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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,免费课件下载绿色圃中小学教育网,*,Recycle1,第一课时,Read:,do morning exercises,eat breakfast,have English class, play sports,eat dinner, get up,climb mountains, go shopping,play the piano, go hiking,A riddle:,竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。,接天连叶无穷碧,映日红花别样红。,一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。,梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。,four English words),spring,summer,fall (autumn),winter,Whats the weather like in,warm,hot,cool,cold,When do you do morning exercises,At 6:00.,What do you do on the weekend,I usually play football.,spring, summer, fall, winter, season,which, best, swim,fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees, why, because, sleep,Whats your favourite season,=Which season do you like best,Spring.,Why do you like spring,Because I can plant trees.,连词成句,1.your,season, Whats,favourite,2.do,why,like,you,fall,3.season,which,best,you,do,like,Whats your favourite season,Why do you like fall,?,Which season do you like best,问答,( )1.When do you get up ( )2.What do you often do ( )3.When does he go shopping ( )4.What does Amy do on Sunday,A.I often play the piano. B.He goes shopping at ten. C.I get up at 7:00. D.She plays sports.,C,A,B,D,It is Saturday morning .Sarah is calling her friends.listen and write the name.,play ping-pong,go swimming,pick apples,play ping-pong with Sarah,Call your friends and plan your weekend.,go shopping,play basketball,go swimming,go on a picnic,pick apples,Hello,Hi,Oliver.This is wu yifan.Are you free this MondayI will go shopping,would you like to come,Sure.I am free.,Cool.,Time,Activity,get up,eat breakfast,do morning exercises,swim,11:30 a.m.,1:30 p.m.,recess,play ping-pong,eat dinner,7:00 p.m.,8:30 p.m.,Time,Activity,get up,eat breakfast,8:00 a.m.,do morning exercises,8:30 a.m.,11:30 a.m.,have computer lesson,6:30 p.m.,6:30 a.m.,6:50 a.m.,1:30 p.m.,have computer lesson,eat lunch,eat dinner,8:30 p.m.,9:30 p.m.,play computer games,go to bed,6:00 a.m.,6:30 a.m.,7:30 a.m.,8:30 a.m.,3:00 p.m.,4:30 p.m.,5:00 p.m.,eat lunch,play football,watch TV,go to bed,Computer Camp,Sports Camp,It is Sunday morming.Sarahs father is home after work.Sarah is still asleep,but Robin is up.Read and complete the dialogue on page 33.,My_s timetable,_get up,_cook breakfast,_go to work,_go home,_cook dinner,_go to bed,.,When do you get up ,Mum,I usually get up at 6:00 a.m,When do you cook breakfast,At.,Find out your parents timetables and role-play with your partner.,一、为以下的短语选择正确的中文。, go swimming eat dinner, play ping-pong take a dancing class, sports meet do morning exercises,A.吃晚饭 B.做早操 C. 上舞蹈课,D.去游泳 E.打乒乓球 F.运动会,达标检测,二 、听短文,选词填空。,winter,,,likes,,,summer,,,go,,,season,There are four _ in a year. Theyre spring _, autumn and winter. Mike _spring best. Because he can _on a picnic with his family. But Amy dont like spring. She likes _best. Because she can skate and play with snow. And she can have snowball fights(,打雪仗,) with her friends.,三、为以下句子选择相应的答句。,( )1.Why do you like winter best,( )2. When do you go to school,( )3.Whats the weather like in autumn,( )4. What do you do on the weekend,( )5. Which season do you like best,A.I often go shopping. B. Summer.,C. I go to school at 8oclock. D. Its windy and cool.,E. Because I can make a snowman.,Recycle1,第二课时,January February March April May June July August September October November December,Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.,first second third forth fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth,When is your birthday,My birthday is in March,21,.,When is Childrens Day,Its in June.,Whats the date,Its March 22nd.,连词成句。,1.is birthday When your,2. the Whats today date,3.is His birthday in June uncles,When is your birthday,Whats the date today,His uncles birthday is in June.,Pronunciation,gr gr great green grow grass,br br brown library brother,Pronunciation,cl /k/ clean clock class clever,pl /pl/ plate eggplant please play,ch / t/ cheap chair chip check,sh / shoulder sheep ship shop,Computer Camp,Sports Camp,HOT !,Ready!,Join us!,When is Mid-autumn Day ?,Its August 15th .,When is Dragon Boat Festival ?,Its May 5th .,When is Lanterns Day ?,Its January 15th .,When is April Fools Day ?,Its April 1st .,When is mothers Day ?,每年五月的第二个星期日,Its May 11rd .,When is Fathers Day ?,每年六月的第三个星期日,Its June 15th .,When is Thanksgiving Day?,每年,11,月的第四个星期四,Its November 22nd .,Teachers day 5.1,Childrens Day 10.1,Christmas Day 1.1,Womens Day 3.12,Army Day 9.10,National Day 8.1,New Years Day 6.1,Labour Day 3.8,Tree-planting Day 12.25,Mid autumn Day 11.1,Dragon Boat Festival 7.4,Lanterns Day 5.5,Easter Day (4.8) 8.15,April Fools 1.15,Mothers Day(5.13) 2.14,Fathers Day(6.17 4.1,Independence Day 每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期日,Halloween 每年十一月的第四个星期四,Thanksgiving Day11.22 每年六月的第三个星期日,Valentines Day 每年五月的第二个星期日,Sarah will visit Sydney in April.She asks Stella,a friend there ,about the weather.Read the Stellas reply on page 34 and answer the under question.,1.Is it spring in Sydney in April,2.Whats the weather like in April in Sydney,Bed In Summer,夏日之床,Robert Louis Stevenson,In winter I get up at night,冬日我大清早起床,And dress by yellow candle-light.,借着黄色的蠋光穿裳。,In summer quite the other way,, 夏日完全相反,,I have to go to bed by day.,我必须在日间上床。,I have to go to bed and see,我必上床且看,The birds stillhopping,on the tree,, 鸟儿还在树梢跃荡,,Or hear the grown-up peoples feet,抑或聆听成年人的脚声,Still going past me in the street.,仍旧在街道走过我的身旁。,And does it not seem hard to you,, 它对你来说难道不为难吗?,When all the sky is clear and blue,,在明亮而蔚蓝的天空当前,,And I should like so much to play,, 而我如此喜欢玩耍,,To have to go to bed by day,? 却必须在白天就上床?,Sarah often reads to Sam.This is a poem that Sarah will read today.,Find friendsin the poem for the words below,.,clean,_,please,green,cheap,sheep,


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