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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Terrorism,Taliban threats,Taliban 旗帜,news,Lahore, Pakistan, an explosion took place three times caused 45 injuries,and over a hundred people were killed.,巴基斯坦拉合尔发生3次爆炸致45死百余人伤,At 09:46 on March 13, 2010 Source: China News Net2010年03月13日 09:46,来源:中国新闻网,A suicide attack in northwest Pakistan,Pakistani police on the 13th said that there is a suicide bomb attack in the country north-west Swat district in the morning.,the suicide attack took place in the area of a city Mingolla security station near the target of Pakistani security personnel. There is no organization claimed responsibility for the attack currently.,Police said the Taliban is likely to be the mastermind behind the scenes.,巴基斯坦警方日说,该国西北部斯瓦特地区当天上午发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击。,这起自杀式袭击发生在该地区重镇明戈拉的一个安检站附近,袭击目标是巴安全人员。,目前尚无任何组织宣称对袭击事件负责。警方表示,塔利班武装很可能是幕后主谋。,Taliban threats,On Monday, Taliban militants destroyed an office building of the intelligence agencies in Lahore, 13 people were killed.,After that attack, the Taliban in Pakistan said unless Pakistans military stop the attacks against the militant groups, stop the bombing of the U.S. military unmanned aerial vehicles, otherwise they will be sent 3,000 suicide bombers all over the country .,塔利班威胁,周一塔利班武装分子摧毁了拉合尔的一座情报机关的办公楼,打死13人。那次攻击后,在巴基斯坦的塔利班发誓说,除非巴基斯坦军方停止针对激进组织的攻击,除非美军无人机轰炸停止,否那么要在全国各地派出3,000名自杀炸弹攻击者。,Directory,How to deal with terrorism,Taliban,Introduction,Leaders of the Taliban,the Talibans extreme policies,Taliban,Introduction,Taliban in Persian is the meaning of student, most of its,members are students of Islamic schools in Afghan refugee camps,so it is also called “Islamic student army. Mohammad Omar is its leader.塔利班在波斯语中是学生的意思,它的大部分成员是阿富汗难民营,伊斯兰学校的学生,故又称伊斯兰学生军。其领导人是穆罕默德奧馬爾。,In 1995, the Taliban launched a code-named into Kabul, after the campaign, the Taliban quickly controlled nearly 40% of Afghan.,Taliban,Introduction,The Taliban Power claims to build the worlds most pure Islamic state, but it has no obvious achievements because of the reconstruction of the country, mainly in the economic deterioration, coupled with epidemic , so its support is to be gradually decreased,.,From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban in Afghan established a national regime, known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan(阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国),After the 911 events, because of Talibans harboring of bin Laden and supporting of terrorism, they became the focuses of the world media and the government , so they are recognized as terrorist., Leaders of the Taliban,He is a one-eyed general ,who was born in a south-western province of Afghan in 1962。 when Omar in college, the leader of the Islamic Revolution deeply attracted him, and he could not suppress his urge to enlist to fight immediately. There, he fought alongside the famous terrorist Tycoon Osama bin Laden, who forged a profound friendship with him. In the battle, Omar took the lead, shown bravery, so he was promoted to a deputy commander. Omar was wounded in a battle, lost his left eye, and thus he was named one-eyed general.,Mohammad Omar,他是一个一个眼的将军,1962年生于阿富汗西南部的一个省,奥马尔在上大学的时候,阿富汗伊斯兰革命党领袖迈哈迈德领导的反抗苏军入侵的伊斯兰革命“圣战深深地吸引了他,他抑制不住内心的冲动,立即报名参战。在那里,他与后来大名鼎鼎的“恐怖大亨本拉丹并肩作战,结下了深厚的友谊在战斗中,奥马尔身先士卒,表现勇猛,被提升为副司令奥马尔在一次战斗中负伤失去了左眼,并由此得名“独眼将军,In 1989, after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghan, Mullah Omar determinated to make a career when he faced with the chaotic political situation.,In 1994, he took Taliban s people as the main member established a 800-member team. He defeated numerous opponents and control more than 90% of Afghanistans territory with the growing of the Taliban, he mastered the regime and become the supreme leader of Afghanistan,.,1989年苏联从阿富汗撤军后,奥马尔面对混乱的政局,决心做出一番事业。,1994年,他以塔利班为主要成员,建立了一支800人的队伍,塔利班队伍不断壮大,击败了众多的反对派,控制了阿富汗全国90以上的领土,掌握了政权,奥马尔成为阿富汗政坛的最高领袖.,He is a mystery,In 1994, Omar suddenly disappeared from peoples sight and hid in a behind scene, he not only refused to accept any media and journalist, but also not allowed to take photographs, few people have seen him since then, and all about his case has became a mystery., the Talibans extreme policies,After Taliban seized the power, it,s theories were put into practice to govern the country. Taliban wants to interpret Islam in their own way, and use pure Islam to rule the country and to create the worlds most pure Islamic state. Not to say extreme and rigid of the interpretation to Islam.,Talibans policies on women were particularly harsh.,Taliban closed girls schools, banned women to work (except for female doctors and nurses), which makes a lot of female teachers in unemployment, and so many boys also drop out of school because the teacher is not enough.,塔利班专门针对美国的秘密武器,塔利班武装分子在阿富汗.,真实的塔利班,雄狮一样的眼神,塔利班也与时俱进 配备笔记本电脑,阿富汗集中关押前塔利班成员的监狱,How to deal with terrorism,T,he United Nations should play a greater role in fighting against terrorism .,Every country should aware of the terrorism and condemn any form of terrorist activities, in order to eradicate the support of the terrorism.,Every country should cooperate each other to combat the terrorist activities.,Every country do not encroach on another country,s overeignty, sovereign state can solve their own internal affairs.,Finally, I sincerely wished the Chinese people long and long live the peace of the world.,My bless to everyone,If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?,冬天如果来了,春天还会远吗?,Thankful everyone is willing to listen to each voice,愿每一个人心存感恩,聆听每一种声音,Happiness and wisdom of God will be willing to bestowed upon the person thankful,愿真主将幸福和智慧恩赐予每个心存感恩的人。,Hope for world peace, no more apartheid, racial discrimination,希望世界和平,不再有种族隔离、种族歧视。,Stranger, and I bless you,陌生人,我也为你祝福,The end,Thank you,


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