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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit4,Then and now,B.,Read and write,火眼金睛,people,could,fast,run,slow,drink,second,was,dream,cheetah,Present Past,现在 过去,clean ,stay ,play ,wash ,watch ,clean,ed,stay,ed,play,ed,wash,ed,watch,ed,Present Past,现在 过去,cry ,study ,worry ,carry ,copy ,cr,ied,stud,ied,worr,ied,carr,ied,cop,ied,Present Past,现在 过去,stop ,plan ,trip ,beg ,shop ,stop,ped,plan,ned,trip,ped,beg,ged,shop,ped,Present Past,现在 过去,have ,is/am ,are ,can ,run ,had,was,were,could,ran,feel ,think ,felt,thought,Wu Yifan had a dream about the,race,.,梦,dream,Did you have a dream last night,Yes, I did. No, I didnt.,fast,slow,One, two, start!,race,There were many,people,there.,friends,人,father,Max,Wu Yifan,His father ran very fast,.,r,u,n,过去式,r,a,n,Wu Yifan,could,not,But,run fast.,His father,ran,very fast,.,but,How did Wu Yifan feel,He was so worried.,happy,angry,worried,afraid,I could run fast at school. Why am I so slow now,What happened then,接下来发生什么了呢?,Then Robin said, “Drink this! and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again.,Then Robin said, “Drink this! and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again.,Suddenly Wu Yifan,tripped,and fell.,绊倒,Dont be worried.,It was all a dream.,Then he woke up.,醒了,Hes on the,r,a,ce,.,Hes running with,a,ch,ee,t,a,h,.,绿色圃中小学教育网 :/ Lspjy 绿色圃中学资源网 :/cz.Lspjy,cheetah,The cheetah can run very fast.,/ti:t/,cheetah,dog,Which one can run faster A dog or a cheetah,The cheetah,can run faster.,The cheetah,is faster,.,.,What animal can run very fast,The cheetah can run fast.,Wu Yifan,drank,it and suddenly he,felt,good.,He,could,run fast again.,突然,再一次、又,/sdnli/,Did Wu Yifan win the race Why,No, he didnt.,Then Robin said, “Drink this! and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again.,找出文本当中的过去式,said,gave,drank,felt,could,said gave drank felt could,drink can say give feel,say,give,drink,feel,wake,Cricle the past time,(圈出过去式,Wus dream,In the first race,He was with his,father and Max.,His father ran fast.,He ran slowly.,Then,Robin gave him some water.,In the second race,He ran like a cheetah.,He could win.,But at last he tripped and fell.,He woke up.,couldnt,run,fast,gave,drank,had,I had a dream last night.,In my dream, I saw many aliens.,外星人,They were so kind.,We played computer together.,We had a big dinner, too.,Then they went home by spaceship.,What a dream!,Homework,Listen and read P38.,听书本38页的录音,并读一读。, ,Tell your dream to your friend.,把你做过的梦告诉你的朋友。,Thank you!,Goodbye!,dream,Second reading: read it carefully and answer,the following questions.,1、Why was Wu Yifan worried,2、What happened when Robin gave,him some water,3、Why did he wake up,Because his father ran very fast,,,but Wu Yifan could not.,He could run fast again.,Because he suddenly tripped and fell.,


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