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,UNIT 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,课时,5,Section B (2a-2f),1,boarding,2,absent,3,failing,4,pride,6,7,8,9,10,D,C,D,B,C,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入讲评,5,examinations,答案呈现,11,12,13,14,15,C,D,B,B,D,基础巩固练,16,17,18,19,20,made a decision; take; care of,difficulty remembering,Even though; think of,even; used to,Its; communication with,答案呈现,能力提升练,答案呈现,21,22,23,24,25,D,C,B,A,D,26,27,28,29,30,D,A,B,B,A,31,32,33,34,A,C,B,C,一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词,。,1. He isnt used to studying in a,b,(,寄宿,)school,.,2.,中考,广西贵港, Nobody was,a,(,缺席的,) from,school though it rained heavily yesterday,.,oarding,bsent,3.【2020,四川自贡,】Theres no need for you to worry about,f,(,失败,)your driving test because you have prepared well enough.,4.【2019,安徽改编,】You can see the,p,(,自豪,),on our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.,5. Jim used to be nervous before,e,(,考试,).,ailing,ride,xaminations,二、单项填空。,6.【 2020,安徽阜南,18,校联考,】Because of his,fathers,_ , Andy also likes fixing up things at a,very young,age.,A. attention,B,. situation,C. choice,D,. influence,【,点拨,】,attention,注意;,situation,情况;,choice,选择;,influence,影响。本题句意为,:,因为他父亲的影响,,Andy,在很小的时候也喜欢修理东西。,D,7.【2020,天津,】Lang Ping is a symbol of,courage and,success, and we_ her.,A. come from,B,. stand for,C. take pride in,D,. get ready for,【,点拨,】,come from,来自;,stand for,代表;,take pride in,以,为豪;,get ready for,为,做准备。句意为“郎平是勇气与成功的象征,我们都以她为豪”。,C,8. ,中考,河南, You dont like British breakfast, do you ?,Not _. I just need some time to get used to it .,A. more B. only C. truly D. exactly,D,9. ,中考,湖北鄂州, Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?,My father did that _. He didnt want anybody elses help.,A. in fact B. in person,C. in total D. in disagreement,B,10.【2020,安徽阜南,18,校联考,】Have,you watched,the TV play,The Untamed,?,No, I_ watch TV.,A. often,B,. also,C,. seldom,D,. still,C,11. 【,中考,广西来宾,】Dear,classmates, may I have your attention, please? I have _ to tell you.,A. important something B. important anything,C. something important D. anything important,C,12. The boy became _ in studying because of too much homework.,A. more interesting B. more interested,C. less interesting D. less interested,D,【,点拨,】,become interested in,对,感兴趣,根据,too much homework,可知对学习不那么感兴趣了。故选,D,。,13.【2020,安徽蚌埠期末,】How far is it,from your,home to school?,Its a,_,bus ride.,A. nine minutes,B,. nine-minute,C. nine-minutes,D,. nine minutes,B,14. ,中考,云南昆明, The PLA Navy(,中国人民解放军海军,) has been greatly helping keep world peace. As a Chinese I am _ it.,A. responsible for B. proud of,C. full of D. known for,B,15. ,中考,四川南充, Have you ever read the traditional story,Yu Gong Moves a Mountain,?,Yes, our teacher often advises us _ more meaningful traditional books .,A. reading B. reads C. read D. to read,D,三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,16.,他决定好好照顾这些老人。,He,_ _,_,_ _,to,_ good,_ _,these,old people,.,made a decision take,care of,17,.,(,易错题,),她,有时难以记住新单词。,She,has,_ _ new,words,from time,to time,.,difficulty remembering,18.,虽然他们好久不见,他们依然想着彼此。,_ _,they havent seen each other for a long,time, they still _ _,each,other,.,Even though,think of,19,.,他学习甚至比以前更努力。,He studies,_ harder,than he,_ _ .,even used to,20.,难以相信他和父亲从不交流。,_,hard to believe that he never has,_,_,his,father.,Its,communication with,四、完形填空。,【2020,山东滨州,】,Once there lived a wise man. His son,however, was,very lazy and did nothing all day. The wise,man was,21,_ about,his sons future. One day, he said,to his,son, “I want you to find some,22,_,.,I have drawn a map to guide you.”,21. A. surprised,B,.,relaxed C,. excited,D,. worried,22. A. food,B,.,clothes C,. treasure,D,.,maps,D,C,Then,he handed his,son a,bag. Inside,the bag,were clothes, some food, a little money and the map.,The,son,23,_,the next day. He had to travel,across forests, rivers and mountains. Along the way, he,was helped,by some with food and by some with rooms to,live in,.,23. A. sold out,B,. set out,C. gave out,D,. cut,out,B,He,came across,robbers (,强盗,) who,tried to rob,him. He,also saw changing,scenery (,风景,) and,seasons. 24 _,after a long year, he got to the place his father said.,24. A. Finally,B,. Mostly,C. Normally,D,.,Especially,A,He 25,_,two days looking and digging for the treasure, but found,26,_,.,25,. A. cost,B,. took,C,. paid,D,. spent,26,. A. something,B,. anything,C. everything,D,.,nothing,D,D,So,he had to head back 27 _,his,home. On the way, he experienced the same scenery. Sometimes, he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. He also learned to make meals. He even had to fix his clothes,28,_,.,27. A. to,B,. from,C,. in,D,. at,28. A. herself,B,. himself,C. itself,D,.,themselves,A,B,He,was now able to tell time by the position of the sun. He met the same people who had helped him,29,_,. This time, he stayed and helped them in order to repay them.,29,. A. later,B,. earlier,C,. sooner,D,.,elder,B,When,he got home, he said,30,_,to his father for not finding the treasure. “There wasnt any treasure in the very first place, my son, ” the father answered with a smile. “But I think you have found your lifes true purpose.,”,30,. A. sorry,B,. congratulations,C. advice,D,. pleasure,A,五、阅读理解。,【2020,四川自贡改编,】,31,. When did Zhang Jiacheng become disabled?,A. Eight years ago.,B. In his teens.,C. In summer, 2018.,D. Five years ago,.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,33,页短文。,【,点拨,】,根据原文句子,The single-armed 13-year-old from Guangdong has recently become an Internet sensation(,引起轰动的人,).; At the age of five, Zhang lost his right arm in an accident at an oil mill.,可知答案。,A,32,. What is the right order according to the story?,a. He learned to dress himself with one arm.,b. He attended a basketball course in his school.,c. He drew much attention at home and abroad.,d. He lost his right arm in an accident at an oil mill.,e. He practiced basketball skills anytime and anywhere.,A. b-d-a-e-c B. c-d-a-b-e,C. d-a-b-e-c D.,e-d-b-a-c,【,点拨,】,根据原文句子,At the age of five, Zhang an oil mill. at first, Zhang gradually on his own. ; In the summer of 2018, Zhang first discovered his love for the sport school.; Soon, he was rarely seen without a ball in his hand, even dribbling at home in the living room.; Hes got a lot of attention since then.,可知答案。,C,33,. What can we infer from Steven Currys words about Zhang Jiacheng?,A. Curry felt sorry for Zhangs sad life experiences.,B. Curry thought highly of Zhangs fighting against bad luck.,C. Curry admired Zhangs dribbling skills,and powerful,shots.,D. Curry felt happy for Zhangs success,.,【,点拨,】,根据原文句子,“You are an inspiration; you dont take nofor an answer; you find the way to go through difficult times and get out there on the basketball court,(球场), ”Curry said in a video posted on Sina Weibo.,可知答案。,B,34,. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?,A. To introduce Zhangs school life.,B. To describe Zhangs growing process.,C. To tell Zhangs efforts to follow his dream.,D. To tell Zhangs favourite sport.,【,点拨,】,根据原文句子,Zhang said, “With the encouragement of all these people, I feel like I have to try harder to live up to peoples expectations. I will do better and become better.”,可知答案。,C,


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