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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 21,Mad or not,mad adj. 发疯 sb. is mad,“为而疯狂(着迷)的表示方法:,be mad about/onsth,bemadonfootball/popmusic/jazz,eg. Im mad about English.,be crazy about,eg. I slowly go insane/go crazy/go mad.,They are going bananas.,go bananas bn:nz (go+adj.变得),=go crazy=go mad (变疯了),be mad at sb. 生某人的气(=be angry with sb.),Dont be mad at him.,reason n. 原因,理性,reasonableadj.合情合理的,良好的,atareasonableprice以合理的价格,for this reason,由于这个理由、原因,For this reason,I was late.,for,some,resson由于某个原因(some:某一个,加可数名词单数),bring sb. to reason,使某人讲理,cause导致某事发生的起因,thecauseofthefire大火的起因,eg.Smokingisoneofthecausesoflung,cancer.吸烟是肺癌的起因之一。,reason n. 原因,理性,give a reason 提出理由,the root reason 根本原因,the reason is that 理由是,the reason whyis that 的理由是,eg. The reason why I study English is that I envy those who speak English well.,the reason for sth 理由,eg. Whats the reason for your absence,the reason to do sth 做某事的理由,eg. Is there any reason to go there,理性,正常心智,eg. Only man has reason. 只有人类才有理性。,lose ones reason 丧失理智,beyond all reasons 毫无道理,bring a person to reason 使某人明白道理,使不做糊涂事,reason n. 原因,理性,sum,sm,n.,量,总数,The sum of 3 and 5 is 8.,a sum of +,不可数名词 一笔,a large sum of,大笔的,(large,指,数量,的大,),a large sum of money,一大笔钱,a great many,+,可数名词复数,a great number of,+,可数名词复数,plenty of,足够多的,Success is the sum of small efforts,.,成功就是一点点小小努力的积累。,sum sm n. 量,plenty of , a lot of ,lots of ,a quantity of , quantities of ,a supply of ,supplies of , a mass of ,masses of,可与可数名词和不可数名词连用,a large/good/great number of ,a variety of , varieties of + 可数名词复数,A(good /great )many + 可数名词复数,(注: a (good /great )many of后面的名词复数前要the ,these,those,ones 修饰,A large /good/great amount of ,amounts of , a great /good deal of +不可数名词,sumup,(1)合计,sumupalltheexpenses,把所有的花费加起来,(2)总结,概括,eg.Tosumup,heagreeswithus.,总的来说,他同意我们的观点。,insum=inaword/inshort/inbrief,总之,要言之,determined dt:mndadj. 坚决的, 下决心的,determinationn.判断力,决心,awomanofdetermination有判断力的女人,be determined to do sth.,下定决心做某事,make up ones mind,decide to do sth. 决定做,=make a decision to do sth.,determine v.下定决心,Details determine success.,细节决定成败。,下定决心,determined,dt:mnd adj.,We are_to insist until the last moment.,It took me a long time to_.,Where do you _ to spend holiday,determined,make up,my,mind,decide,Home and House,home,n. & adv.,家,家庭,家园,(,着重指所居住的人,常有,爱、温暖,等隐含,意义,有,感情色彩,),eg. I have a sweet home.,我有一个甜蜜的家,house,n.,房子,房屋,住宅,(,指建筑物,),eg. Wearesearchingthehouse.,我们正在搜查这房子,Lesson21Mad or not 是不是疯了,Whydopeoplethinkthewriterismad,or not 在疑问词的后面,表示“是还是不是,选择概念。,1,、,Aeroplanes are slowly,driving,me mad.,drive, v.,开车,驾驶,(drove, driven, driving),drive,to,eg. I drove to Tianjing yesterday, vt.,赶,驱赶,围赶,(,猎物、敌人等,),drive sb.,away from,把某人赶走,drive sb.,out of,把某人赶出去,drive sb.,back,eg. Our army drove the enemy back., vt.,逼迫,迫使,drive sb. mad,逼疯,开车去往某地,撵回去,2、I live near an airport and passing planes can,be heard night and day.,night and day 日日夜夜,夜以继日 (注意连读),passing planes 过往飞机,(passing是现在分词,作定语,起形容词作用,,修饰planes,“经过的(路过),过往的),eg. He forgot the girl with passing time.,随着时间的消逝,他忘掉了那个女孩。,3、The airport was built years ago, but for,some reason it could not be used then.,years前不加确定的数词时,一般表示“许多年,years ago = many years ago,some+不可数名词/可数名词复数 一些,some+可数名词单数 某一,for some reason,eg. Well talk about it some other time.,我们改日再讨论,由于某个理由,4,. Last year, however, it,came into use.,however 然而(用于句首, 句中, 用逗号隔开),come into use 启用,开场被使用,投入使用(主动形式表示被动含义,没有被动式),When did the train come into use,This method comes into use.,同类型词语:come true, take place, happen,come into effect 生效,come into reality 实现,5,.Over a hundred people must have been driven,away from,their homes by the noise.,must have been done,情态动词must +完成时态,是对过去事情的推测,。,away from,从某地离开(away 离开某地),out of somewhere,从某地出来,He ordered us out of the house.他命令我们离开这个房子。,6、I am one of the few people left.,one of 之一,(表示特指的一群人/一些东西中的一个,后面的,名词用复数),left表示被留下来的,leave过去分词, left作定,语放在被修饰词的后面,left 剩下的东西,eg. Who are left,I have a bag left.,7. Sometimes I think this house will be,knocked down,by a passing plane.,knock down =strike,撞击,将来时的被动语态,will be done,明年将要修建一栋学校。,A school will be built next year.,Unluckily, the little girl was _ by a car last year.,A.knokced B. striken,C.hit D. beaten,knock 敲门,knock down =strike 撞击,beat 敲打,hit袭击,8. I,have been offered,a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.,现在完成时的被动语态,have/has been done,家庭作业已经被完成了。,Homework has been finished.,电影已经被看了三遍了。,The movie has been seen by me threee times.,【,Key structures,】,被动语态,l、一般将来时中的被动语态,will/shall +be+过去分词,例: When will the road be opened to traffic 这条路什么时候开通?,例: Your watch will be repaired. 你的表将被修理。,【,Key structures,】,被动语态,2、现在完成中时的被动语态,have/has+十been+过去分词,例:My bag has been stolen. 我的包己经被偷走了。,例: This point has not been covered yet. 这一点没有被提到,【Key structures】,被动语态,3.被动语态可以和大局部情态动词连用(包括具有,情态功能的will和would)。,eg. He may be told the news.,The shops must be closed now.,在句型“动词+间接宾语+直接宾语中,这两个,宾语都可以成为被动句的主语。但由于间接宾语,通常是人,所以间接宾语成为被动句主语的时候,要多些.,被动语态:be + 动词的过去分词,含情态动词的被动语态:,can may must should + be + 动词的过去分词,eg. The flowers should be watered every day.,Cars mustnt be parked here.,汉译英:我们应该在山上种许多树。plant,eg. We should plant many trees,被动形式:,Many trees,should,be,planted,Exercises:,1.,I will send a message immediately.,A message will be sent immediately.,2. We must sell all these goods.,一AII these goods must be sold.,3. I told you he would receive the parcel in time.,I told you the parcel would be received in time.,4.,He has to deliver the letter by hand.,-The letter has to be delivered by hand.,5. They must have lost your letter in the post,Your letter must have been lost in the post.,单项选择,1.Theterribleweathernearlymadehimmad.,A.driveB.goC.turnD.become,2.Thelibrarydidnt_intouseuntillastmonth.A.comeB.makeC.takeD.get,3,.Thecarsalwaysmakealotofnoise.A.passingB.passedC.passD.topass,4,.Youshouldatleasttellthereasonwhatyouhavedone.A.ofB.withC.forD.at,5,.Theyaretiredofthe_oftheplanes.A.voiceB.soundC.noiseD.hear,6,.Theairportcame_uselastyear.A.outB.intoC.forD.with,7,.Immad_popsongs.,A.withB.aboutC.atD.of,单项选择,8.WhatshouldwedofirstifwewanttodevelopourvillageAlotofnewroads_,Ithink.,A.mustbuildB.havetobuildC.havebuiltD.mustbebuilt,9.The_boywaslastseen_neartheEastLake.,A.missing;playingB.missed;playedC.missing;playD.missed;toplay,10.Theroadcome_uselastmonth.,A.ontoB.intoC.onD.in,11.Dontworry.You_plentyoftimetodecide.,A.aregivingB.willgiveC.willbegivenD.havegiven,12.Im_myEnglish.A.determinedtoimproveB.determinedtoraiseC.determiningtoimproveD.determiningtoraise,13.-Havetheyfoundoutthe_ofthefire,-Yes.Itwasacigaretteendthat_thefire.,A.reason;causeB.causing;causedC.reason;startD.cause;started,Aeroplanes are slowly,driving,me mad.,I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.,The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then.,Last year, however, it came into use.,Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.,I am one of the few people left.,Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane.,I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.,Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right,.,oral exercise,ConnectingPeople通讯往来,UsingthePhone打,ChattingOnline网上聊天,MobilephoneandMessages手机与短信,TheVirtualandDigitalWorld虚拟与数码世界,PastFashion:LetterandCards逝去的时尚:书信与贺卡,


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