张汉熙高级英语第一册第一课课件the middle eastern bazzar

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit One,The Middle Eastern Bazaar,By,L.A.Hill and D.J.May,9/28/2024,1,Teaching Objectives of Lesson 1,1) To familiarize students with the Middle,Eastern Bazaar.,2) To help students to appreciate descriptive,writing.,3) To enable students to learn new words in,the text.,9/28/2024,2,General Questions on the text,What type of writing is the text?,How many sections is the text divided into?,What is the main topic in each section?,What is the general impression of each section?,9/28/2024,3,Textual Structure,9/28/2024,4,General Impression of Each Section,Section 1: pp 1: the entrance of the bazaar,-noisy (human voices),Section 2: pp2: the cloth market -,- quiet,Section 3: pp3-4: way of trading,Section 4: pp5-6: coppersmith market,- - noisy (metal),Section 5: pp 7: various markets ,- colorful, fragrant, tasty,Section 6: pp 8-9: linseed oil mill, noisy (wood, camel),ways of description: detailed general detailed general detailed,9/28/2024,5,Textual Link,Description : space order,Pp2: Then,Pp3: One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that,Pp5: One of the most picturesque and impressive parts of the,bazaar is,Pp6: Here,Pp7: Elsewhere,Pp8: Perhaps the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar, is the,place,9/28/2024,6,Section 1:,the entrance of the bazaar,Bazaar(in Oriental countries),a market or street of shops and stalls,market, fair, shopping center, shopping mall, plaza,The one I am thinking of is entered, cavern which extends as far as the eye can see,9/28/2024,7,losing itself in the shadowy distance,thread their way,make ones way/ push ones way/ elbow ones way/ shoulder ones way,little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold,throngs of people vs. crowds of people,din,vs,noise,dinloud , confused noise that continues,9/28/2024,8,翻译练习,1,)我永远也忘不了那一望无际的大草原,2,)站在甲板上看着碧蓝的一望无际的海水,我完全陶醉了。,3,)条蜿蜒的小路隐没在树荫深处。,4,)我喜欢在超市购物, 那里的货物齐全,应有尽有。,5,)小时候,我常跟父母去逛集市,总有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有。,1,),I will never forget the grassland which extends,as far as the eye can see.,2) Standing on the deck and watching the blue seawater which extended as far as the eye could see, I was completely carried away .,3,),A winding path loses itself in the shadowy distance.,4,),I love shopping in the supermarket where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.,5) When I was a kid, I often went to the fair with my parents. At the fair there would always be many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind were sold.,9/28/2024,9,Section 2Cloth market,Quiet:,noise fades away, muted, deadens the sound, (both sellers and buyers) speak in measured tones, sepulchral atmosphere,Fade away-go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappear,e.g The light faded as the sun went down.,His hopes faded.,All memory of her childhood faded from her mind.,His anger faded away.,The sun faded the cloth.,Overwhelm 1) strongly affected by a feeling or event, do not know,how to deal with it.,e.g The horror of it all ed me .,这恐惧吓得我魂不附体。,He ed me with a torrent of abuse.,他那连珠炮似的谩骂骂得我哑口无言。,9/28/2024,10,Follow,Follow suit:,完全照办,When the others went swimming, I followed suit,.,As follows,:,如下,His arguments are as follows.,Follow on:,一会儿接着进行,The second half of the concert will follow on in twenty minutes.,Follow the lead,:,照样行事,There are several people like me who would follow your lead over anything else.,9/28/2024,11,Section 3Ways of trading,Some phrases about doing business:,bargain/ stall/ trestle table/ beat the price down/ to price the item high/ selecting, pricing, doing a little preliminary bargaining/,/ profit/ customer/,is the order of the day: the normal way of doing things.,e.g. Nowadays in every field, competition is the order of the day.,make a point of, regard or treat it as necessary,例句:,1,),英语初学者学好语音语调是很有必要的。,2,)作为未来的英语教师,我们认为掌握好英语语法是很有必要的。,3,)对于长袍运动员来说,每天跑,50,公里是很正常的,.,1,),English learners make a point of obtaining correct pronunciation and intonation at the very beginning.,2,),We will be English teachers, so we make a point of having a good knowledge of English grammar.,3) For a long-distance runner, running 50 miles is the order of the day.,9/28/2024,12,veiled women,9/28/2024,13,Deprive sb. of sth.,take sth. away from someone, or prevent sb. from having sth,.,1.,黑人被剥夺了同等的受教育的机会,.,2.,烦恼使他无法入睡,.,3.,计划中的公路侵占了孩子们的操场,.,1.The black people were deprived of equal educational opportunities.,2.His troubles deprived him of sleep.,3.The planned highway will deprive children of their playground.,9/28/2024,14,Copper-Smith market,9/28/2024,15,Smith:,a person who works in iron or other metals, esp. a blacksmith. Also a skilled worker in other arts or crafts,e.g. blacksmith, coppersmith, silversmith, tinsmith, goldsmith. locksmith,e.g. smith shop, smithcraft, smith work,Picturesque,美丽如画的,1,),Mary lives in a picturesque village.,2) The tower upon it gave the stream a picturesque appearance.,3) The surroundings of the house are remarkably picturesque.,4) On national holidays the Austrian peasants wear picturesque costumes.,A picturesque way of speaking (unique way),He was a picturesque figure with his long beard and strange old clothes. (unique and lively),9/28/2024,16,Words for sound,Tinkling: a succession of light, clear, ringing sounds (of a small bell),Banging: hit violently, to make a loud noise (to bang a door, hammer something hard),Clashing: loud, broken, confused noise (as when metal objects strike together ( swords clash,),(onomatopoeia),Impinge on -strike; come into forcible contact with, collide with ;,have an effect on,1) I heard the rain impinge upon the earth/ window.,2) The cuts in defense spending impinged on two of the regions largest employers.,3) Your political opinions will necessarily impinge on your public life,9/28/2024,17,Words for lights,a fairyland for dancing,flashes,(flashquick bright lights moving up and down),burnished copper,the light of innumerable lamps and braziers red of live coals,live coals,glowing bright,and then,dimming,rhythmically,9/28/2024,18,Hammer away,Away: continuously, constantly,usu. with words like: work, fire,Little Hans worked away in his garden.,The soldiers fired away until they had no ammunition left.,She was typing away in the little room beyond his.,He was laughing away all the afternoon.,*Augustus, there is nobody in the room now.,Fire away.,9/28/2024,19,Words for contrast,tiny,apprentice big charcoal fire,huge leather bellows,big toe,glowing bright,-,dimming,rhythmically,delicate , intricate traditional simple,everyday,9/28/2024,20,Live adj. adv.,实验室正在用活生生的猴子做试验。,这是一条活鱼。,烧烤就是在燃着的炭火上烤食物。,这不是录像,而是实况转播。,我今天值班,所以在节目表演时,我只能收听广播里的直播。,音乐会将会现场转播。,1,),The laboratory is conducting experiments with live monkeys.,2) This is a live fish.,3) Barbecues mean cooking food over live coals.,4) It isnt a recoded show, but a live one.,5) I am on duty today, so I can only listen to the live broadcast while the performance is in process on the stage.,6) The concert will be broadcast live.,* Housing is still a live issue. (,活跃的, 有现实意义的),9/28/2024,21,Delicate:,1: sth. small and beautifully shaped,He has delicate hands like girls.,2 : sth easy to harm, damage, or break, and needs to be handled or treated with care.,The plate was so delicate that I was afraid to wash it.,3: problem or situation to be dealt with carefully and tactfully in order to avoid upsetting or offending people,In such a delicate situation I like to weigh my words. Sex education is a delicate subject.,4: sb. is not healthy or strong, easily ill,He has been in delicate health for years.,5: smell or taste, color, pleasant and not strong or intense,When people are ill they need delicate food. A soup delicately flavored with garlic,6: task, action, needs or shows great skill and attention to detail,It was a long and delicate operation. When you handle atomic bombs, each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements.,9/28/2024,22,Section 4, general introduction to variety of markets,Carpet - market,Spice - market,Food - market,Dye - market,Pottery market,Carpenters market,9/28/2024,23,Sentence pattern:,Elsewhere,there iswith , then there iswith; and where,elsewhere, Every here and there,One sentence description:,Carpet-market,: profusion of rich colors, varied,textures,and regional designs, some,bold and simple,others,detailed,and harmonious.,Spice-market,: pungent and exotic smells,Food-market,: everything from the most sumptuous dinner to most humble food,Even briefer descriptions by only mentioning the names:,dye-market, pottery-market, carpenters market in a maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar,9/28/2024,24,Mosquea Moslem temple or place of worship. A mosque is symbolically very important to Muslims, and is a humble way for man to recreate pure divine presence on earth.,9/28/2024,25,Camels ships of the desert. The first, known as an Arabian, or dromedary, camel, has a single hump on its back. The other, known as a Bactrian camel, has two humps.,9/28/2024,26,Section 4 linseed oil mill: vast, sombre, old,Vast:,thirty-feet high, sixty-feet square,massive stone wheels, huge pole,largest camels: muscular, massive and stately,vast ramshackle apparatus of beams,dizzy height,Old,:,dimly visible walls and roofs, dust of centuries, ancient girders.,Dark,sombre cavern of a room,9/28/2024,27,cavern of a room/ a,caverous,room,metaphor; the room is like a cavern,e.g.,a mountain of waves,a storm of applause,the maze of vaulted streets,9/28/2024,28,Cohesive devices in,para,. 8,In this cavern are three stone,wheels,each,with a huge,pole,through its centre as an axle.,The pole,is attached at the one end to an upright,post,around,which,it can revolve, and at the other to a,camel,which,walks constantly in a circle, providing,stone,wheel,.,This,resolves in a circular stone,channel,into,which,an attendant feeds,linseed,.,The stone wheel crushes,it,into a,pulp,which,is then pressed to extract the oil.,9/28/2024,29,feed,e.g These little streams feed the lake.,This moving belt feeds the machine with raw materials,If you feed the data in, you get the analysis a few minutes,later.,When you use the ATM, just feed your card to the,machine,crush,e.g The enemy had already received a crushing blow,All these years, he has suffered from a crushing guilt.,9/28/2024,30,tower-,e.g.,The Empire State Building towers into the sky.,耸立,She is so small that he towers above her.,In ability he towers over the rest of the class.,towering adj.,高耸的,The towering hills cast deep shadows over the valley.,Beethoven was a towering musical genius. (great),*,a tower of strength (support in spirit),He was a tower of strength to me when my father died.,dwarf,- make others seem small, unimportant,The tall building dwarfs all the other buildings in the town.,The brilliance of his poetry dwarfs the accomplishments of his contemporaries.,This present trouble dwarfs that other matter.,The dwarf sees farther than a giant, when he has the giants shoulders to mount on,9/28/2024,31,Words for sounds,creak:,(make a) sound like that caused by an,unoiled,door hinge, or badly-fitting floorboards when trodden on.,e.g. The rusty hinges creaked when the door opened.,groan:,(make a) sound caused by the movement of wood or metal parts heavily loaded.,e.g. The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher.,He groaned when he broke his arm.,The old gate groaned on its hinges,squeak:,making short, thin, high-pitched sound.,e.g. Can you hear the mice squeaking?,The door squeaked open.,rumble:,make a deep, heavy, continuous sound (tanks, thunder, train),e.g. Thunder rumbled in the distance.,grunt:,make a low rough noise. (for man to show annoyance),嘟哝声, (for animals, like pigs),e.g. “Nonsense”, I grunted.,9/28/2024,32,翻译练习,1),广场上人头攒动,我只好挤出去。,2),到学校的那条路由于建起了许多小商店变得越来越窄了。,3),他的脚步声渐渐远去。,4),他在充满爱和信任的环境中长大。,5) Jane,在讨价还价中杀价方面是高手。,在买东西的时候,你最好不要让卖方知道你要什么,不然,他会把价格抬得很高。,There was such a crowd in the square that I had to push my way out.,The roadway to the school is narrowed by more and more stalls.,The sound of his footsteps faded away.,He grew up in an,atmosphere,of love and trust.,Jane is an expert of beating down prices at bargaining.,When shopping, youd better not let the seller guess what it is you really want, otherwise he will price the item high.,9/28/2024,33,


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