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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal,Review,1.学习四单元所有的单词和短语,并掌握动词的ing形式和单三形式。,2.熟练运用句型:,What are your hobbies,I like ,Does he/she.,Yes , he/she does.,No , he/she doesnt.,3.能正确使用动词的的ing形式和单三形式。,Teaching aims,:,hobbies,dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football,doing kung fu,What are your,What are your hobbies,I like -.,What is his / her hobby,He /She like,s,他的,她的,Danc,ing, danc,ing, I like danc,ing.,Sing,ing, sing,ing,I like sing,ing,.,Read,ing, read,ing, I like read,ing,stories.,Play,ing, play,ing,I like play,ing,football.,Do,ing, do,ing, I like do,ing,kung fu.,Hooray!,Lets chant:,1,、,直接加,ing .,如,:,sing- singing, play-playing,。,2,、以不发音的,e,结尾的,去,e,加,ing .,如:,dance- dancing write- writing,make-making,但是,see-seeing,3,、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾字母,再加,ing .,如:,run-running swim- swimming,shop-shopping,动词ing 形式(现在分词)变化规那么:,以上规那么口诀是:直接,去e,双写,Read and choose,1. What _ your hobbies,A am B is C are,2. I like _ stories.,A playing B reading C fishing,3.They like _ pictures.,A drawing B cooking C eating,4.My hobby is _ to music .,A listening B listens C listen,5. _ likes playing the pipa.,A We B I C She,C,B,A,A,C,I,like,playing football,.,He,like,s,reading stories.,比较:,动词原形,动词第三人称单数形式,l,ike,你的新发现?,l,ike,s,My new pen pal笔友,John,Task 3:Lets practice,do,es,word puzzles,cook,s,Chinese food,stud,i,es,Chinese,go,es,hiking,1.,一般情况在词尾加,s, like-like,s,2.,以,o. s .x .sh. ch.,等结尾的单词加,es,go- go,es,teach- teach,es,3.,以,元音,+y,结尾的单词,加,s,play- play,s,say- say,s,4.,以,辅音,字母,+y,结尾的单词变,y,为,i,再加,es,:fly- fl,ies,study- stud,ies,动词的,第三人称单数,形式的变化规律,总结,一、询问某人的爱好:,1What is your hobby 你的爱好是什么?,I like +动词ing形式 我喜欢,2What is his / her hobby他的/她的爱好是什么?,He/ She likes +动词ing形式他/她喜欢,二、语法:,1、一般现在时:表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day/ morning / evening, often, usually, always等时间状语连用。如:,He goes to school every day . (肯定句),He doesnt go to school every day.(否认句),Does he go to school every day(一般疑问句 ),答复: Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt.,does+,动词原形,例子: teach English,He teaches English., Does he teach English, Yes, he does., No, he doesnt.,Task 5:Practice,1,、,do word puzzles,He do,es,word puzzles.,Does he do word puzzles,Yes,he does.,No,he does,nt,.,Does单三主语 动词原形其他?,肯定答复:Yes, he she does.,否认答复:No, he she doesnt.,一. 写出以下单词的第三人称单数形式。,live _ 2. study _,3. watch _ 4. go _,5. do _ 6. play_,当堂训练,live,s,stud,i,es,wat,ch,es,g,o,es,d,o,es,pl,a,ys,二、我会选出正确的单词完成句子。,1He _( live / lives ) in Beijing.,2. _ ( Do / Does ) your pen pal live in China,3. Mr. White _( study / studies ) Chinese.,Lets write,live,s,Does,stud,i,es,4. I often_ ( go / goes ) to school on foot.,My mother _( go / goes ) to work by bus.,5. Bill likes _( watch /watching ) TV.,He often _( watch / watches ) TV on the weekend.,go,go,es,watch,ing,watch,es,四、选择正确的答语,D,C,E,B,A,


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