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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,动名词,动名词,1,构成,2,功能,3,时态,4,语态,动名词的构成,是由动词末尾加,-,ing,形式构,成,因此又叫动词的,-,ing,形式,。,动名词 否定式:,not +,v-ing,注意:不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,,有时态和语态的变化。,动名词的形式,主动形式,被动形式,一般式,doing,being done,完成式,having done,having been done,非谓语动词在句中所作的成分,成 分,动词形式,主,语,宾,语,表,语,定,语,状,语,补,语,不定式,动名词,现在分词,过去分词,作主语,Teaching,is my full-time job.,Writing,an English composition is not easy.,Its useless,taking this kind of medicine.,动名词的句法功能,注意:动名词作主语时,谓语动词一律用单数。,动名词作主语的形式主语句型,1.It is no use /good doing.,2.It is not any use/good doing.,3.It is worthwhile doing.,4.It is hardly worth doing.,5.There is no doing.,6.Its a waste of time doing.,eg.Its no good telling her all the truth.,Its no use crying over the spilt milk.,There is no talking what will happen.,Its a waste of time arguing about it.,It is worthwhile trying this experiment.,动名词和不定式作主语的区别:,动名词作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性行为;,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。,eg.,Playing with fire,is dangerous.,To play with fire,will be dangerous.,Smoking,is prohibited here.,To smoke so much,isnt good for you.,考点(,2,),与不定式作主语的区别,完成句子:,读书是一门艺术,。,is an art.,爬山真有趣,。,is really fun.,对于商人来说,收集信息是很重要的。,is very important to businessmen.,这次很难拒绝他。,is not easy this time.,我今天的任务是清洁这个房间。,is my task today,.,动名词作主语。,句型,1,:位于句首,考点(,1,),谓语用单数:,Being too anxious to help an event develop often ( result) in the contrary to our intention,.(,2008,年广东高考题,),results,Reading,Climbing mountains,Collecting information,To clean the room,To refuse him,动名词:表抽象的、经常性的动作。,不定式:表具体的、一次性的、将来的动作。,考点(,3,):,用所给词的正确形式填空:,Seeing is,(believe).,(see) is to believe.,(live) is struggling.,To live is,(struggle) .,It is easier to read a foreign language than,(speak) it.,Reading a foreign language is easier than,(speak) it.,believing,To see,Living,to struggle,to speak,speaking,no use/good,not any use/good,of little use,useless,It is/was a waste of time +doing,sth,.,worthwhile,hardly worth,fun,翻译:,1.,跟他争吵是没用的。,2.,和孩子们一起玩真好。,3.,阅读这样的书是浪费时间。,句型,2,:用,It,作形式主语,习惯句型:,It is no use arguing with him.,It is fun playing with children.,It is a waste of time reading such a book.,句型,3,:,There is no +doing,sth,.,无法,/,不能,英译汉:,There is no knowing what the weather will be like.,There is no telling what will happen.,作表语,My job is,teaching.,= Teaching is my job.,Her full-time job is,laying eggs.,=Laying eggs is her full-time job,.,动名词和不定式作表语的区别:,动名词作表语表示一般或抽象的行为;,不定式作表语往往表示具体的某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式,.,eg. My favourite hobby is jogging.,His idea is to give up the plan.,注意:现在进行时着重强调动作正在进行,.,eg. He is cleaning the window.,作宾语,He,keeps,buying,expensive maps.,I have just,finished,doing,my home work.,He,is fond of,playing,football.,She left,without,telling,me.,注意: 动名词可以作动词、动词短,语及介词的宾语,一,.,只接动名词作宾语的常见,动词,(,短语,),有,:,dislike, avoid, consider, finish, suggest,deny, imagine, risk, mind, keep, miss,enjoy, fancy, admit, delay, appreciate,practise, escape, cant help, cant stand,give up, put off, feel like, succeed in,等,太多了,怎么记呀?,Mrs P Black missed a beef bag.,Mrs P Black missed a beef bag.,mind,risk,suggest,practise,busy,look forward to,advise,consider,keep,miss,insist on,succeed in,escape,delay,avoid / appreciate,begin,enjoy,finish,be used to,admit,give up.,二,.,某些动词接不定式与动名词作宾语的区别,1) remember to do,记住要做某事,remember doing,记得过去做过某事,我记得在街上见过他。,I remember meeting him in the street.,我想起来要给我父母亲写信。,I remember to write a letter to my parents.,2)forget to do,忘记去做某事,forget doing,忘记做过某事,我忘了去为她寄那封信了,.,I forgot to mail the letter for her.,我忘记了写过那篇作文,.,I forgot writing that composition.,3) stop doing,停止 做某事,stop to do,停下正在做的事而去做另外一件事,请不要抽烟,Stop smoking, please.,咱们停下来休息一下吧。,Lets stop to have a rest.,4),mean to do,打算做某事,mean doing,意味着,I meant to catch up with the early bus.,This means wasting a lot of money.,我打算赶上早班车,.,这意味着花很多钱,.,5) try to do,设法尽力做某事,try doing,试着做某事,You should try to overcome your shortcomings.,你设法尽力克服你的缺点,.,Try working out the physics problem in another way.,试着用另一种方法去计算这物理难题,.,6)regret to do,对要做的事表示抱歉或遗憾,regret doing,对已做过的事表示后悔,我后悔花了那么多钱,.,我很遗憾地吿诉你,你高考失败了,.,I regret spending so much money.,I regret to tell you have failed the college entrance exam.,三,.allow,advise, forbid, permit + doing,allow,advise,forbid,permit +,sb.,+ to do,eg. We dont allow smoking here.,We dont allow students to smoke.,四,.need, require, want + doing (,主动形式表被动意义,),to be done,eg,. The window needs/ requires/ wants cleaning.,to be cleaned.,五,.add to, look forward to, lead to, pay attention to,stick to, devote oneself to, object to, get down to,get / be used to + doing,六,. love, like, prefer, hate, + doing,表示一般倾向性,.,to do,表示一次具体动作,eg. I like chatting on the Internet.,I like to go to the cinema tonight.,七,. begin, start, continue + doing / to do,区别不大,.,如果谈论一项长期的或习惯的动作,常用,doing.,eg.,She starts making preparations at eight every day.,I was beginning to get worried.,She began to understand what they really wanted.,The meat began to give off a bad smell.,八,. Should / would like / love + to do,eg.The little child would love to be taken to the zoo,.,九、下面这种结构中也可以用动名词,(,短语,),构成宾语,S,(主语),+,think,consider,find,feel like,+ it +,useless,no use,no good,+V-ing,I found it useless (no use )_.,我发现争论这件事是没有用的,arguing about it,Do you consider it any good_?,你觉得再试会有好处吗?,trying again,十、在下面这类句子中,介词,in,常可以省略,后接,v-ing,1),have,trouble /difficulty,a problem /a struggle,a good time /a hard time,(+in)+V-ing,2) S + spend time /money (in ) +v-ing,3) S + be busy (in/with )+V-ing,4) lose no time (in ) + V-ing,立即做,They are busy (in) _.,.,他们忙于准备考试,Do you have any difficulty (in ),?,你听懂英语口语有困难吗,?,I spent two hours (in),.,我花了两个小时写作文,He lost no time (in),.,他立即把这个好消息告诉了我,preparing for the examination,understanding spoken English,writing my composition,telling me the good news,Pratice,注意:在动词,advise, allow, permit,(允许),forbid(,禁止,),,,consider,等后,如果没有人称宾语,后跟动名词;如果有人称宾语则后跟不定式。例如,:,We dont allow _(smoke) in our school.,(2) Students are not permitted _(enter) the laboratory freely.,(3) John advised me _(forgive) her,forwhat,she had done.,(4) He is considering _(apologize) to her for what he has done.,smoking,to enter,to forgive,apologizing,1)The room,wants_.(clean,),2)The methods,needs_.(improve,),3)The problem requires _.(work out),4)The problem is well worth _.(discuss),cleaning,improving,working out,discussing,+ to be done,want (,需要,),need (,需要,),Sth,. +,require (,需要,) +,doing,be worth(,值得,),注意:如果主语是某一事物,在以下动词后用动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。,动名词作定语通常放在它所修饰的词之前,表示性质或用途。,a,washing,machine,a machine for washing,a,swimming,pool,a pool for swimming,This is a new,washing,machine.,作定语,动名词和不定式作定语的区别:,动名词作定语通常放在它所修饰的词,之前,,,表示性质或用途,无逻辑上的任何关系。,不定式作定语总是放在所修饰词,之后,,,多与所修饰的词有动宾关系或主谓关系。,I have a lot of work,to do,.,Please go to the,sleeping,car.,动名词的复合结构,物主代词,(,或名词的所有格,)+,动名词,动名词的复合结构在句中可作主语,宾语,表语,等,在口语中,这种结构如果作宾语,其中的,物主代词常用人称代词的宾格,名词的所有格常,用名词的普通格来代替。如:,Do you object to,Li Pings,joining the physics,group,?,Do you mind,my,smoking,?,Marys coming,late made her teacher angry.,动名词的复合结构:,名词所有格或物主代词,(,not,)doing,(,可作主、宾、表语,),名词普通格或代词宾格,(,not,)doing,(只作宾语),例,:,Toms coming,made us very happy.,We are glad at,Toms/Tom coming,.,We are glad at,his/him coming,.,The boys were alarmed by,the door suddenly shutting,.,用,v-ing,形式改写原句,使句意不变:,He insisted that Mary should live in the room.,He insisted on,.,Would you mind if I use your computer?,Woud,you mind,?,That John was careless caused so much trouble.,caused so much trouble.,Marys/Mary living in the room.,my/me using your computer,Johns being careless,动名词的时态与语态,主动形式,被动形式,一般式,doing,being done,完成式,having done,having been done,动名词的一般式:通常表示,一般性动作,(即不是明确地在过去、现在或将来发生的动作)或是与谓语所表示的动作,同时发生的动作,,例如:,1) They are all interested in,climbing mountains,.,2,),He took a great delight in,helping others.,3),Being careless,is not a good habit.,动名词的时态,He didnt mention,having met me,.,2) I regret not having,taken her advice.,3) I dont remember,having ever promised you that.,动名词的完成式:,如果要表示动名词代表的动作在谓语所表示的,动作之前发生,,通常用,动名词的完成形式,,例如,动名词的时态,动名词的语态,动名词的逻辑主语同时也是动名词动作的承受者,,动名词用,被动语态,。,1),它的一般式表示的动作与谓语动词动作同,时发生,或在其前发生。如:,I dont like,being laughed at,in public.,在公共场合下,我不喜欢被别人嘲笑。,2),它的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前。,如:,I am very pleased at your,having been honoured,with a medal.,我很高兴你能获得这样的奖牌。,知识运用:,1.,用所给词的正确形式填空:,I hate,(talk) with such people,.,(be) careless is not a good habit.,Thank you for,(help) me so much.,He is praised for,(devote) his life to the country.,He was afraid of,(leave) at home.,He insisted on,(send) to the front.,The house showed no sign of,(damage).,talking,Being,having helped/helping,having devoted,being left,being sent,having been damaged,一般式:表动作是经常性的,动作发生的时间并不明确。,完成式:表动作发生在谓语动词前。,(,高考热点,),动名词的逻辑主语是动名词动作的承受者时,动名词用被动语态。(,高考热点,),2.,完成句子。,我没能信守诺言,十分抱歉。,I apologize for,.,没有给他出国的机会,他很生气。,He was angry for,the chance to go abroad.,动名词的否定形式:,not+ doing,not keeping/having kept promise,.,not having been given,being done,having done,having been done,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. I dont mind _,(the children, play ) in the garden, but I cant,have them walking over my flowers.,2. I hate _ (look) at when I am,doing lessons.,3.The boy was afraid of _(leave),alone in the room at night.,4. Something has been done to prevent workers,from _(injure) when they,are working.,5. I cant understand _,(they, forbid) to go to the meeting.,the,children(s,) playing,being looked,being left,being injured,their /them forbidding,6. He couldnt stand _ (make) fun,of when his wife was present.,7. This novel is not worthy of _ into,a film.,8. The patient insisted on _(operate),on even if there is little hope of success.,9. He regretted _ ( make ) the decision,too hastily.,10. _(he, tell) a lie made his mother,quite angry.,being made,being made,being operated,having made,His telling,1. I cannot understand _ such a well-paid job.,A. him to give up B. him to have given up,C. his giving up D. his being given up,2.Janes summer vacation in England led to _ an Englishman.,A. her marry B. her to marry,C. her being married D. her marrying,3.She was sad because of _ any chance left.,A. there being not B. there not being,C. not there being D. there was not,C,D,B,4. If you think a letter is too slow, why,not _ a telegram?,A. try to have sent B. trying to send,C. to try to send D. try sending,5.There is no chance _ him today.,A. in seeing B. to seeing,C. of seeing D. about seeing,D,C,6. I know you like _ . Would you like _ with me now?,A. to swim, to swim B. swimming, swimming,C. swimming, to swim D. to swim, swimming,7. Before _, the machine must be checked.,A. being used B. using it,C. being used to D. using,8. To give up _ means _ .,A. smoking, stopping smoking,B. smoking, to stop smoking,C. to smoke, to stop to smoke,D. to smoke, stopping to smoke,C,A,A,9. What do you think of the book?, Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time.,A. to read B. reading,C. to be read D. being read,10. -“What has made you so upset?”,-“_ my new bike.”,A. Lost B. Because of losing,C. Since I lost D. Losing,11. I still remember _ to Beijing when I was six.,A. to take B. taking,C. having taking D. having been taken,B,D,D,12. Some foreigner used to _ on the left in their own countries, but now they have got used to _ on the right in our country.,A. driving, drive B. drive, drive,C. drive, driving D. driving, driving,13.The young trees we planted last week require,_with great care.,A. looking after,B. to look after,C. to be looked after,D. taken good care of,14.No one enjoys _ at. A. laughing B. to laugh,C. being laughed D. to be laughed,C,A,C,15. It is important for parents and young people to learn how to get through to each other and develop skill in understanding and _.,A. being understood B. to be understood,C. understand D. understood,16. _ more trees is good for health and it is also important to stop waste from factories _ our surroundings.,A. To plant, pollute B. Planting, to pollute,C. Plant, polluting D. Planting, polluting,A,D,17. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon.,A. you to call B. you call,C. your calling D. youre calling,18. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?,A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking,19. “The light in the office is still on.” “Oh, I forgot _ .”,A. turning it off B. turn it off,C. to turn it off D. having turned it off,20. “I must apologize for _ ahead of time.” “Thats all right.”,A. letting you not know B. not letting you know,C. letting you know not D. letting not you know,C,C,C,B,Thank you,1. He,practised_(read)English,aloud every day.,2. The boy stood there without _(dare)_(say),a word.,3. Madame Curie devoted all her time to _(work),hard, and she succeeded in _ (discover)Radium.,4. We dont want _(risk) _(get) in the rain.,5. Its difficult for a foreigner to get used to _,(eat)with chopsticks.,6. If you cant turn the key, try_(put)some oil,in the lock.,7. Mary tried _(explain) ,but the teacher refused,_(listen).,8. Wed better_(take) an umbrella.,9. I remember _(water)the flowers yesterday.,10. Can you imagine_(travel) in outer space?,reading,daring,to say,working,discovering,to risk,getting,eating,putting,to explain,to listen,take,watering,travelling,1. The doctor advised to take some exercise every day.,2. Im looking forward to receive letters from my parents.,3. The slave,(奴隶),owners were against to set,the slaves free.,4. The city is worth being visited.,5. The children are too young to dress themselves.,They need to look after.,6. Coal is used to producing,(,生产),electricity,(,电),.,advising taking.,looking forward to receiving.,worth visiting,need looking after.,is used to produce.,against setting.,1.,我建议在校门口等他。,(suggest),I suggest waiting for him at the school gate.,2.,我盼望着收到他的来信。,(look forward to ),Im looking forward to receiving his letter.,3.,我们反对星期一开会,. ( be against ),We are against having the meeting on Monday.,4.,我对早起习惯了。,( be used to ),I am used to getting up early,.,5 .,潜水是我喜爱的运动。,( dive ),Diving is my favorite sport.,Translate the following sentences,:,6,我厌烦看这种书。,(be tired of),7,他冒险跳进河去救我。,(risk),8 .,他考虑参加会议。,(consider),I am tired of reading this kind of books.,He risked jumping into the river to save me.,He considers attending the meeting.,9.,你应该每天练习讲英语,. (,practise,),You should,practise,speaking English every day.,10.,我们要避免犯同样的错误,. ( avoid ),We should avoid making the same mistake.,


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