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You _ it. I could manage it myself.,A. neednt do B. neednt have done,C. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done,I _ wait until the rain stops. You know, I have neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.,A. should B. must C. have to D. ought to,There is no sound in the room . They _ be in it.,A. mustnt B. cant,C. neednt D. shouldnt,Lesson 41,Do you call that a hat,Discuss,Do you often buy something that you dont really need,What is it,2. Who do you think are generally more extravagant, men or women Why,Do you like wearing a hat?,When do you usually put on a hat?,What is the hat used for?,To make her look more beautiful,Do you call that a hat?,Do you call that +a +,名词?,表示一种轻蔑的含义。,e.g. Do you call that a house,Do you call that a vase,Do you call that a chair,rude adj.,无礼的,mirror,n.,镜子,hole n.,孔,remark v.,评说,remind v.,提醒,lighthouse n.,灯塔,New words and expressions,New Words,rude,ru:d,adj.,1.,粗鲁的,无礼的,我并不想粗鲁无礼。,I did not intend to berude.,2.,粗糙的,简陋的,石器时代的人使用粗糙简陋的工具。,People of the Stone Age usedrudetools.,mirror,mir,n.,镜子,我能从后视镜中看到自己。,I can see myself in the drive mirror.,look at oneself in the mirror,照镜子,e.g. My wife answered as she looked,at herself in the mirror.,a mirror of,a mirror of,的真实写照,Mark Twains novel is a mirror of his time.,马克,吐温的小说是他那个时代的真实写照。,hole,hul,n.,1.,洞,;,孔,There is aholein the wall.,墙上有一个洞。,带网眼的椅子,the chair with holes,New Words,remark,rima:k,1. v.,评说,我们不应该买不需要的东西我突然评论道。,We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remarked suddenly.,2.,n.,言辞,;,谈论,评论,他有说幽默话的习惯。,He has a habit of making humorous remarks.,New Words,remind rimaind,v.提醒,remind sb. of sth.,remind sb. to do sth.,remind sb. that,我提醒杰克他曾许下的诺言。,IremindedJack of his promise.,你可以进展同义句转换吗?,New Words,LESSON 41 Do you call that a hat,remind,rimaind,v.,使,想起,这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历,The story,remind,sme,of,an experience I once had.,New Words,lighthouse laithaus,n.,灯塔,在那个容易出事的地方一定得修建灯塔。,Alighthousemust be built at that dangerous place.,New Words,Listen to the story and answer,What kind of shopping does,the writer enjoy, do you think,2. What does the hat look like when the wife walked out of the shop,Shopping for himself.,A lighthouse.,Read and answer the questions.,1 Was the writer in a shop or a theatre,A shop.,2 Who was he with,My wife.,3 His wife was trying a hat on, wasnt she,Yes, she was.,4 What did the writer say to his wife,Do you call that a hat,5 Did she think the writer was being rude,Yes, she did.,6 How long had the writer been in the hat shop,Half an hour.,7 What was the remark the writer suddenly made,We mustnt buy things we dont need.,8 How soon did the writer regret saying it,Almost at once.,1、 Do you call that a hat I said to my wife.,call我们知道最常用的是“打 的意思。,同时,call还可表示 “把叫做、称为,常用于口语和非正式文体中。,2.You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror.,neednt表示“不必要、没必要。,英语中实际上有两个 need。,一个是普通动词need,是表示“需要的意思。,比方:I need a car我需要一辆汽车。;,另一个是情态动词need,是表示“必要 (用于劝告或建议) 。,need,1.做情态动词时,仅用于否认句和疑问句,只有现在时,过去式要用neednt have,,疑问式用need+人称+do,否认式用need not (neednt,如:,Need we leave soon,Yes, you must.,No, you neednt,need,You neednt have hurried.,=It was not necessary for you to hurry, but you did.,你当时不必这么匆忙。,need,2.做实义动词时,其变化与一般的实义动词一样,后接带to的不定式,need to do,dont need to,Do you need to ,e.g.我需要稍微休息下。(一般过去时),I needed to take a short rest.,I needed a short rest.,need,我需要稍微休息下。(一般过去时),I needed to take a short rest.,I needed a short rest.,Jack, you cant be rude _ the poor.,A with,B to,C about,be rude,to,sb.,对某人很粗鲁,C,对,很粗鲁,be rude,about,sth.,3,、我坐在一张新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上,等待着,.,I sat down on one of those modern chairs _holes,_ it and waited.,with,in,translation,4,、我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了,而我的妻子仍在镜子面前,.,We had been in the,hat shop,for half an hour and my wife was still,in front of the mirror,.,名词修饰名词,一般用单数:,bookstore,书店,drugstore,药店,in front of,在,前面,translation,5、“我们不应该买我们不需要的东西, “我突然发表意见说, 但马上又懊悔说了这话.,We mustnt buy things (that)we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.,6,、,You,neednt have said,that, my wife answered. I,neednt remind,you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.,neednt have done,原本不必做,但是做了,You neednt have bought the gifts.,neednt do,不必做,You neednt come.,7,、,I,find,it beautiful, I said.,你会发现很难和她闲聊。,Youll find it difficult to make conversation with her.,8,、,A man,can never,have,too,many ties.,can nevertoo,cannottoo,无论,也不为过,再多的领带对一个男人来说也不为过。,e.g.,你工作越小心越好。,You cant be too careful in doing your work.,Translation,9,、十分钟以后,我们一道走出了商店,.,我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子,.,Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was,wear,ing a hat that,looked like,a lighthouse!,本课必须熟记的词组:,look at oneself in the mirror,照镜子,the chair with holes,带网眼的椅子,in front of,在,前面,remind sb. of sth.,提醒某人某事,remind sb. to do sth.,提醒某人做某事,remind sb. that,canttoo,再,也不过分,walk out of,走出,wear a hat,戴帽子,look like,看起来像,找出文章中的定语从句,See you!,


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