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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 4,新职业英语,Contents,Listening & Speaking,4,Warming-up,1,Reading A,2,Reading B,3,Language Lab,7,Language Lab,7,Writing,5,Mini-project,6,Language Lab,7,Entertainment,8,Warm-1,Task 1,Match the following currencies with their names.,Japanese Yen,United States,Dollar,Pound Sterling,European Dollar,Korean Won,Canadian Dollar,Notes,Notes,Pound Sterling 英镑,European Dollar 欧元,Canadian Dollar 加拿大元,United States Dollar 美元,Japanese Yen 日元,Korean Won 韩国元,根据中国银行2021 年12 月31 日外汇牌价,1 英镑 10.97 人民币元,1 美元 6.83 人民币元,100 日元 7.38 人民币元,1 加拿大元 6.48 人民币元,1 欧元 9.79 人民币元,100 韩国元 0.57 人民币元,Warm-2,Task 2,Complete the table with appropriate,currency codes and symbols,.,GBP,EUR,JPY,CNY/RMB,¥,HKD,HK$,Notes,Notes,currency code:,货币代码,currency symbol:,货币符号,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Text A-1,The PONZI Scheme,A Ponzi,scheme,is an investment fraud that appears to be actually paying high,returns,by paying the supposed returns out of victims own capital. It is named after,Carlo Ponzi,who ran a huge Ponzi scheme in the US in the 1920s.,Reading A,Text A-2,Reading A,A typical Ponzi scheme promises investors a high rate of returns in a short time. The money that is collected from investors is used to pay the returns. This means the fraud can run for some time, because investors appear to be making the promised returns. Early participants can profit, as they can with a pyramid scheme. However as the scheme needs more and more “investors to keep joining, it is inevitable that it will eventually run out of people who are willing to join. The result is that the fraudster makes a large profit, people who join early also make profits, and those who join later lose their “investments.,Text A-3,Reading A,The easiest way to explain this is with an example.,Suppose,the scheme promises a return of 10% a month. The fraudster simply takes investors money and returns a tenth of it at the end of every month. The fact that investors appear to be getting the returns they were promised will encourage more people to put their money in the scheme, and even encourage the,original,wave of victims to reinvest. After ten months the fraudster will have returned all the money,invested,by the very first investors (assuming they did not reinvest), but will have most of the money invested by later investors. At this point the fraudster simply takes the money and disappear.,Text A-4,Common types of Ponzi scheme operate under a variety of names including “high yield investment program and “high yield bonds. Their common characteristics are very high returns with no clear underlying business to generate them.,Reading A,Text A-5,More complex forms of Ponzi scheme can be harder to,detect,. They may well appear to be legitimate investments. They may even be part of an investment that includes both legitimate and Ponzi elements. An example of,the latter,is an investment company that offers very high returns to depositors, and does lend the money (as a real investment company would) to make returns, but does so knowing that the returns on loans will not,suffice,to cover the interest paid to depositors.,Reading A,Text A-6,Anything that offers very high returns without,correspondingly,high risk should be regarded with great suspicion. Any investment sold through unusual,channels,(e.g., spam email or cold calling) or by a business that is not,appropriately,regulated,(e.g., by a national regulator) is also both suspicious and probably illegal. It is usually possible to check with regulators whether someone selling investments is regulated or not.,Reading A,A-Trans-1,Reading A,庞氏骗局,庞氏骗局是一种看似高回报实际是以受害者自己的资金来支付应付报酬的投资骗局。它以卡罗庞齐的名字命名,此人于20 世纪20 年代在美国筹划组织了一场大规模的庞氏骗局。,A-Trans-2,Reading A,庞氏骗局承诺投资者在短期内获得高回报,而用来支付高额回报的资金却是从投资者那里筹集来的。这就意味着这种骗局可以支撑一段时间,因为投资者似乎得到了所承诺的回报。早期参与者能够获利,这与金字塔编局是一样的。然而,由于这种骗局需要越来越多“投资者的不断参加,迟早有一天会出现不再有投资者愿意参与此项投资的情况。最终的结果就是行骗者能够获取丰厚利润,早期参与者也能获利,但后来的参与者却会失去他们的“投资。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,一个例子就能清楚地说明此骗局是如何运作的。假设该骗局承诺每月10%的回报,行骗者收取投资者的资金,然后在每月月底拿出十分之一作为回报。投资者似乎得到了所承诺的回报,这就会鼓励更多的人把资金投入这一骗局,甚至还会诱使原来的投资者继续投资。十个月之后行骗者就会把第一批投资者的本金假设他们没有再继续投资全部归还,但此时行骗者已经得到了后期投资者的大局部资金,此时,行骗者便可以携款消失。,A-Trans-4,Reading A,常见的各种庞氏骗局通常冠以“高收益投资工程或“高收益债券等各式各样的名号,其共同特点就是高回报,但却没有支撑高回报的根底业务。,A-Trans-5,Reading A,一些更复杂的庞氏骗局较难识破。一些外表看来很像是合法的投资工程,一些那么混合了合法投资与庞氏骗局的元素。举一个后者的例子,某投资公司向储户提供高额回报,他们会像一个真正的投资公司那样通过借贷来赚取利润,但他们很清楚贷款所获的收益缺乏以支付储户的利息。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,任何只有高回报而没有相应高风险的投资都很可疑。当一个投资工程是通过非正常渠道销售如垃圾邮件或陌生推销 ,或由非正规监管如承受国家监管机构的监管的公司销售时,都应该受到质疑,而且很可能是非法的。通常可以去监管机构核查某个投资工程是否受到监管。,n,. a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal (often used to show disapproval); an official plan that is intended to help people in some way,Reading A,scheme,e.g.,Police uncovered a,scheme,to steal paintings worth more than $250,000.,e.g.,The money will be used in teacher training,scheme,.,n,. (often pl.) a profit from an investment,Reading A,return,e.g.,Product areas are being developed to produce maximum,returns,.,e.g.,Farmers seek to improve,returns,from their crops.,Carlo Ponzi,Carlo Ponzi,: also Charles Ponzi (1882-1949), an Italian,Immigrant to the United States, who became one of the,Greatest fraudsters in American history.,Reading A,v,. to make a profit; obtain an advantage or benefit,Reading A,profit,e.g.,Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly,profited,from the war.,e.g.,Not all children would,profit,from this kind of schooling.,pyramid scheme,pyramid scheme,: A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or service being delivered.,金字塔骗局;传销,Reading A,to use up,Reading A,run out of,e.g.,Weve,run out of,petrol, so we have to take a bus to the theater.,e.g.,Some experts declare the world could well,run out of,Internet addresses in three years, unless urgent action is taken.,v,.,to assume to be true or real for the sake of argument or explanation,Reading A,suppose,e.g. Suppose we win the lotterywhat would you do with the money,e.g. Suppose you are offered the jobwill you accept,a.,used or produced at the creation or earliest stage of something; complete new and different from anything that anyone has thought of before,Reading A,original,e.g.,They will restore the house to its,original,state.,e.g.,I dont think he is capable of having,original,ideas!,v,.,to buy shares, property or goods in order to gain a financial return,Reading A,invest,e.g.,The company is to,invest,12 million dollars in its manufacturing site in Shanghai.,e.g.,She had,invested,heavily in the bond market.,n.,a quality that is typical of a particular person, place or thing, and that makes them easy to recognize,Reading A,characteristic,e.g.,Ambition is a,characteristic,of all successful businessmen.,e.g.,The need to communicate is a key,characteristic,of human society.,a.,basic or fundamental,Reading A,underlying,e.g.,The,underlying,cause of cancer is the inability of ones body to properly utilize the nutrition that it receives.,e.g.,There are,underlying,principles common to all modes of business communications.,v,. to discover or identify the presence or existence of,Reading A,detect,e.g.,Cancer may soon be,detected,in its earliest stages.,e.g.,Paul,detected,a faint note of weariness in his fathers voice.,the second or second mentioned of two people or things,Reading A,the latter,e.g.,Jack and Bill are twins, but,the latter,is much taller than the former.,e.g.,The town has a concert hall and two theatres.,The latter,were both built in the 1950s.,v.,to be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfill a need,Reading A,suffice,e.g.,One example should,suffice,to prove it.,e.g.,No words will,suffice,to convey his grief.,ad,. accordingly or equally,Reading A,correspondingly,e.g.,The new edition is bigger and,correspondingly,more expensive.,e.g.,As his political power has shrunk, he has grown,correspondingly,more dependent on the army.,n,. a system or method that is used as a way of achieving something,Reading A,channel,e.g.,Many distribution,channels,common in the developed countries, e.g. superstores, mail order, are still rather new to the Indian consumers,.,e.g.,Music is a great,channel,for releasing your emotions.,ad,. in a proper or suitable way,Reading A,appropriately,e.g.,An,appropriately,designed road network is key to the development of any nation, whether developed or developing.,e.g. The chain of volcanoes is known, appropriately enough, as the “Ring of Fire.,v,. to control or supervise an activity or process, usually by means of rules or laws,Reading A,regulate,e.g.,Problems can arise when the government fails to,regulate,markets properly.,e.g.,The volume of economic activity was,regulated,by the supply of money.,A-Task 1,Reading A,Task 1 Complete the following table according to the passage.,a high rate of returns in a short time,high yield investment program,high yield bonds,anything offering high returns,without correspondingly high risk,A-task 2-1,Reading A,Task 2 Choose the best answer for each of the following questions or statements according to the passage.,Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage,A. The first Ponzi scheme was run by Carlo Ponzi.,B. A Ponzi scheme usually attracts investors with a high rate,of returns.,C. The early investors can actually make some money in a,Ponzi scheme.,D. A Ponzi scheme gets the same profits as a pyramid,scheme.,D,A-task 2-2,Reading A,2. Most people will not get the promised high returns because _.,A. Carlo Ponzi has died,B. the fraudster cannot keep his promise,C. more investors are coming,D. they have to wait for the investment to create profits,3. A Ponzi scheme can usually fool many people because _.,A. the fraudster pays everyone high returns,B. they have got high returns for some time,C. all the money collected is used to pay returns,D. the fraudster is good at investment,B,B,A-task 2-3,Reading A,4,. More complex forms of Ponzi scheme _.,A. do not seem to be a fraud at all,B. are run by real investment companies,C. lend money to make returns,D. pay a little interest to depositors,5. According to the passage, the best way to prevent a Ponzi scheme is to _.,A. check with a regulator,B. stop investing after getting the first high returns,C. be away from any investment,D. ask an expert for help,A,A,Carry as little cash as possible, just a bit more than enough for cabs, tips and little things;,Use debit cards or/and credit cards to pay for expenditures. Make sure these cards are accepted overseas;,Withdraw cash from ATMs and keep the number of withdrawals to a minimum;,Exchange currency at major financial institutions. Dont do it at airports, train stations, hotels, and commercial money exchangers;,Always pay in local cash;,Carry a backup card in case of emergency,.,Handling Money When Traveling Overseas,Business Know- how,Reading B,Reading B,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Text B-1,Tips to Save You Money,Time and Efforts with HSBC,Interbank transfer in Hong Kong dollars,The standard rate at a branch is HK$170, but if you use,HSBC,Internet Banking, your cost drops to only HK$10.,Reading B,Text B-2,2. Outward telegraphic transfer,Enjoy the biggest saving by using HSBC Internet Banking any time of the day where the fee is only HK$110. if you remit funds to Chinas mainland, you will enjoy a HK$30 discount for payment to accounts held with HSBC branches in Chinas mainland.,3. Monthly fee,You can avoid the HK$50 monthly fee for a Hong Kong dollar savings account if you keep your balance at HK$5,000 or above.,Reading B,Text B-3,4. Automatic bill payment,Pay bills instantly any time through HSBC Internet Banking, or even pre-set dates for automatic payment, and youll be sure to avoid overdue payment charges.,5. Consolidated monthly statement,Becoming a Premier, PowerVantage or SmartVantage customer, youll receive a consolidated monthly statement presenting a concise view of your financial position. All your financial arrangements like insurance, loans, investments and mortgages, will be included in your monthly statement, showing your entire financial situation at a glance.,Reading B,Text B-4,6. Securities or unit trusts,You can trade securities or unit trusts easily and conveniently with phonebanking or HSBC Internet Banking.,7. Day and Night Banking Centers,Day and Night Banking Centers operate outside standard working hours, enabling you to make enquiries or receive assistance with all your personal financial needs, including insurance, investments, loans, mortgages, etc.,Reading B,Text B-5,8. Remittance service,If you are receiving a payment from overseas, simply ask the payer to send it by telegraphic transfer rather than a check drawn on an overseas account. As such, the payment can be credited to your account directly, saving you the time and efforts waiting for check clearance at branch.,Reading B,Text B-6,9. Various self-service methods,Reading B,B-Trans-1,Reading B,如何办理汇丰业务,省钱、省时又省事,欢送使用汇丰银行效劳和收费便捷指南。在本指南中,您将了解到节省时间和金钱的实用技巧,为您提供更加增值的银行效劳。更多项选择择,更高效率,更多理由携手汇丰银行。,1. 港元银行内部转账,支行的标准费率为170港元,但如果您通过汇丰网上银行,费用那么降为仅10 港元。,B-Trans-2,Reading B,2. 对外电汇,通过汇丰网上银行,您可尽享一天二十四小时的便利和最大的优惠,费用只需110港元。向内地汇款时,如果您是汇给中国内地的汇丰银行账户,那么可享受30港元的折扣。,3. 月效劳费,如果您的港元储蓄账户余额维持在5,000港元以上,那么可以免交50 港元月效劳费。,B-Trans-3,Reading B,4. 自动支付账单,您可以随时通过汇丰网上银行即时支付账单,或预先设定自动支付账单的日期,确保不会有逾期未付产生的费用 。,5. 合并月度银行账单,成为卓越理财、运筹理财或明智理财客户后,您将收到合并月度银行账单,为您提供简洁的财务状况报表,。您的所有财务规划如保险,、贷款、投资和按揭都将汇入月度账单中,使您的全部财务状况一目了然。,B-Trans-4,Reading B,6. 证券或基金,您可以通过 银行或汇丰网上银行轻松便捷的地买卖证券或基金。,7. 昼夜银行中心,昼夜银行中心在正常营业时间之外时段营业,您可以咨询或就个人理财方面得到帮助,包括保险、投资、贷款和按揭等方面。,B-Trans-5,Reading B,8. 汇款效劳,如果您要收取海外付款,就让付款人通过电汇的形式,不要使用国外账户开出的支票。这样款项可以直接转到您的账户上,同时省去了等待支票在支行清算的时间和麻烦。,B-Trans-6,Reading B,9. 形式多样的自助效劳,HSBC: HSBC Holdings plc is a public limited company Incorporated in England and Wales in 1990, and headquartered in London since 1993. As of 2021, it is both the worlds largest banking group and the worlds 6th largest company according to a composite measure by Forbes magazine. The group was founded from the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation based in Hong Kong, the acronym of which led to the current name. 香港上海汇丰银行,Reading B,HSBC,B-Task-1,Reading B,Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the guide,1. You can use HSBC Internet Banking to transfer money among its branches at a cost of HK$10., 2. If you transfer money to Chinas mainland, you will enjoy a HK$30 discount for payment to accounts in Chinas mainland., 3. You can fix a date in advance to automatically pay bills through HSBC Internet Banking., 4. You are recommended to receive overseas payments by telegraphic transfer rather than by check., 5. Any customer with two or more HSBC accounts is entitled to consolidated monthly statements,.,T,T,T,F,F,B-Task-2-1,Reading B,Task 2 Read the chart in the guide and decide which self-service method(s) could be used for each of the following situations.,One,You are in Chinas mainland and want to know how much there is in your savings account with HSBC in Hong Kong.,Two,You have leased your apartment to a student and want to pay for gas and water through a savings account with HSBC,.,Internet Banking, Phonebanking (Automated & Personal), Self-service Banking, and Mobile Banking,Internet Banking, Automated Phonebanking, Self-service Banking,B-Task-2-2,Reading B,Three,You want to withdraw some cash to treat your friends with some snacks.,Four,You have changed your mobile phone number and want to update the registered phone number with HSBC.,Self-service Banking,Internet Banking, Personal Phonebanking,Listening,Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Task 5,L-Task 1,Task 1 Mr. Moor is opening an account at a bank. Listen to the conversation and choose the bet answer to each question you hear.,Listening & Speaking,Script,A. Fixed deposit account.,B. Current account.,C. Company checking account.,D. Personal account.,A. 100 dollars.,B. 200 dollars.,C. 1,000 dollars.,D. 2,000 dollars,.,A. Every time he writes a check.,B.When he writes a check with insufficient funds to his account.,C. If he writes more than 15 checks per month.,D. If he writes a check with an amount of less than 15 dollars.,C,C,B,New Words,L-Task 1 new words,Task 1 New Words,Listening & Speaking,checking account 美活期存款账户,service charge 效劳费;小费,小帐,insufficient a. 缺乏的,不充分的,fund n. 基金,专款,L-1-Script,Task 1 Script,Listening & Speaking,L-Task 2-1,Listening & Speaking,Task 2 Paul Ryefield is transferring money to a company in another city. Listen to the conversation and complete the following bank application form.,6,486,six thousand four hundred and eighty six US dollars and no cents,87504,Script,New Words,L-Task 2-2,Listening & Speaking,7466268,LTP DISTRIBUTION,L-Task 2 new words,Task 2 New Words,Listening & Speaking,credit v.把记入账户的贷方,beneficiary n. 受益人,debit v. 把记入账户的借方,correspondent n. 有商业关系的人或公司此处指代理银行,L-2-Script,Task 2 Script,Listening & Speaking,L-Task 3-1,Listening & Speaking,Task 3 Andrew Pound is making an offer to his client. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers.,1. The offer will be made without consideration of the quantity of the order.,True False ,_,2. The indication of price is not subject to the sellers confirmation.,True False ,_,If your order is big enough, we may give you a more favorable price,.,All the quotations are subject to our final confirmation,.,Script,New Words,L-Task 3-2,Listening & Speaking,3. The buyer wants the goods to be shipped to New York.,True False ,_,4. The seller will leave the offer open for 24 hours,only.,True False ,_,Its valid for two days,.,Script,New Words,L-Task 3 new words,Listening & Speaking,Task 3 New Words,indication,n.,暗示;指点,line,n.,生产线,流水线,open,a.,可供利用的,valid,a.,具有法律效力的,L-3-Script,Task 3 Script,Listening & Speaking,L-Task 4,Listening & Speaking,Task 4 Mr. Wills is discussing with his client about the offer. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes.,2.5 dollars,3%,large orders,in the future,Script,New Words,L-Task 4 new words,Listening & Speaking,Task 4 New Words,style,n.,样式;类型;类别,price gap,价格差距,commission,n.,佣金,回扣,transaction,n.,交易;业务,L-4-Script,Task 4 Script,Listening & Speaking,L-Task 5-1,Listening & Speaking,Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,A few days ago, Ivan decided to add some money to his bank account via ATM. After he put $74, the ATM took the money and returned him a slip._ , the amount on the slip was $7,430,000. He got another slip and still the amount was the same. So he decided to go to the bank and tell them about the mistake the ATM had made.,Ivan arrived at the bank and told a clerk his story, also showed a slip, but the clerk was not interested in the situation. “_ , buddy, said the clerk to the 7 million dollars account holder. “Come back please some other time, Ive got a lot of things to do right now.,To his surprise,Many strange things happen,L-Task 5-2,Listening & Speaking,Ivan got offended with such a response. He _ the nearest ATM and started withdrawing the cash. He went from one ATM to another _ of each one. He put all the money in big shoe boxes and afterwards took al


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