第8周 新古典主义

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Neo-classicism,(The Age of Reason),18th century,general introduction, Neo-classicism, representatives,1.the moderate school,2.the radical school,3. Sentimentalism,4.pre-Romanticism,General introduction of the historical,background,1.the purpose of the government,2.great changes in social life,3.rapid development of English economy and the expansion,4.intellectual movement :,Enlightenment,an intellectual movement,esp,in 18th century when people believed reason and science not religion would advance human progress.,Neo-classicism,1.definition:a movement from the Restoration till the end of 18th century, which emphasizes on order, reason( not emotion), restraint, common sense, and conservatism (not imagination). The representatives modeled after Greek and Latin authors.,2.characteristics:,reason emotion, form content,( correctness ,appropriateness, restraint elegance-elegance),purpose of writing: didactic, satirical,poetry: heroic couplet- the only possible verse form,drama: the three unities (time, place and action),it is wanting “romantic” element. It is especially hostile towards everything,that belongs to the Middle Ages with its chivalrous extravagance , visionary idealism, and strong religious faith.,Renaissances and Neo-classicism,Limitless potentials,Individualism,Confessional writing,Enthusiasm,Lyrics,Man as limited,Member of the society,Social observation,Order, rules,Satire,Famous Writers in General 1.the moderate group,Joseph Addison,: essayist,The spectator,远征报,Richard Steele,:,-,-Chief editor in 1708,The,Tatler,闲谈报,During this period , the struggle for power of the rising capitalist has been settled . They have a strong desire for self-education which is just the task of Enlightenment, So in this paper, they gather new ideas of the time and put them within the reach of readers , thus people are awakened by reading.,Alexander Pope,:,poet, master of heroic couplet,Essay on Criticism,The Rape of the Lock,The,Dunciad,Essay on Man,。,The Rape of the Lock,夺发记,written in the,form,of a mock-heroic poem,Theme:,Pope succeeded in producing effective satirical pictures of idle, meaningless life of the lords and ladies in the aristocratic-bourgeois society of 18th-century England, though the satire is usually rather mild and somewhat diluted with humor.,Pope also shows here the inferior position of woman in the aristocratic circles at the time where they were no better than toys and slaves to mens passion.,His lines are smooth, Balanced and concise, many of them have become household saying:,A little learning is a dangerous thing.,一知半解是最危险的事。,Drink deep or taste not the,Pierian,Spring .,要深透允饮,不然就尝不到知识源泉的甘霖,Hills peep oer hills, and Alps on Alps arise!,山外有山,学无止境。,To err is human, to forgive divine.,For fools rush in where angels fears to tread.,天使畏惧处, 愚人蜂拥至。,Know then thyself, presume not God to scan,认清自己,莫妄想探讨神,The proper study of Mankind is Man.,该人类研究的对象就只有人。,(,the great chain of being,),The great chain of being,生存的巨链,It details a strict, religious hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by,God,.,All nature is but art, unknown to You;,All nature is but art, unknown to You;,整个自然都是艺术,只是你不领悟;,All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;,一切偶然都是规定,只是你没看清;,All discord, harmony not understood;,一切不协调,都是你不理解的和谐;,All partial evil, universal good;,一切局部的祸害,乃是全体的福祉;,And, spite of price, in erring reasons spite,不要自大的(揣测上帝的意图),理智也会出差错,One truth is clear: Whatever IS, is RIGHT.,凡存在即合理,这就是清楚的道理。,Samuel Johnson,The greatest English man of letters between Pope and Wordsworth,A Dictionary of the English Language,Letter to the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield .,( the independence of English writers),Samuel Richardson,Pamela,The first English Psycho-analytical novel,(the life and love of the ordinary people,Sayings, doings, and the secret thought.),Dianel,Defoe,2.The radical school,Richard Sheridan,a dramatist in 18c.,The school for scandal-,comedy,A biting satire of English high society for its greed, vanity, hypocrisy, This play is regarded as the best comedy since Shakespeare.,Oliver Goldsmith, essayist, novelist dramatist poet,Novel: The Deserted Village.,Comedy: She Stoops to Conquer,Jonathan Swift,Henry Fielding,3.Sentimentalism,Transition in schools.,Neo-classicism-Sentimentalism-Romanticism,Thomas Gray,“graveyard school”,墓园诗派,“,The Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”,Related to the death of his intimate friend Richard West.,Theme: He reflects death, the sorrow of life, and the mysteries of human life in his personal melancholy. He stresses the fact that death is inevitable. He shows sympathy to the poor and the unknown, mocks the great ones who despise the poor.,Rhyme: 32 quatrains, iambic pentameter,abab,4.Pre-Romanticism, Robert Burns, William Blake,


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