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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit6,Wheres Your Recycling Box,Reading Part B The World Is Thirsty,Lead-in,Brain storming,When we talk about water, what words and expressions will come to your mind,Water,essential to life,need water to survive,Water is a basic need.,indispensable for different industries.,three states: solid, liquid, and gas,being polluted,Were short of it.,Will you talk about the contributions that water has made to mankind and other lives,However, there is a severe shortage of water in the world now,Water scarcity is a worldwide issue nowadays.,2 billion,The statistics show that there are now,people face water shortage.,88%,of diarrhea links to unsafe water,which brings,3-4 million,deaths.,The World Is Thirsty,Reading:,1. Skimming: read the passage and find out what the percentages mean on each pie chart.,25%,75%,Earths Surface,3%,97%,Earths Water,75% of Earths Surface is covered by water.,97% of Earths Water is sea water.,Only 3% of Earths Water is fresh water.,1.6% of Earths fresh water is in the form of icebergs and glaciers.,0.36% of Earths fresh water comes from underground.,Only 0.036% of the fresh water comes from,lakes and rivers.,Some of the water has been seriously polluted.,2. Read passage B again and tick() true or false., People can use water from icebergs and glaciers directly., The small amount of fresh water on the earth is not enough for all of us right now., Compared with industry, agriculture is more likely to be affected by a limited water supply., One way to stop wasting water is to,reuse it.,F,F,F,T,Scanning,not only but also,be covered with,in the form of,even worse,as things stand,day by day,only if,have a bad effect on,不仅,而且,被,覆盖,以,的形式,更糟糕的是,照目前的形势,只有,对,产生不利影响,逐日,Fill in the blanks,The world is _ _ hungry, _ _ thirsty for water. As we all know, nearly 75,of the earth surface _ _ _ water. But most of it is sea water, only a little part of it is _ _.,not only,but also,is covered with,Fresh water,The world water resources distribution:,increasing,day,by,day,have a bad,effect on,industry,wasting,recycle,We cant use all of fresh water _, because some of it is _ _ _ _ icebergs and glaciers. _ _, some of it has been _.,Our need for water is_ _ rapidlyalmost _ _ _. A limited water supply would _ _ _ _ _ agriculture and _.,Water resources present situation:,We should stop_ _ our precious water, and _ the used water.,directly,in the form of,Even worse,polluted,How to deal with this situation,:,Summary: summarize the main idea of each paragraph.,Paragraph 1:,The world is still thirsty for water, though there seems to be a large storage of it on the earth.,Paragraph 2:,The fresh water is still enough for us, but our need for water is increasing rapidly.,Paragraph 3:,We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water.,Make an interview,Consolidation,- Would you please talk about the distribution of water resources, water resources,present situation and how to deal with this situation,- Ok. ,Homework,Complete a reading comprehension,Write a passage about the water shortages,Thank you!,


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