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,Module 7 Computers,模块整合与拔高,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,B,2,D,3,B,4,Where does,真题真练,走近中考,5,C,6,A,7,to be,8,D,9,B,10,D,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,C,2,B,3,C,原汁原味,提升素养,挑战自我,体验原创,作文,一、语法整合真题,练,1. _ does the London Eye take you above the River Thames?,One hundred and,thirty-,five metres.,【,2020,乐山,】,A. How long,B,. How high,C,. How,heavy,B,2. How much _ do we need to make a,banana milk,shake,?,【,2020,黔西南,】,A. bananas,B. apples,C. coffee,D.,milk,D,【,点拨,】,bananas,香蕉,; apples,苹果,; coffee,咖啡,; milk,牛奶。根据句中,make a banana milk shake,提示,做香蕉奶昔要用到香蕉和牛奶,故,B,、,C,两项可排除。,how much,意为“多少”,后接不可数名词,故选,D,。,3. _ do you think of the movie,Me and,My Motherland,?,I love it! Its a great movie.,【,2020,湘西,】,A. How,B,. What,C.,When,B,【,点拨,】,根据,“I,love it! Its a great movie. ”,并结合固定,用法,“What,do you think of? ”,可知选,B,。,4. His grandparents live,in Shanghai,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ his grandparents live,?,【,中考,重庆,A,卷,】,Where,does,5. _ did you celebrate the Dragon,Boat Festival,this year, Tom?,By making rice dumplings with my Chinese friends.,【,中考,南通,】,A. Where,B,. When,C,. How,D.,Why,C,【,点拨,】,考查疑问副词辨析。句意为“,汤姆,你今年是如何庆祝龙舟节的,? ,通过和我的中国朋友一起包粽子”。,where,在哪里,; when,什么时候,; how,如何,怎样,; why,为什么,结合语境可知问句是询问方式,故选,C,。,二、高频考点真题练,6. The coffee in this shop is pretty good. Ms. Zhang comes here,at times,.,_,【,2020,黔东南,】,A. sometimes,B. never,C. on time,D. in,time,A,【,点拨,】,sometimes,有时,; never,绝不,; on time,按时,; in time,及时。根据句意可知,题中画线短语,at times,意为“有时”,与,A,选项同义。,7. Touched by doctors and nurses in Wuhan, Li,Ming wants,_ (be) a doctor when he grows up.,【,2020,永州,】,to be,8. Its dangerous for us to give too much,_ about,ourselves on the Internet.,【,2020,凉山,】,A. messages,B,. suggestions,C. preparation,D,.,information,D,【,点拨,】,用,词语辨析法,。,messages,短信,信息,可数名词,; suggestions,建议,; preparation,准备,; information,信息,不可数名词。根据,“about,ourselves on the Internet”,可知此处指的是在网上发布太多关于自己的个人信息很危险,; too much,修饰不可数名词,故此处用不可数名词,information,。,9. Lucy, when you leave the room, please,_ the,light.,OK, Mom.,【,中考,菏泽,】,A. put off,B. turn off,C. turn,up,B,【,点拨,】,put off,推迟,; turn off,关,(,电源等,); turn up,开大,(,声音,亮度等,),。根据常识可知,离开房间应该关灯。,10. I was busy this morning and didnt have time,to _,my email.,【,2020,天津,】,A. waste,B,. punish,C,. believe,D,. check,D,【,点拨,】,waste,浪费,; punish,惩罚,; believe,相信,; check,检查。,根据,“my,email”,可知此处用动词,check,表示“检查邮件”。,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。,1. What does the underlined (,画线的,) word “password” mean in Chinese,? _,A.,数字,B,.,规则,C,.,密码,D,.,银行,卡,C,请同学们看,典中点,第,54,页,短文。,【,点拨,】,词义猜测题。根据短文中,的,“Look,at the screen. Input(,输入,)your,password,into the ATM. ”,可知,使用,ATM,机时,先插入卡片,然后看屏幕输入的应该是银行卡的密码,故选,C,。,2. If you want, you can get _ from the ATM.,A. a password,B,. a receipt,C. a card,D,. a,present,B,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据短文中,的,“Get,the money from the ATM. If(,如果,) you want, you can also get a,receipt (,收据,). ”,可知选,B,。,3. The passage is about _.,A. where to get the,money B,. how to have a bank card,C. how to use the,ATM D,. when to use the ATM,C,【,点拨,】,主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲的是从,ATM,机中取钱的步骤及一些注意事项,故选,C,。,以下,5,个单词是我们本模块所学的重点单词,请同学们尝试着用它们编出一篇小文章,体裁、词数不限。,often, share, check, ticket, travel,_,My mother doesnt often use the computer at the weekend. My father and I share it. My father usually checks the train timetables and buys tickets on the Internet because he likes travelling. (,答案不唯一,),


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