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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 28,No parking,Lets talk about public logos,No parking,No smoking,Lets talk about public logos,NoPhotography,No touching,Lets talk about public logos,Keep quiet,Switch off,Lets talk about public logos,PleaseSaveWater,Caution!WetFloor,1、Is there anything that annoys you very much about other peoples behaviors Tell us about it.,2、What rules would you like to make for cars and their owners Give your reasons.,3、Can you think of any modern myths(神话) Tell us one.,Warming up,Interesting knowledge,美杜莎是希腊神话中的一个女妖,戈尔工三女妖之一,一般形象为有双翼的蛇发女人。她的父亲是福尔库斯,母亲那么为海妖怪科托。她的头发都是蛇。根据诗人奥维德的变形记Metamorphoses 4.770所述,她原是一位美丽的少女,因为与海神波塞冬私自约会也有一些版本称因美杜莎自恃长得美丽,竟然不自量力地和智慧女神比起美来,而被雅典娜诅咒,雅典娜一怒之下将美杜莎的头发变成毒蛇,而且给她施以诅咒,任何直望美杜莎双眼的人都会变成石像,因此成了面目丑陋的怪物。,宙斯之子珀尔修斯(Perseus)知道这个秘密,因此背过脸去,用光亮的盾牌作镜子,找出美杜莎,在雅典娜和赫耳墨斯的帮助下割下了她的头。从美杜莎的躯体里跳出双翼飞马珀伽索斯和巨人克律萨俄耳,他们都是波塞冬的后代。珀尔修斯躲避美杜莎两个姐姐的追杀时,在空中遇到狂风的袭击,被吹得左右摇晃,从美杜莎的头颅上滴下的鲜血落到利比亚沙漠中,成为毒蛇。,Jasper White is one of those,rare,people who believes in,ancient myths,. he has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had,trouble,with cars and their owners. When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up No Parking signs outside his gate, but these have not had any,effect,. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was,Medusa, the,Gorgon,. jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!,【New words and expressions】,rare adj. 罕见的,ancient adj. 古代的,古老的,myth n. 神话故事,trouble n. 麻烦,effect n. 结果,效果,Medusa n. 美杜莎古希腊神话中3位蛇发女怪这一,Gorgon n. 古希腊神话3位蛇发女怪之一凡见其貌者都会变成石头,Language point,rare adj. 罕见的, adj. 罕见的,rare 指世界上都少有,rare animal 稀有动物;rare bird 珍稀鸟类;rare illness 疑难杂症,scarce adj. 缺乏的,缺乏的,稀有的,不充足的少有的,表示某个时间段或某个地方少有,Watermelon is scarce in winter. watermelon n. 西瓜, adj. 几乎是生的,well done 全熟,medium adj. 半生半熟的,ancient adj. 古代的, 古老的,ancient Egypt 古埃及,antique adj. 古代的,古玩,古董,古老而有价值的,antique furniture 古董家具,myth n. 神话故事,fairy n. 神仙故事,trouble n. 麻烦, n. 麻烦,Im sorry to put you in trouble. 我很抱歉给你带来麻烦(口语),ask for trouble 自找麻烦,He is asking for trouble.,have trouble in doing sth. 在做时遇到麻烦书面语,I have trouble (in) parking the car.,=I have a lot of trouble parking the car., v. 麻烦,Woman/Man/Child troubles.,Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.,Let sleeping dog lie. (let sb. do sth.),effect n. 结果, 效果,have an effect 有效果,have no effect 没有效果,have effect on 对有效果,The advice has no effect on me.,Jasper White is one of those,rare,people who believes in,ancient myths,. he has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had,trouble,with cars and their owners. When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up No Parking signs outside his gate, but these have not had any,effect,. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was,Medusa, the,Gorgon,. jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!,Questions on the text:,Are there many people who believe in ancient myths,No, there arent.,2. Whats he just bought,A new house.,3. Since when has he had trouble with cars and their owners,Since he moved in.,4. What does he always find when he comes home in the evenings,That someone has parked a car outside his gate.,5. Whats he put up outside his gate,No Parking signs.,6. Where has he put a stone head,Over the gate.,Text Explanation,1、Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths.,one of +名词/代词 其中之一of后面的名词必须是复数,但与这个构造连用的动词必须是单数,One of your friends is waiting for you now.,如果在定语从句中出现了one of作为先行词, 它后边的关系代词指代的是后面的复数名词;如果在 one of前面还有一修饰词 (the) only,那么后边的关系代词将指代one这个词, 才作单数看,He is the only one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.,one of 直接作主语的时候, 它是做单数对待的,One of the answers is true.,One of those people is good.,believe vt. 相信,认为,Do you believe that cats eat grass,believe in 信任,信赖人格、力量等;信仰;相信的存在,相信的价值,I believe in God.,Ive never believed in John.,2、He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners.,ever since =since 从那以后一直ever since的语气比since强,主句一般用完成时,Ive been interested in flying ever since I was a boy.,He left the village last year and has never returned ever since.,have trouble doing 做有麻烦,have trouble with sb. 和某人相处有麻烦,I have trouble with my roommate.,3、Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once.,because只能作连词用,后面接从句,You cant remember his name, because you arent really thinking.,because of 由于,介词短语,后面不可以跟从句,只能跟名词、代词或动词 “-ing,He came back early because of the rain.,be able to 的主语一般都是人, 表示有能力去做;can表示天生的或学到的能力时,只能用于现在时和过去时could,而不可用于将来时。将来时中表示能力时必须用be able to。在现在时和过去时中,can/could与be able to一般可以互换,在完成时中一般用be able to。,Tom is only 9 months old and he is already able to stand up.,Ill be able to pass my driving test after Ive had a few lessons.,get sth. into 把弄进,get his car into his garage,drive the car into 把车子撞上,I drove the car into the wall /tree.,even once 甚至一次even 起强调,4、It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.,“I have ever seen 做定语从句, 修饰前边的faces,如果关系词在从句中做宾语, 关系词可以省略, 所以 I 前的which被省略,This is the most difficult thing I have ever done.,This is the most terrible news I have ever heard.,有两个构造一定用最高级:,of+范围,of all the students,in+地点,He is the tallest in the room.,5、,Jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone.,hope 的后面加that从句,turn sth. to 把前者变成后者,turn the prince to a frog,He was turned to a frog.,They have turned the famous beauty spot to/into an ugly place,.,6、But none of them has been turned to stone yet!,none of,neither of做主语时做单数对待,Key Structures,1, What have you done before you came here,I have finished my breakfast.,I have done my homework.,现在完成时,构成:现在完成时由“have/has+ 动词的过去分词构成。,现在完成时的肯定式、否认式和疑问式及简单答复形式以动词study为例:,肯定式:I Youhavestudied.,He(She, It) has studied.,We(You,They) have studied.,否认式I(You) have not/havent studied.,He(She,It)has not/hasnt studied.,We(You,They) have not/ havent studied.,疑问式:Have I( you ) studied,Yes, you (I) have./No,you (I) havent.,Has he (she,it) studied,Yes,he(she,it) has.No,he(she,it) hasnt.,Have we(you,they) studied,Yes, you (we,they) have.,No,you (we,they) havent.,(2)动词的过去分词:规那么与不规那么,你还记得过去式吗?,【Key structures】,与现在完成时连用的副词和副词短语:before(now),so far,up to/till now,just,already,now,ever,never,since和for 等,since一般与一个时间点连用,for一般与时间段连用。,请用两个单词分别写现在完成时的肯定句,否认句和疑问句。,I have written my postcard.,I havent written my postcard.,Have you written your postcard,Yes, I have. / No,I havent.,1The room is cold。Whoopenthe window?,2 Hegoto the cinema。,3 youputaway my dictionary,4.We_(not finish) the work yet.,5.I_(see) the play. I _(see) it last month with my sister.,6.I am not hungry.I _just_(have) my dinner.,7.Dont worry. The train_yet.,A.arrived B.wont arrive C.hasnt arrived,1. 现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(汉语中常用“已经、“过、“了等表达通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词 just,already, before, yet, never, ever 等状语连用。例如:, I have never heard of that before., Have you ever ridden a horse, She has already finished the work., Have you milked the cow yet Yes, I have done that already., Ive just lost my math book.,现在完成时的构成,助动词have (has) + 动词的过去分词,注:has 用于第三人称单数,have 用于其他所有人称。规那么动词的过去分词变化与过去式一样,不规那么变化那么须单独记忆。,用法:,2.现在完成时表示过去已经开场,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去的动作或状态。可以和表示延续的时间状语连用。 如for、since 等引导的时间状语。注意:句中谓语动词要用延续性动词,一段时间的表达方法有两种:,for: +一段时间 for a year for two weeks for three years,过去的某一时刻, since nine since last week,一般过去时态的时间状语从句,since you came since you got home.,注意:for 和since 所引导的时间状语都表示一段时间,.,He has been away,since last week.,He has been away,for one week,.,对划线局部提问都用How long,Since,3 have been (to)和have gone (to)的区别:,have / has been (to) 表示“曾经到过某地,说话时此人不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。,have / has gone (to) 表示某人“已经去某地了,说话时此人可能在路上或已到那里,反正不在这里。,试比较:,He has been to Beijing. 他曾去过北京。,人已回来,可能在这儿,He has gone to Beijing. 他已经去北京了。,人已走,不在这儿。,现在完成时与一般过去时有何区别呢?请看:,现在完成时与瞬间动词,瞬间动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如可说“He has left.但不能说“He has left for three years. 如果要表达“他已走了三年了可用以下几种表达法:,一、用ago,使用一般过去时。,He left here three years ago.,二、用“It is +一段时间since 一般过去时从句 ,It is three years since he left here.,三、用“ 一段时间have/ has passed + since + 一般过去时从句,Three years have passed since he left here.,以上三种表示方法适用于所有瞬间动词。,另外,还可用其它表示方法,但只适用于局部瞬间动词。具体方法是将瞬间动词转化为表延续的动词或者表状态的be+名词形容词或副词介词短语等。,1.直接转化成延续性动词,buy catch (get) a cold,borrow come/go /become,have,have a cold,keep,be,2.转换成be+名词,join the army,join the Party,go to school,be a soldier,be a Party member,be a student,3转换成be+形容词或副词,die finish begin,leave fall sleep,close open,be dead,be over,be on,be away,be asleep,be closed,be open,4.转换成 be+介词短语,go to school,join the army,.我们买这本书三年了.,We,have had,the book for three years.,他感冒三天了.,He,has had,a cold for three days.,We,bought,the book three years ago.,He,caught,a cold three days ago.,一般过去时态和现在完成时态可以构成同义句,be in school,be in the army,自从上星期以来,我就借了这本书.,I,have kept,the book since last week.,我成为一个学生两年多了.,I,have been,a student for over two years.,I,borrowed,the book last week.,I,became,a student two years ago.,Mr Black死了三年了。,Mr Black,has been dead,for three years.,Mr Black,died,three years ago.,小明参军半年了。,Xiao Ming,has been a soldier,for half a year.,Xiao Ming,joined,the army half a year ago.,我们上了8年学了。,We,have been students,for eight years.,下课10分钟了,The class,has been over,for ten minutes.,9.电影开场了一小时了,The film,has been on,for an hour.,【Special Difficulties】,关系从句及关系代词,关系从句又可称为定语从句或形容词从句,它像形容词一样可以形容人、物及事件。关系从句可分为限定性关系从句不带逗号和非限定性关系从句带逗号。,表示人的关系代词:who,whom,that,whose口语中whom经常由who代替,表示事物和动物的关系代词:which,that,关系代词可以有四个概念 :, 代人的, 做主语或宾语who,只做宾语的whom, 代物的, 做主语或宾语 which, 代人的也可以代物的 做主语或宾语 that, whose其代表的东西由其在句子中的成分决定(不一定指人),关系代词后面要加从句,先行词放在定语从句前面, 而且是两句话共同含有的词, 还是被定语从句修饰的词,I have a book that/which he likes.( “book 为先行词 “that/which 为关系代词),关系代词有两个功能 : 一是承上, 一是启下(如上句中的 “book 作从句的宾语),The boy who is standing at the door is my brother.,I can do anything that I can do.,The boat whose name is.,I have a house whose windows are broken.,关系代词在关系从句中作宾语时往往可以省略,作主语时那么不可以。,The millionaire whose son ran away from home a week ago is not a kink father.,whose 后面一定要加一个名词, 然后这个局部共同做主语或宾语,The boy whose sister is standing at the door is my brother.,The pilot whose plane landed in a field was not hurt.,He is the right person I am looking for.,Multiple choices,The boy wanted to be independent and _ his fathers offer of help.,A. turned downB. turned away,C. turned offD. turned up,2. He _ the gas before he left home.,A. turned downB. turned away,C. turned offD. turned up,3.,The monster _ to be a man in a blanket.,A. turned outB. turned in,C. turned onD. turned off,4. The editor said if I could _ my essay _ to 3000 words, they would accept it.,A. cut, offB. cut, up,C. cut, downD. cut, out,5.,Jack has set his heart on going to college though he hasnt _ enough money for the tuition.,A. saved upB. saved down,C. saved onD. saved with,6. The moon seemed so close _ me that night.,A. toB. on C. with D. over,7. He looked behind him to_ that he was not being followed.,A. findB. believe,C. lookD. see,8. The toy was repaired but not quite to his _.,A. joyB. pleasure,C. satisfactionD. need,Exercises,( )1.Youve never seen such a wonderful film before, _,A. havent you B. have you C. do you D. dont you,( ) 2. I have watched the game.,When _ you _ it,A. have; watched B. do; watch C. did ;watch D. will; watch,( )3. Mr. Green _ in China since five years ago.,A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live,( )4. His grandma _ for two years.,A. died B. has died C. was dead D. has been dead,B,C,B,D,( )5. Where is Han Mei now, She _ to Shanghai. She will be back in two days.,A. has gone B. has been C. goes D. had gone,( )6. _ you _to the United Stated, No, never,but I went to Canada a few years ago,A. Have; been B. Have; gone C. Did; go D. Do; go,( )7. You havent changed your mind,_,A. do you B. are you C. have you D. did you,( )8. How long have you _ the football team of,the school,A. played B. been at C. joined D been on,A,A,C,D,Retell the story:,1、Jasper Whiterare peoplebelieves inancient myths,2、just boughta houseever sincehad trouble withcarsowners,3、returns homeat nightparked a caroutside his gate,4、not able toget into his garageeven once,5、put up“ No Parking signs have had no effect,6、putan ugly stone headover the gateugliestanyoneever seen,7、Medusathe Gorgonhopeturnintonone of them be turned to stone,


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