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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 4,What would you do?,Section B,3a Look at the survey in activity 2a. Then read the personality survey results below. Fill in the blanks in the results with “a”, “b” or “c”.,Personality survey results,If you answered,for most questions, then you are probably pretty confident. Social situations dont,bother,you,in the slightest,. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. Sometimes you might,annoy,people because youre so confident.,bother =,trouble,v.,打扰,e.g. Dont,bother,him, hes pretty tired.,not in the slightest =,not at all,微不足道的,e. g. He,didnt,embarrass me,in the slightest.,annoy,v.,使生气;使气愤,c,Personality survey results,If you answered,for most questions, you are outgoing and,fairly,confident. You have,plenty of,friends, and you enjoy the company of other people. People come to you when they want advice. Your friends would probably say that you are easy to,get along with,.,fairly,adv.,相当;完全,plenty of,很多的;足够的,get along with,=,get on with,与相处,e.g. My classmates are easy to,get on/along with.,a,Personality survey results,If most of your answers were, you are probably a shy person. You like talking to one or two people,rather than,to a group. You would also,rather,stay at home and read a good book,than,go to a party. You have a small,circle,of very good friends. Your friends would probably say you are a good,listener,.,(1),ratherthan,和 ,rather than,作比较的为相同部分, “宁可而不”,2),would rather do,sth,.,=,had rather do,sth,.,宁愿做,较喜欢做,Would rather do,sth,. than do,sth,.,=,prefer to do,sth,. rather than do,sth,.,宁愿做而不愿做,e. g. I,would rather,drink green tea,than,coffee.,circle,n.,圈子;阶层,n.,听者;收听者,b,Sample survey question 1:,What would you do if you were,arguing with others of a party?,a. accept people as they are.,b. make people feel comfortable.,c. cut others to pieces.,Write your own personality survey.,Sample survey question 2:,What would you do if someone often said something bad about you?,a. have a good word with him / her.,b. seldom feel blue and make him /,her understand you better.,c. often feel blue and decide not to say,anything with him / her anymore.,SELF CHECK,1,Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary.,nervous,shy,tired,terrible,friendly,1.,Im really,. I,ve,been studying all day.,2. I dont like making speeches. I feel,talking in front of many people.,3. If you were more,to people, you would have more friends.,4. My stomach feels,. I think I ate something bad at lunch time.,5. Paul is a bit,at first, but when he knows you, he talks a lot.,tired,nervous,friendly,terrible,shy,2,Read the e-mail from Fran, and write a reply.,Dear,Knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to,represent,the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. Its probably true.,Mei,is very clever, and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams.,knowledgeable,adj.,知识渊博的;有见识的,represent,v.,知识渊博的;有见识的,e.g. He said that he,represented,the No.3 Middle School.,The problem is that shes very shy. She,doesn,t want to,let,her friends,down, but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people. Shes my friend, so she can tell me that shes shy. But she cant tell everyone that. I dont think they would believe her. I cant think of any good advice to give her, but you always,come up with,good solutions to peoples problems. What do you think I should tell,Mei,? What do you think I should tell the,rest,of the students?,letdown,使失望或沮丧,e.g. Dont,let,your teacher,down,.,come up with,(,针对问题等,),提出;想出,e.g. I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.,rest,n.,剩余部分;其余,For e-mail writing, we must pay attention to the following:,1. Keep your message short.,2. Keep your message simple.,3. Give your main idea using a few sentences so people can understand you immediately.,4. Dont type all in capital letters.,Subject: Reply From: Knowledgeable,Dear Fran,Shyness is extremely common, especially among teens. As shy people, most of us are worrying about ourselves,about how we look, what we say and whether other people,will like,us,to stop to think about what we can do for,other people.But really, thats what being social is about,the other person, not us.,One sample version:,So you can tell her two ways to overcome shyness.,First, tell her that she should let people know that she is shy in case she is misunderstood. Second, tell her that it is better to make things easy for the other person. Tell her to remember that she is the best person for the job; she can,practise,in various ways. And tell the rest of the students that you should all help and encourage her to overcome shyness.,Knowledgeable,


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