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,Unit 3 Welcome to our school!,课时,1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:,点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,Which,Maths,date,meeting,A,C,C,A,C,history,11,12,13,14,15,cakes,meeting,lessons,English,best,答案呈现,22,A,F,23,24,25,E,C,D,16,17,18,19,20,tells; about,subject; geography,class meeting,begins at,What/How about,基础巩固练,能力提升练,21,一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词,。,1. ,安徽蚌埠期末,We can learn a lot about,Chinese,h,(,历史,) from,this book.,2.,W,(,哪,一,个,) is,your favourite player,Simon?,3. Sandy is good at,M,(,数学,) .,hich,aths,istory,4,. Whats the,d,(,日期,) today, Amy?,Its 7 July.,5. The class,m,(,会议,) begins,at three,oclock tomorrow,afternoon.,ate,eeting,二、单项选择,。,6. ,中考,安徽,Will you go to the picnic,this Saturday,?, Id like to,_ Ill,have to help look after,my baby,sister.,A. but,B,.,or C,. and,D,. so,A,7,. Ann, is this your new school?,_.,A. Yes, this is,B,. No, this isnt,C. Yes, it is,D,. No, it,not,C,8,. We have an _,lesson,every week.,A. music,B,. Chinese,C. art,D,.,history,C,9,. The sports meeting begins,_three oclock_ the,afternoon.,A. at; in,B,. at; on,C. in; at,D,. on; at,A,10,. What time is it now?,_.,A. Its,Tuesday B,. Its spring,C. Its five,oclock D,. Its a fine day,C,三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,。,11. There are some,_ on,the plate on the table,.,lesson, England, meet, cake, good,cakes,12,. We have a parents,_ every,term.,lesson, England, meet, cake, good,meeting,13. Some teachers from other schools can watch some,of our _.,lesson, England, meet, cake, good,lessons,14,. Who is good at _,in,your class,?,lesson, England, meet, cake, good,English,15,. Which of the subjects do you like _,?,lesson, England, meet, cake, good,best,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。,16.,汤姆告诉他的朋友关于他学校的事。,Tom,_ his,friends _,his,school.,tells about,17.,我最喜爱的科目是地理。,My favourite,_ is _ .,subject,geography,18,.,我们每周都有一次班级会议。,We have a _ _,every,week,.,class,meeting,19,.,我们的英语课在八点钟开始。,Our English lesson _ _,8:00.,begins,at,20,.,在学校门口碰面怎么样?,_ _,meeting,at the school gate?,What/How,about,五、补全,对话,(,有,两项,多余,),Amy,: Hello, Cindy!,_21,Cindy,: Maths.,_22,Amy,: No. I like PE because I like playing sports. Oh, _23,do you know?,A. Which is your favourite subject?,B. Whats the day today?,C. Can you come?,D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning.,E. whats the date today,F. Do you like Maths?,G. What about you, Amy?,A,F,E,Cindy,: Its 13 October. Our school has a sports,meeting. _24,Amy,: Yes, I can. What time is it?,A. Which is your favourite subject?,B. Whats the day today?,C. Can you come?,D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning.,E. whats the date today,F. Do you like Maths?,G. What about you, Amy?,C,Cindy,:,_25,Amy,: OK. Lets meet at,the school,gate.,Cindy,: Goodbye.,Amy,: Bye.,A. Which is your favourite subject?,B. Whats the day today?,C. Can you come?,D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning.,E. whats the date today,F. Do you like Maths?,G. What about you, Amy?,D,


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