一项投资,Justified as a required ingredient for business growth,认为培训是公司业绩增长的需要,Fosters a long term perspective,从长远的角度来看,Should be closely examined,应该仔细地进行效果跟踪,Increases revenue and profitability over the long term,要过很长时间才能带来利润增长,Competes for approval with manufacturing facilities, R&D, marketing strategies.,会将培训与新的厂房,研发投入等进行比较,What are the perceptions of training in your organization?,您的公司对培训的理解是什么?,Only if training is considered an investment will senior management appreciate the value it brings to the organization,只有当培训被认为是一项投资时,公司高层才会认识到它带给公司的价值,ROI is the single best tool to bring credibility to training as an investment,ROI,是使“培训是一项投资”具有说服力的最好工具,Calculating Return on Investment (illustrative example),投资回报率的计算,Classic ROI:,传统,ROI,计算方式:,Benefits / Costs X 100% = ROI%,(利润,/,成本),x100%=ROI,百分比,Cost = 20,成本,= 20,Annual Benefit = 100,年收益,= 100,100 / 20 X 100% = 500%,What is the typical ROI in the corporate sector?,企业里常见的投资回报率是多少?,Calculating Return on Investment (illustrative example),投资回报率的计算,Payback Period:,投资回收期限,Costs / Monthly Benefits = Payback Period,投资回收期限,=,成本,/,月收益,Cost = 20,成本,= 20,Annual Benefit = 100,年收益,= 100,Monthly Benefit = 100 / 12 = 8.33,月收益,= 100 / 12 = 8.33,20 / 8.33 = 2.4 months,20 / 8.33 = 2.4,月,ROI Full calculation,投资回报率,全面计算,Classic ROI:,传统,ROI,计算方式:,Incremental Benefits / Costs X 100% = ROI%,递增收益,/,成本,X 100% = ROI%,46,050 / 85,950 X 100% = 53%,ROI Full calculation,投资回报率,全面计算,Payback Period:,投资回收期限,Costs / Monthly Benefits = Payback Period,投资回收期限,=,成本,/,月收益,85,950 / 11,000 = 7.8 months,85,950 / 11,000 = 7.8,月,Full ROI Calculation,全面计算投资回报率,Participant average monthly salary: 10,000,学员平均月工资:,10,000,Training cost: 25,000,培训成本:,25,000,Training participants: 12,学员人数:,12,Increase in productivity: 5%,生产效率提升:,5%,Annual salary: 10,000 X 12 = 120,000,年工资,: 10,000 X 12 = 120,000,Total annual salary: 120,000 X 12 = 1,440,000,年总工资:,120,000 X 12 = 1,440,000,Total benefits: 1,440,000 X 5% = 72,000,总收益:,1,440,000 X 5% = 72,000,Incremental benefit: 72,000 25,000 = 47,000,递增收益:,72,000 25,000 = 47,000,ROI: 47,000 / 25,000 X 100% = 188%,Variability of ROI example salary = 5,000ROI,分析举例演绎,工资,= 5,000,Participant average monthly salary: 5,000,学员的平均月工资:,5,000,Training cost: 25,000,培训费用:,25,000,Training participants: 12,学员人数:,12,Increase in productivity: 5%,生产效率提升:,5%,Annual salary: 5,000 X 12 = 60,000,年工资:,5,000 X 12 = 60,000,Total annual salary: 60,000 X 12 = 720,000,年总工资:,60,000 X 12 = 720,000,Total benefits: 720,000 X 5% = 36,000,总收益:,720,000 X 5% = 36,000,Incremental benefit: 36,000 25,000 = 11,000,递增收益:,36,000 25,000 = 11,000,ROI: 11,000 / 25,000 X 100% = 44%,Variability of ROI example increase in productivity = 3%ROI,分析举例演绎,生产效率提高,= 3%,Participant average monthly salary: 10,000,学员的平均月工资:,10,000,Training cost: 25,000,培训费用:,25,000,Training participants: 12,学员人数:,12,Increase in productivity: 3%,生产效率提升:,3%,Annual salary: 10,000 X 12 = 120,000,年工资:,10,000 X 12 = 120,000,Total annual salary: 120,000 X 12 = 1,440,000,年总工资:,120,000 X 12 = 1,440,000,Total benefits: 1,440,000 X 3% = 43,200,总收益:,1,440,000 X 3% = 43,200,Incremental benefit: 43,200 25,000 = 18,200,递增收益:,43,200 25,000 = 18,200,ROI: 18,2000 / 25,000 X 100% = 72%,Variability of ROI example participants = 5ROI,分析举例演绎,学员,= 5,Participant average monthly salary: 10,000,学员的平均月工资:,10,000,Training cost: 25,000,培训费用:,25,000,Training participants: 5,学员人数:,5,Increase in productivity: 5%,生产效率提升:,5%,Annual salary: 10,000 X 12 = 120,000,年总工资:,10,000 X 12 = 120,000,Total annual salary: 120,000 X 5 = 600,000,年总工资:,120,000 X 5 = 600,000,Total benefits: 600,000 X 5% = 30,000,总收益:,600,000 X 5% = 30,000,Incremental benefit: 30,000 25,000 = 5,000,递增收益:,30,000 25,000 = 5,000,ROI: 5,000 / 25,000 X 100% = 20%,Is calculating ROI feasible?,计算投资回报率是否可行,Do you have the time and resources?,你是否有时间和资源,Do you have the support in the field?,你在这个领域是否得到支持,Is the audience interested in receiving the information?,听众对接受信息是否有兴趣,Are there economies of scale in providing the training?,提供的培训是否达到一定规模,Will the results of ROI be used for making decisions?,投资回报率分析的结果是否会对决策产生影响,Presenting the ROI Results to Senior Management,为高级管理人员介绍投资回报率分析的结果,Know the audience for the report,了解听众,Speak the same language as the audience,讲听众的语言,Use sources they consider valid,使用听众认为有效的资源,Be conservative,分析要保守,Present variations,提供其他的可能性,Dont try to quantify all benefits,不要试图量化所有的收益,Training ROI,培训的投资回报率,Measure whether your training program produced the desired results based on what your client will accept as evidence of improvement,根据听众是否可以接受,并作为将来改进的依据来衡量你的培训项目是否达到了预期的效果,Are people really “our greatest asset?”,人才是否真的是我们企业最宝贵的资产,?,


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