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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Section B,2a3b,basic adj. 根本的;根底的,exchange n.& v. 交换,go out of ones way 特地;格外努力,make . feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归,teenage adj. 十几岁的;青少年的,granddaughter n.外孙女,behave v. 表现;举止,except prep. 除之外,conj. 除了;只是,elbow n. 肘;胳膊,suggestion n. 建议,NEXT,1.behave ,v.,表现;举止,作此义讲时是不及物动词。名词为,behavior,。,If you behave like that, you,ll get yourself disliked.,如果你像那样做,你会让人厌恶的。,BACK,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P97的内容进展复习。,2.exceptprep. 除之外,conj. 除了;只是,except强调“不包括在内,意味着从整体中减去局部,一般表示同类之间的关系,常与all,every,no,none,nothing等含有整体肯定或否认意义的词连用,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P97的内容进展复习。,Everyone except Tom and John was there when the meeting began. 会议开场时,除汤姆和约翰以外的所有人都到场了。主语为Everyone,故谓语仍用单数形式。,No one except two students was late for the meeting yesterday.昨天的会议没有人迟到,除了两个学生以外。主语为No one,故谓语仍用单数形式。,BACK,3.suggestion ,n.,建议,【构词】本词是由动词suggest加后缀-,tion,构成的名词。类似构成的名词还有:,invention, education, expression,等。,Do you have any good suggestions for me?,你有什么好建议给我吗?,BACK,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P97的内容进展复习。,2a,What do you know about customs in foreign countries? What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country?,e.g.,My cousin went to America, and,she said that learning basic table,manners was her biggest challenge.,She never know what she was,supposed to do at the dinner table.,2b,Read the letter and answer the,question.,Dear Laura,Thanks for your message. Yes, Im having,a great time on my student exchange,program in France. I was a bit nervous,before I arrive here, but there was no,reason to be. My host family is really nice.,They go out of their way to make me feel at,home.,The grandmother knows that I miss,Chinese food a lot. So she actually,learned how to make Chinese food!,She also has a teenage granddaughter,about my age who is really kind. She,always talks to me in French to help,me practice.,You wouldnt believe how quickly my,French has improved because of that.,Im very comfortable speaking French,now. Although I still make lots of,mistakes, it doesnt worry me as it used,to.,My biggest challenge is learning how,to behave at the dinner table. As you,can imagine, things are very different,from the way they are at home. For,example, youre not supposed to put,your bread on your plate. Youre,supposed to put it on the table!,I thought that was pretty strange at first,but now Im used to it. Another example is,that youre not supposed to eat anything,with your hands except bread, not even,fruit. You have to cut it up and eat it with,a fork. Another thing is that it is impolite,to say youre full.,If you dont want any more food, you,should just say, “That was delicious.,Also, youre not supposed to put your,elbows on the table. I have to say that I,find it difficult to remember everything,but Im gradually getting used to it. I,dont find French customs so strange,anymore.,Ill write again soon and tell you more,about my life in France. hope youre,having a good school year.,Yours,Lin Yue,1. Why is Lin Yue in France?,She is on her student exchange,program in France.,2. Does she enjoy staying with her,host family? How do you know?,Yes, she does. Her host family,go out of their way to make her,feel at home.,3. How does she feel about making,mistakes when she speaks French?,Although she still make lots of,mistakes, it doesnt worry her as,it used to.,4. What is the biggest challenge she,is facing?,Her biggest challenge is learning,how to behave at the dinner,table.,2c,Read the passage again and,replace the underlined words with the phrases in the box.,Making mistakes in French used to,make,Lin Yue,nervous,.,Making mistakes in French used to,worry,Lin Yue.,It was quite hard for her to,feel good about,speaking French.,It was quite hard for her to,be comfortable,speaking,French.,3. The host family,tried very hard,to help Lin Yue.,The host family,went out of their way,to help Lin Yue.,4. Lin Yue has,slowly learned how to be,like her French friends.,Lin Yue has,gradually,gotten used to being,like her French friends.,2d,Review the passage and make notes about French customs in the chart.,Dos,Youre expected to put your bread on,the table!,Youre expected to eat fruit with a fork.,Youre expected to say, “That was,delicious if dont want any more food.,Donts,Youre not supposed to put your,bread on your plate.,Youre not supposed to eat anything,with your hands except bread.,Youre not supposed to say you are full,delicious if dont want any more food.,Compare the table manners in France and china in your group. How are they the same or different? Make a list.,2e,e.g.,In France, people put their,bread on the table. But in,China, we always put our food,on a plate or in a bowl. We,never put food on the table.,3a,Your pen pal is coming to China on an exchange program. He/ She is asking you about Chinese customs and what he/she is supposed to do or not. Make notes in the chart.,Table,manners,Its polite to make no noise,when you are eating.,Its impolite to start eating first if there are older people at the table.,House,rules,Youre supposed to respect the hosts custom.,Youre not supposed to visit a friends house after making a call.,Going,out,with people,Its polite to meet them on time .,Its impolite to keep them waiting for a long time.,3b,Write a letter to your pen pal to give him/ her advice and suggestions on how to behave properly in China.,Dear _,You must be excited about coming to China soon.,Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese customs.,When youre eating at the table, its impolite to _ _.,In our house, youre supposed to _,_. When you go out with people, you should _,_.,Have a safe trip, and I look forward to meeting you soon!,Best wishes,_,Homework,请同学们完成?巴蜀英才英语?九年级上,P97-P98第四课时的相应练习。,BACK,8.be comfortable doing sth. 很自如/舒适地做某事=feel good about doing sth.,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P97的内容进展复习。,BACK,get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事表适应过程,而be used to doing sth.表状态,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P98的内容进展复习。,Let me give you some sugges-,tions and advice about Chinese,customs.,让我给你一些关于,中国习俗的建议和忠告吧。,请同学们在课后参照?巴蜀英才英语?P98的内容进展复习。,【辨析】advice和suggestion,1advice 指的是一种具有较强实用性和可操作性的“建议通常译为“劝告;忠告,它是针对某人的某一具体情况或特定情况所给出的最正确行动方案。为不可数名词。,The lawyer gave me some helpful advice.,律师给我提供了一些有用的建议。,2suggestion 仅是提出一个供人参考的想法和方案。为可数名词。,Ill agree to your suggestion if you lower the price. 如果你们降低价格,我就同意你们的建议。,BACK,


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