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,Unit2,Lets play sports!,Period 1,Comic strip & Welcome to the unit,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,enjoys,2,volleyball,3,walking,4,bowls,6,7,8,9,10,walking after dinner / supper,many times a day,favourite sport; playing tennis,plays basketball; after school,doesnt go swimming,课内知识,夯实基础,5,times,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,thinking,2,C,3,B,4,B,题组专训,突破考点,5,What / How about; Shall we,6,7,8,How / What about,swimming,swimmer; goes swimming,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,shopping,2,walk,3,really,4,swimming,6,7,8,9,10,sports,having,go,volleyballs,times,课后巩固,拓展延伸,5,running,11,12,13,14,15,B,D,C,B,B,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,B,C,B,B,A,课后巩固,拓展延伸,21,22,23,24,25,D,G,A,E,C,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,课后巩固,拓展延伸,3,1,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,is,well,are,go,friends,3,6,3,7,3,8,3,9,4,0,B,B,B,D,B,26,27,28,29,30,skating,skating,dancing,like,sport,一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇,1. My mother _ (,享受,乐趣,喜欢,) dancing every evening.,2. They will go to the playground to play,_,(,排球,).,enjoys,volleyball,3. My grandpa likes,_,(,散步,) outside with my cousin in the evening.,4. How many _ (,碗,) are there on the table?,Two.,5. I go to see my grandparents three _ (,次,) a year.,walking,bowls,times,二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英语,句子,6.,你为什么不喜欢晚饭后散步,?,Why dont you like,_?,walking after dinner / supper,7.,你每天洗手很多次吗,?,Do you wash your hands _?,many times a day,8.,我最喜爱的运动是打网球。,My,_,is,_.,favourite,sport playing,tennis,9.,西蒙放学后经常和他的好朋友一起打篮球。,Simon often,_,with his good friends,_.,plays,basketball,after,school,10.,现在我的父亲不是每天去游泳。,Now my father _ every day.,doesnt go swimming,1. I,enjoy,_,(think) of ways to help people in need.,【,中考,永州,】,thinking,2. Lily enjoys _ a film at the weekend.,【,中考,柳州,】,A. see,B. to see,C,. seeing,D. saw,C,【,点拨,】,本题用,固定搭配法,。,enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做某事,是固定搭配,故选,C,。,3. Jim is going to join the Art Club because he likes,_.,【,中考,温州,】,A. cooking,B,. drawing,C,. running,D,. reading,B,【,点拨,】,本题用,语境法,。“加入美术社团”提示用动名词,drawing,,表示“因为他喜欢画画”。故选,B,。,4.,I,like playing basketball. _?,I,like running.,A. How are you,B. How about you,C. Can I help you,D,. Whats your name,B,【,点拨,】,考查情景交际。根据答语“我喜欢跑步。”可知,问句应是“你呢?”,故选,B,。,5. Why not go to the park this afternoon? (,同义句转换,),_ going to the park this afternoon?,_,go to the park this afternoon?,What / How,about,Shall,we,6.,星期天去动物园怎么样,?,_,going,to the zoo on Sunday?,How / What about,7. Its fine today. Why not go,_,(swim), Kate?,【,仪征三中期中,】,swimming,8.,吉姆是一名游泳者,他每天去游泳。,Jim is a,_,and he,_,every day.,swimmer goes,swimming,一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,1. Su Wen likes _ (shop) and Kate likes dancing.,2. My parents often _ (walk) for about an hour after dinner.,shopping,walk,3. My father is _ (real) busy today.,【,盐城模拟,】,4. Please dont,go _,(swim) on your own (,独自,). Its too dangerous.,5. My cousin,enjoys _,(run) with his father every morning.,really,swimming,running,6. We have a _ (sport) meeting once a year in our school.,7. What,about _,(have) a party after the exam?,Sounds great.,sports,having,8. Why not _ (go) out for a walk this evening?,9. I have two,_,(volleyball). I want to give one to you.,10. He often explains (,解释,) difficult problems many _ (time) until we understand (,理解,).,【,中考,泰安改编,】,go,volleyballs,times,二、单项选择,11.,Do,you,know _,girl with long curly(,拳曲状的,) hair?,Yes,. She is Mary. She,plays _,tennis very well.,A. a; /,B,. the; /,C. the; the,D. a; the,B,【,点拨,】,第一空表示特指,应用定冠词,the,;第二空,play tennis,打网球,是固定搭配。故选,B,。,12.,Whats,your favourite sport, David?,I,like _ best.,A. reading B,. music,C,. Maths,D,. swimming,D,【,点拨,】,根据问句句意“你最喜欢的运动是什么,戴维?”可知,是询问运动,四个选项中只有,swimming,是表示运动,故选,D,。,13. Do you like any _?,Yes, I like playing basketball.,A. subjects,B,. music,C.,sports,D,. players,C,【,点拨,】,根据答语“是的,我喜欢打篮球。”可知,是询问运动,故选,C,。,14. _ do you walk to your bowl?,Many times a day.,A. How long,B,. How often,C. How soon,D,. How much,B,【,点拨,】,考查疑问词组辨析。,how long,提问“,for, 一段时间”;,how often,提问动作的频率;,how soon,提问“,in, 一段时间”;,how much,提问不可数名词的量或价格。故选,B,。,15.,Do,you and Amy like playing tennis?,_.,A. Yes, they do,B,. Yes, we do,C. Yes, she does,D,. Yes, I do,B,【,点拨,】,考查一般疑问句的回答。根据问句主语,you and Amy,可确定要用,we,回答。故选,B,。,16.,What,about _ a birthday party for Jill next Sunday?,Sounds,great!,【,蚌埠期末,】,A. have,B,. having,C,. has,D,. to have,B,【,点拨,】,考查固定句型。,What about . . .,?意为“,怎么样?”,是固定句型,,about,是介词,后接动词的,-ing,形式,故选,B,。,17. Amy,_,from school every day.,【,扬州树人学校九龙湖校区月考,】,A. go home on foot,B,. goes to home on foot,C. walks home,D,. walks to home,C,【,点拨,】,考查动词短语的用法。“步行回家”可用,go home on foot,或,walk home,,其中的,home,是副词,其前不可用介词,to,;句中主语,Amy,是第三人称单数,故选,C,。,18.,Do,you,like _,table tennis at weekends?,_.,A. playing; Yes, I am,B,. playing; Yes, I do,C. to play; No, I do,D,. to play; No, I am not,B,19.,I,like listening to music.,_,A. Thank you,B,. Oh, really?,C. All right.,D,. Not at all.,B,【,点拨,】,考查交际用语。回答对方“我喜欢听音乐。”答语用“哦,真的吗?”表示感兴趣或惊讶,故选,B,。,20.,I,like music. What about you?,_.,A. I,like playing the violin,B,. No. I like swimming,C. Yes, I do,D,. I like swimming too,A,【,点拨,】,考查情景交际。根据问句确定答句要回答喜欢什么,只有,A,项符合情境。故选,A,。,三、从方框中选择正确选项补全对话,(,其中有两项为多余项,),A:,Theres a basketball game at our school this Saturday, isnt there?,B:,Yes. _21,D,A. What time shall we meet?,B. What shall we do?,C. Then why dont we meet outside the library at 4: 15?,D. Our school will play against Highland Junior High.,E. Sorry, Im afraid I wont be at home then.,F. Those games are quite exciting.,G. Do you want to go together?,A. What time shall we meet?,B. What shall we do?,C. Then why dont we meet outside the library at 4: 15?,D. Our school will play against Highland Junior High.,E. Sorry, Im afraid I wont be at home then.,F. Those games are quite exciting.,G. Do you want to go together?,A:,Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. Did you go to watch it?,B:,Oh, yes. It was a great time. So are you planning to go this Saturday? _22,G,A. What time shall we meet?,B. What shall we do?,C. Then why dont we meet outside the library at 4: 15?,D. Our school will play against Highland Junior High.,E. Sorry, Im afraid I wont be at home then.,F. Those games are quite exciting.,G. Do you want to go together?,A,:,Sure! Id love to. _23,B:,Well, the game starts at 4: 30 p. m. , so I can come to your home at 4: 00 and we can walk to school together.,A,A. What time shall we meet?,B. What shall we do?,C. Then why dont we meet outside the library at 4: 15?,D. Our school will play against Highland Junior High.,E. Sorry, Im afraid I wont be at home then.,F. Those games are quite exciting.,G. Do you want to go together?,A,:,_24 Ill be in the library studying for the big test on Monday.,B:,Oh. _25,A:,Sounds great!,E,C,四、用括号内单词的适当形式完成,短文,Marys favourite sport,is _,26 (skate). She likes skating very much and goes _27 (skate) with her father every Friday afternoon. She likes singing and,_,28 (dance) too, but she doesnt _29 (like) watching football games at home on TV.,skating,skating,dancing,like,Kates favourite _30 (sport) is table tennis, and,she _31 (be) good at it. She can play volleyball _32 (good) too. Kate and Mary _33 (be) classmates. They _34 (go) to school together. They are good _35 (friend).,is,well,are,go,friends,sport,五、阅读,理解,36. The writer likes basketball best because its,very _.,A. boring,B,. exciting,C,. tiring,D,. famous,B,请同学们看,典中点,第,1,5,页短文,。,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文中,句子,“My,favourite sport is basketball because it is very exciting. ”,可确定答案。故选,B,。,37. How many times does the writer play basketball every week?,_,A. Five.,B. Three.,C. Four.,D,. Six.,B,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文中,句子,“I,play basketball three times a week. ”,可确定答案。故选,B,。,38. The writer often plays,basketball _.,A. himself,B,. with his friends,C. with his cousins,D. with his parents,B,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文中,句子,“I,often play it with my friends and sometimes I may play it myself. ”,可确定答案。故选,B,。,39. Why does the writer like basketball,? _,A. Because its cheap.,B. Because its good for health.,C. Because the NBA stars play very well.,D. Both B and C.,D,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文中,句子,“I,like basketball because the NBA stars play very well. Besides,,,it is a good sport for our health. ”,可确定答案。故选,D,。,40. Whats the best title (,标题,) for the passage,? _,A. Basketball,players.,B,. My favourite sport.,C. Basketball stars.,D,. My favourite basketball star.,B,【,点拨,】,标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作者最喜爱的体育运动,篮球。故选,B,。,


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