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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Unit 1,Ticket Service,English for Civil Aviation Ground Service,English for Civil Aviation Ground Service,Do you know any terms involved in flight-ticket-purchasing Please share them with each other.,Business English,Terms involved in flight-ticket-purchasing,Asking for information,Making a reservation,Confirming a reservation,Canceling a reservation,Purchasing a ticket,Flight ticket reservation,Round-trip ticket,International flight ticket,Domestic flight ticket,Regular flight,Changing a reservation,Time of departure,Rescheduling ones ticket,Missing ones flight,Paying for the refund,Refunding ones ticket,One/single-way ticket,Ticket office,Flight number,First class,Business Class,Economy Class,Having a discount on a round trip,Putting someone on the waiting list,A round trip ticket with return open,Booking a connecting flight,Picking up tickets,Now answer the questions,What information you need to offer when you are going to book a flight ticket,2. If you have reserved a ticket already, when,should you go to pay and pick up your,ticket,3. If you ask for a refund of your ticket within,24 hours, how much you have to pay,Useful expressions:,Business English,Talking about job descriptions and responsibilities:,The job involves,You will be responsible for ,Offer first-hand information to ,Make reservations for ,Suppose you are working in an air-tickets booking office. Your job is to receive telephones calls and offer services on line. Think about your job responsibilities and discuss them with your partner. Here are some Here are some useful expressions.,Dialogue - Domestic Flight,国内航班,Step 1 Telephone Inquiry,This is the Booking Office of Air China.,there are 18 flights going to Dali every week.,the flight number,that departs at 13:40,the fare,make a reservation,not finalized. Ill make my reservation later,Keys,机票出售,1.The earliest time is at 9:00 AM, flight number AC210.,Flight Number:,航班号,重点词组,一般级、比较级和最高级,big bigger biggest,early- earlier- earliest,语法回顾,3.May I ask whether it is one-way or return,ticket,情态动词,Could I have the television on?,重点语法,4.Sorry, that flight is sold out. We have seats available on both the 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM flights. Which one would you prefer,be sold out:,售罄,available :,可用的,重点词组,Business English,Information Bank,每个航班都有航班号。我国国内航班号的编排是由航空公司的两字代码加4位数字组成,航空公司代码由民航总局规定公布。例如 CA代表“中国国际航空公司、CZ代表“中国南方航空公司、MU代表“中国东方航空公司、SU代表“四川航空公司、FM代表“上海航空公司、HU代表“海南航空公司、MF代表“厦门航空公司、ZH代表“深圳航空公司、SC代表“山东航空公司。后面四位数字的第一位代表航空公司的基地所在地区,第二位代表航班基地外终点所在地区,其中数字1代表华北、2为西北、3为华南、4为西南、5为华东、6为东北、8为厦门、9为新疆,第三、第四位表示航班的序号,单数表示由基地出发向外飞的航班,双数表示飞回基地的回程航班。国际航班号的编排,是由航空公司代码加3位数字组成。第一位数字表示航空公司,后两位为航班序号,与国内航班号一样的是单数为去程,双数为回程。,Business English,Step 2 Telephone Reservation,Situation A: Space Available,What kind of questions does the clerk usually ask when someone is calling to book an air ticket,Useful expressions,1. Were not too full at this time of the year.,每年的这个时候我们的航班都不是很满载。,2. seats are available,航班还有座位,3. CA 1849 next Thursday suits me all right.,下周四国航,1849,最适合我。,4. Make that a business class seat, please.,请定公务舱。,5. Have a nice trip,祝您旅途愉快。,Business English,Information Bank,A as in Apple N as in Nancy,B as in Boy O as in Ocean,C as in Charley P as in Peter,D as in David Q as in Queen,E as in Edward R as in Robert,F as in Frank S as in Sam,G as in George T as in Tom,H as in Henry U as in Uncle,I as in India V as in Victor,J as in John W as in William,K as in King X as in X-ray,L as in Larry Y as in Yellow,M as in Mary Z as in Zebra,在旅客 定座中,英语姓名容易听错,为了正确地记录旅客的姓名,旅客报了姓名后,定座员依次读出姓名的一个字母后,再读出字首是该字母的一个英文词,以便核对无误。通常的读法,Business English,Step 2 Telephone Reservation,Situation B: Space not Available,Useful expressions:,Id like to book an economy class seat from Beijing to Dali on CA1849 on,December 20th, next Thursday. 我想定一张12月20日北京飞往徐州的国航1849的经济舱。,2. Im afraid there is not a single seat left on that flight. 那个航班一个座位也没有,剩.,3. We are now in tourist season. 我们正处于旅游旺季,4. reservations should be made at least two weeks before the flight departure,date. 要提前两个星期订票,5. May I waitlist you on the 20th,我可以把您列入20日航班的候补名单么,Business English,Step 2 Telephone Reservation,Situation B: Space not Available,Match words and translations from the two columns,1 B, 2K,3L,4G, 5A, 6D, 7J, 8E, 9F, 10 H, 11 C, 12 I.,Keys,Match words and translations from the two columns,Business English,体验商务英语,1,课件 郭娟,Step 3 Telephone Confirmation 确认,Situation A: Confirming the reservation,Read the dialogue, then make up your own dialogues with your partner according to the given condition,航班号的一般读法:,CA 127 CA one twenty-seven,SH 5241 SH fifty-two forty-one,UA05 UA oh five,Business English,Step 3 Telephone Confirmation 确认,Situation B: Canceling the reservation,Dialogue learning and exercises,Useful expressions,1. No-shows: 误机乘客。,2. Go-shows: 到机场等待的候补旅客。,3. Standby: 等待候补。Standby也可以当名词用,如there are five,standbys for CA 753 to Los Angeles. 前往洛杉矶的国航753航班有五名,候补旅客。,4. Im scheduled on your flight CA1849 from Beijing to Dali tomorrow,afternoon. Id like to make sure that there is no problem with my,reservation. 我预订了明天下午国航CA1849北京到大理的机票,我想确,认一下。,5. Your record shows that your reservation from Beijing to Dali has,been cancelled. 记录说明您北京至大理的预定取消了。,Business English,Step 3 Telephone Confirmation 确认,Situation B: Canceling the reservation,1. Ive booked an air ticket from Beijing to New York next,Monday.,2. I have to cancel the reservation.,3. Could you tell me the flight number,4. Your name,5. I got it.,6. Youve booked the CA 421 First class on next Monday,Sep. 27th.,7. Would you like to book another flight,8. Thanks for calling. Good bye Mr. Brown.,Keys,Complete the dialogues,Dialogue - International Flight,国际航班,Business English,Step 1 Booking a ticket,订票,国内局部航空公司代码,中国国际航空公司 CA 中国东方航空公司 MU,中国西北航空公司 WH 厦门航空 MF,中国南方航空公司 CZ 上海航空公司 FM,中国西南航空公司 SZ 山东航空公司 SC,国外局部航空公司代码,法国航空公司 AF 澳大利亚快达航空公司 QF,英国航空公司 BA 瑞士航空公司 SU,大韩航空 KE 芬兰航空公司 AY,德国汉莎航空公司 LH 日本航空公司 JD,美国西北航空公司 NW 全日空公司 NH,韩亚航空公司 OZ 新加坡航空公司 SQ,美国联合航空公司 UA 荷兰皇家航空公司 KL,Step 2 Purchasing the ticket,买票,Useful expressions,Visa n. 签证,Passport n. 护照,Purchase a ticket 买票,Pick up a ticket 取票,Make a reservation 预定机票、餐桌、酒店客房等,Pay in cash or with credit card 现金支付或信用卡支付,Please check in at the airport no later than 4:00 p.m. that day. 请在当天下午四点前办理登记手续。,Setting:,Heidi has got her work done in time and made the reservation by telephone with the office. Now she is coming to pick up the ticket,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Useful expressions,Im sorry to tell you that we cant change any words written on the ticket. According to CAACs regulations, when a passenger wants to change his flight, date, route or his name to anothers, his ticket will be handled as a refund ticket. That is to say, you have to buy another ticket.,很抱歉,飞机票上面写的字一个也不能改。根据中国民航的规定,旅客要求变更航班、日期、航线或其他旅客姓名,该机票那么按退票处理。也就是说,您得另外机票。,departure time, the cancellation fee is 10% of the original fare.,Setting:,One day before Heidis departure, she changes her plan due to some urgent matters at her school. Now she is at the office desk:,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Useful expressions,根据中国民航规定,如果旅客不包括团体旅客在飞机起飞24小时以前申报退票,按原价的10%收取退票费。,If the passenger asks for a refund of his ticket within 24 hours and 2 hours before the departure time, he has to pay 20% of the original fare.,如果旅客在飞机起飞24小时以内,2小时以前申请退票,他得按照原票价的20%交退票费。,If he asks for a refund of his ticket within 2 hours before the departure time, he has to pay much more. The cancellation fee would be 50% of the original fare.,如果在飞机起飞2小时以内申请退票,他得交更多的退票费,为原价的50%。,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Ticket refund 退票,退票分为自愿退票和非自愿退票两类。由于旅客的原因而引起的退票为自愿退票;不是由于旅客原因而引起的退票成为非自愿退票。旅客应凭客票或客票未使用局部的“乘机联和“旅客联办理退票。,国内航班退票只限在出票地、航班始发地、终止旅行地的航空公司或其销售代理人售票处办理。票款只能退给客票上列明的旅客本人或客票的付款人。,国际航班退票应在原购票地点或者经航空公司同意的其它地点,并符合原购票地点和退票地点国家的法律及其他规定。,Information Bank,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Ticket refund 退票,自愿退票,除凭有效客票外,还应提供旅客本人的有效身份证件。革命伤残军人和因公致残的人民警察要求退票,免收退票费。 持婴儿客票的旅客退票,免收退票费。持不定期客票的旅客要求退票,应在客票的有效期内到原购票地点办理退票手续。旅客在航班的经停地自动终止旅行,该航班未使用航段的票款不退。,因航空公司原因造成航班取消、提前、延误、航程改变或不能提供原定座位时,旅客要求退票,始发站应退还全部票款,经停地应退还未使用航段的全部票款,均不收取退票费。,旅客因病包括患病旅客的陪伴人员要求退票,需提供医疗单位的证明,始发地应退还全部票款,经停地应退还未使用航段的全部票款,均不收取退票费。,Information Bank,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Answer these questions:,1. If you want to know which class of service the passenger,desires, what would you say,2. If space is not available on the flight that the passenger,desires, what would you say and suggest to the passenger,3. Mr. Green fails to reconfirm his reservation for an,international flight within 72 hours before departure and his,reservation has been canceled. What should you say to him,4. Mr. Williams wants to refund his ticket from Honking to,Tokyo 36 hours before the flights departure. How much he,has to pay and how do you say to him,Step 3 Refunding the ticket,退票,Complete the following dialogue and practice with your partner.,1. Hello, how may I help you,2. Sure, where would you go,3. CA1314 takes off at 12:40 the day after tomorrow.,4. CA542 takes off at 15:20 tomorrow. There are seats,available. Would you like to take this flight,5. Here you are. By the way, do I need to pay again,6. Thanks for taking China Airlines.,Keys,Make up your own dialogues with your partner according to the following condition,Mr. Wright is taking a flight from New York to Chicago. It leaves at four o,clock and arrives at six o,clock. He wants to know whether dinner is served on the flight. If dinner is not served, he wants to change his reservation to a later flight on which dinner will be served.,End Thank you!,


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