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Period 3 Section B (1a,2e),Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,1,2,3,4,5,always,Our,tidy,everywhere,but,tidy; but,are in the bookcase,have a clock,model plane; hers,always asks,6,7,8,9,10,课内知识,答 案 呈 现,温馨提示,:,点击 进入讲评,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,C,A,D,C,have English,have; radio,A,C,here and there,题组专训,are everywhere,10,11,12,is always,A,答 案 呈 现,13,C,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,plane,clock,radio,player,tapes,everywhere,dont know,mine,课后巩固,radios,asks,9,10,11,12,13,tapes; bookcase,are everywhere,clock; on the desk,model plane,always; tidy,14,15,答 案 呈 现,课后巩固,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,arent,No; they arent,Where,Those keys are,always asks me,C,A,A,D,B,24,25,26,27,28,A,B,D,C,B,29,30,答 案 呈 现,课后巩固,36,37,38,39,40,Marys,everywhere,hers,model plane,asks,答 案 呈 现,31,32,33,is,are,player,bookcase,tidy,34,35,一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇,1. He is a good boy. He _(,总是,) helps others(,别人,) at school.,2. This is your classroom. _(,我们的,) classroom is there.,3. Her room is very clean and _(,整洁的,).,always,Our,tidy,4. His books are _(,到处,) in the room.,5. This pencil is long(,长的,), _(,可是,) that one is not.,everywhere,but,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子,6.,我爱整洁,可是吉娜却不。,Im _, _ Gina is not.,tidy but,7.,在我的房间里,我的书和磁带在书柜里。,In my room, my books and tapes,_ _ _ _.,are in the bookcase,8.,我有一个钟表,它在书桌上。,I _ _ _. Its on the desk.,have a clock,9.,白色的飞机模型是她的。,The white _ _ is _.,model plane hers,10.,吉娜总是问。,Gina _ _.,always asks,1. I know her, _ I forget(,忘记,) her name.,【,2021,威海模拟】,A. so B. and C. but D. for,C,2.,【新题】,Lets turn on(,打开,) the computer _ have classes on Dingding, everyone.,A. and B. but C. so D. or,A,3. This is Ms. Wang. She is _ English teacher.,A. we B. they,C. us D. our,D,4. We dont know the way(,路线,). Can you help _?,A. he B. we C. us D. our,C,5.,星期一我们上英语课。,We _ _ classes(,课,) on Monday.,have English,6.,我有一台新的收音机。,I _ a new _.,have radio,7. What do you want to _?,Some bread and an egg.,A. have B. help C. call D. spell,【,点拨,】,考查动词词义辨析。,have,吃,; help,帮助,; call,打电话,; spell,拼写。句意为“,你想吃点什么,? ,一些面包和一个鸡蛋”。根据句意可知,have,符合题意。,A,8. Look! The classroom is not tidy. The things (,物品,) are _.,A. where B. there,C. everywhere D. in the room,C,9. His toys(,玩具,) are everywhere. (,改成同义句,),His toys are _ _ _.,here and there,10.,他的铅笔在房间里到处都是。,His pencils _ _ in the room.,are everywhere,11.,彼得总是第一个到校。,Peter _ _ the first to come to school.,is always,12. Grace _ good at(,擅长,) English in our school.,A. is always B. always is,C. are always D. always are,A,13. The boy _ his parents for help.,A. always ask B. ask always,C. always asks D. asks always,C,一、根据句意及图片提示写单词,1. Mike, is this model _ yours?,2. I have a nice _ . Its on my desk.,3. Where is your _ , Peter?,Its on my bed.,plane,clock,radio,4. This is my tape _ . I study(,学习,) English with it.,5. Are these your _ ?,No, they arent. They are Sallys.,player,tapes,二、选择合适的词并用其适当形式完成句子,6. In our school, there are flowers(,花,) _.,7. The girl is Lucy, but I _ the boy(,男孩,).,8. This is Toms room and that one is _.,everywhere,dont know,mine,everywhere, not know, radio, ask, my,9. I have two _. Look! They are on my desk.,10. He always _ me the same question(,同样的问题,).,radios,asks,三、根据汉语意思完成句子,11.,我的磁带在书柜里。,My _ are in the _.,tapes bookcase,12.,他的学习用品到处都是。,His school things _ _.,are everywhere,13.,时钟在书桌上。,The _ is _ _ _.,clock on the desk,14.,这个飞机模型是我弟弟的。,The _ _ is my brothers.,model plane,15.,我们的教室总是很整洁。,Our classroom is _ very _.,always tidy,四、按要求完成句子,16. My pencils are in the pencil box. (,改成否定句,),My pencils _ in the pencil box.,arent,17. Are the rulers in the pencil box? (,作否定回答,),_, _ _.,No they arent,18. The English books are,under the radio,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ are the English books?,Where,19. That key is in my desk. (,改成复数句子,),_ _ _ in my desk.,Those keys are,20. They always ask me. (,用,Helen,作主语改写句子,),Helen _ _ _.,always asks me,五、完形填空,This is a _21of our classroom.,21. A. room B. teacher C. picture D. book,【,点拨,】,句意为“这是一张我们教室的图片”。,C,Look! The classroom is _22.,22. A. tidy B. long C. well D. good,【,点拨,】,tidy,整洁的,; fine,好的,; well,好,; good,好的。描述教室用“整洁的”比较符合习惯。故选择,A,项。,A,You can see(,看见,) _23teachers desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy(,男孩,), _24.,23. A. a B. the C. an D. /,24. A. so B. and C. but D. too,【,点拨,】,23.,第一次提到某个物体用不定冠词。“,teachers desk”,前面的不定冠词应当使用,a,。故选择,A,项。,A,D,Three books _25on the teachers desk.,25,. A. is,B. are,C.,am,D.,do,【,点拨,】,主语“,Three books”,是复数, be,动词应当使用,are,。故选择,B,项。,B,A pencil box is _26 the desk, too.,26. A. on B. in C. at D. to,【,点拨,】,根据句尾的“,too”,可知铅笔盒应当是在讲桌上。故选择,A,项。,A,Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil box. A schoolbag is on a chair. A baseball is _27 the teachers desk.,The _28 is Linda. She is 11.,27. A. of B. under C. at D. for,28. A. book B. bag C. clock D. girl,B,D,The boy is Mike and _29 is 12. They are good_30.,29. A. she B. her C. he D. his,30. A. girls B. friends C. teachers D. sisters,【,点拨,】,29. Mike,是男孩,人称代词用,he,。故选择,C,项。,C,B,六、,【,2021,原创】,短文,填空,用,括号内所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语提示完成短文。,Hello! My names Cindy. My sister is Mary. Here _31 (be) a picture of my room. My computer is on the desk. My jacket and ID card _32 (be) on the desk.,is,are,My keys are on the chair, too. I have a CD _33 (play). Its on the chair. Where are my books? They are in the,_,_,_,34 (,书橱,). And a clock is in it, too. My things(,物品,) are very,_,35(,整洁的,).,Where are,_,36 (Mary) things? Oh, they are,_,37 (,到处,). Her books are on the bed. Her computer is on the bed, too.,Marys,everywhere,player,bookcase,tidy,Where is her ID card? The ID card on the floor(,地板,) is _38 (she). She has a yellow _39 (,飞机模型,). Its very nice, and its under the desk. “Where are my books? Where is my key?” Mary always _40 (ask).,hers,model plane,asks,


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