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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit,12(3),F,eelings and Emotions,-By,Linda,Vocabulary,Vocabulary Review,Dialogue,Reading,3,Dialogue:,Why are you _,Im _ because Im _.,I always _ when Im _.,What do you do when youre neverous,What do you do when youre,Early Monday Morning in Centerville,森特维尔城的周一大清早,New words,Text,New,words,rush,r :,vi.,冲;奔;闯;,rush to work,匆匆忙忙去上班,8,New,words,truck,trk :,n,卡车,载货汽车,deliver,diliv vt,投递,;,传送,;,运送,(+to),deliver food to,派送食物到某处,9,New,words,mail,meil :,n,邮件;,carrier,:kri,运送人,;,搬运人,;,送信人;从事运输业的人,(,或公司,),mail carrier :,邮递员,10,New,words,business,:biznis,生意,交易,;,商业,;,营业,;,行业,UC,police :pli:s,警察,警方the S,police officer,警员,;,警官,11,New,words,direct,direkt,指挥,;,主持,;,管理,vt,traffic,:trfik n,交通,u,direct traffic at every corner,在每个角落指挥交通,12,New,words,typical,:tipikl adj,典型的,有代表性的,snowstorm,:snust:m,暴风雪,snow hard,:,雪下得大,13,Early Monday Morning in Centerville,森特维尔城的周一大清早,14,Early Monday morning is,usually,a very busy time in Centerville. Men and women,usually,rush to their jobs.,15,Some,people,walk to work,some,people drive,and others,take the bus,.,16,Children,usually,go to school,.,Some,children,walk to school,some,children,take the school bus,and others,ride their bicycles,.,17,The city is usually very busy. Trucks,deliver food to supermarkets, mail carrier,deliver mail to homes and business, and police officers,direct traffic at every corner.,18,Yes, early Monday morning is usually a very busy time in Centerville.,19,Is early morning usually a very busy time in Centerville,What do men and women usually do,How do they get there,Reading check-up,20,What do children usually do,How do they get there,Is the city usually busy,What do trucks do,Reading check-up,What do mail carriers do,What do police officers do,Is Monday morning usually in Centerville,Reading check-up,Reading check-up,The Snowstorm,The snowstorm,Today isnt a typical early Monday morning in Centerville. In fact, its a very unusual morning. Its snowing very hard there.,The snowstorm,All the people are at home. The streets are empy, and the city is quiet. The men and the women,who usually rush to their jobs,arent rushing to their jobs today.,25,The snowstorm,The people who usually walk to work arent working, the people who usually drive arent _, and the people who usually take the bus arent _ the bus.,26,The snowstorm,The children who usually go to school arent _ to school. The children who usually walk to school arent _ to school today.,27,The snowstorm,The children who usually _ the school bus arent _ it today. And the children who usually _ their bicycles arent _ them this morning.,28,The snowstorm,The city is very quiet. The trucks that usually _ food arent _ it today. The mail carriers who usually _ mail arent _ it this morning. And the police officers who usually _ the traffic arent _ it today. Yes, its a very unusual Monday moring in Centerville.,29,How do you get to work,walk,drive,take the bus,take the train,How do you get to work,take the subway 6. take a taxi,ride a bicycle,ride a motor scooter,ride a motorcycle,How do you get to work,rollerblade,rulbleid,vi.,滑旱冰,n.,直排轮滑;滚轴溜冰;滑旱冰,作业,熟读 ,背诵,P112,,,P113,课文,默写本课生词和短语,完成,P113,的,reading,check up,练习册本课中的内容,Thank you!,See you!,


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