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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,MeetingandSeeingoff开会和见面剖析,1. Meeting and seeing off,A: Excuse me, are you Mrs. Green from England?,B: Yes, I am.,A: Im pleased to meet you, Mrs. Green. My name is Myra. I work in Changchun Institute of Technology. I came here to meet you.,B: How do you do?,A: How do you do?,B: Its kind of you to meet me at the airport.,A: Youre welcome. Is this your first visit to Changchun?,B: No. I have visited Changchun several times, but its still a great honor to be invited here.,A: Its our pleasure to have you here. I hope youll have a pleasant stay.,B: Thank you. Im sure I will.,Practice 1 complete dialogs,1. A: How was your flight?,B: _,2. A: Allow me to introduce Mr. White to you. This is Mr. White from England. This is Ms. Zhao from Dongda Co., Ltd.,B: _,Mr. White?,C: _, Ms. Zhao?,3. A: Let me take your suitcase.,4. A: Thank you for everything youve done for me during my stay here.,B:_,5. A: Its very kind of you to see me off today.,B:_, and I hope youll_.,6. A: _?,B: Yes, I am.,7: A: Have a nice trip.,B: _,8. A: Are you Mr. Lin, General Manager at ABC Trading?,B: No, _. Im Liu Yang, Sales Manager. _(林先生今早突然有事,让我来接您).He is very eager to meet you, and _(要我代他向您问好).,Practice 2 Translation,A: 请问,您是来自英国的布兰克女士吗?,B:是的。,A:我是刘强,来自于BCD进出口 公司的翻译。我来介绍一下,这位是我们的经理,王先生。这位是来自英国的布兰克女士。,C:很快乐认识你,布兰克女士。欢送来到中国。握手,B:我也是,王先生。感谢你亲自来接我。,C:这是我的荣幸。一路上还好吧?,B:还好,旅途很愉快,就是有点累。,C:那就好,很快乐听你这么说。,B:你知道行李提取出在哪吗?,A:知道,在那儿。我们过去吧。,A:包有些重,让我拿吧.,B: 谢谢。别都拿走,我可以拿一个。,C:车在那边,我们送你去旅馆。,Practice 3 situation,Suppose a client will fly to New York. You will see him off at the airport. Act out the scene when you two are going to say goodbye.,(cues: Ive had, I really appreciate, Thank you for, Its time to get on board, I must say goodbye, lets keep in touch, Have a nice trip.),2. Arranging Hotels,1. Reserving a room (A: front desk B: guest),A: Good morning. Hilton Hotel. May I help you?,B: Good morning. Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 12th and 13th? Id like to make a reservation for the 2 nights.,A: All right. Single or double-room?,B: Double-room please.,A: Yes. We have a double-room available.,B: Is that with or without bath?,A: Its a room with shower and toilet, sir.,B: That sounds fine. Is there an air conditioner?,A: Yes, of course.,B: How much will it be for one night?,A: Let me see. A double-room $800 per night.,B: Does that include breakfast?,A: Yes. That includes a continental breakfast and a morning newspaper.,B: Do you accept VISA?,A: Yes, we do. What time will you be arriving?,B: I should be there around 5:30 p.m. on the 12th.,A: Ok, sir. Could I take your name and contact number, please?,B: Yes, its John Smith. New York 456-122.,A: Could you spell that, please?,B: J-o-h-n-s-m-i-t-h.,A: John Smith. Double-room with bath and air conditioner for the nights of 12th &13th.,B: Thats right. Thank you.,A: Thank you, sir. Good bye.,Translation,甲:早上好,希尔顿酒店,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?,乙:早上好,你能帮我看一下这个月12和13号还有空房吗?我想订这两天。,甲:好的。单人间还是双人间?,乙:双人间。,甲:好的。我们有一个双人间还未被预订。,乙:房间有没有浴室?,甲:当然有。,乙:一个晚上价格是多少?,甲:让我看一下。双人间每晚800美元。,乙:包括早餐吗?,甲:包括。包括一份欧式早餐和一份早报。,乙:承受VISA信用卡吗?,甲:承受。您什么时间到达?,乙:我在12号下午5:30到那里。,甲:好的先生。能留下您的大名和联系 吗?,乙:好的。约翰史密斯。纽约456-122.,甲:您可以拼写一下吗?,乙: J-o-h-n-s-m-i-t-h。,甲:约翰史密斯,12号和13号两天带洗浴和空调的双人间。,乙:对,谢谢你。,甲:谢谢您,再见。,Role play following the outline,Greeting-,inquiry (vacancy, single or double) -,facility and service -,payment (visa) -,(arriving time/ check-in time)-,confirm the information-,confirm the reservation-,Conclude the conversation,Cancelling a reservation,A: front desk B: Li Ming,A: Beijing Hotel.,B: Hello, my name is Li Ming and we have a reservation tonight.,A: Yes. What can I do for you?,B: I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans.,A: I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night?,B: OK, well let you know as early as possible.,B: By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation?,A: Certainly.,B: Thank you very much.,A: Thats all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good bye.,Task: cancel a reservation,Make a conversation to cancel a reservation with roles and steps given:,A: Front desk B: Customer,Steps: 1. Opening exchange (Hello, my name isWhat can I do for you),2. Bringing up the problem and solve it. (I need toOK. Shall I reschedule),3. Talking about the refund,4. Concluding the conversation,Room service,A: Room Services. (Service center) May I help you?,B: This is from Room 204. Do you have any laundry services?,A: Yes, we do.,B: Do I have to take the clothes to the laundry?,A: No, you dont have to. Well come to collect them.,B: When can I get the back?,A: If theyre collected now, you can get them back this evening.,B: Could I get the back in the afternoon at about five? I have an important meeting tonight.,A: Im afraid that you have to pay 20 yuan more.,B: No problem.,Situation,1. You want to make an outside call. Ask about the phone service.,2. You want to change the room as the room next door is too noisy. (a party is going on next door),3. Visiting a factory,Complete the dialog,A:_.(欢送来到我们工厂)My name is Jiang Hai and _.(我来带大家参观)First _(我们来看看)the workshop which produces food thermometers. Please_.(这边走,B:Has all the work done by men been replaced by automatic computers?,A: _.(是的),B:_.(对不起,这是什么?),A:This is a circuit board.,B: Are the batteries in it made by your people?,A: _.(不是,是从别的厂家订购的),:?这是什么类型的电池?,A:It is a lithium which can be used for over 3 years.,Practice: complete the dialogs,1. A: How large is the plant?,B: It covers_.,2. A: _?,B: It was set up in late 1970s.,3. A: _?,B: We have 500 employees running on 3 shifts.,4. A: _?,B: Our plant work with everything from the raw materials to the finished product.,5: A:_?,B: One thousand units per month now.,6: A:_?,B: All products have to go through five checks to control quality.,7: A: _?,B: About 2% rejects(次品) in normal operation.,谢谢!,


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