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第一课时Section A(1a2d),Unit 10Youre supposed to shake hands.,expect,customs,kisses,bow,快速对答案,greet,1,A,D,D,A,C,FBDGA,2,3,4,5,3,4,1-5,1,2,5,.根据首字母及汉语提示, 完成下列单词的拼写。,1.You cant,e,(期望) to learn a foreign language in a week.,xpect,2.It is difficult to get used to another countrys,c,(风俗).,3.Mrs. Brown often,k,(亲吻)her daughters face when she leaves for school.,ustoms,isses,4.Friends always,g,(和,打招呼)each other happily whenever they meet.,5.Japanese always,b,(鞠躬) to each other when they meet for the first time.,reet,ow,.单项填空。,( )1.,I saw an old woman fall down on the road just now.,You are _ to help her stand up.,A.supposed,B.ready,C.thought,D.suggested,A,答语句意: 你应该帮助她站起来。be supposed to,“,应该,”,。,( )2.Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer holidays start.,A.while B.since,C.until D.as soon as,D,as soon as,“,一. . . . . . 就. . . . . .,”, 符合句意。,( )3.Please try to _ here on time.Dont keep us waiting.,A.get to B.arrive in,C.arrive at D.get,D,here为副词, 故其余三项在此不符。,( )4.Mans understanding of nature is developing _. It never stays at the same level.,A.at the right time B.for the first time,C.all the time D.from time to time,C,at the right time,“,适时,”, for the first time,“,首次,”, from time to time,“,时不时,”, all the time,“,总是,”, 故选C。,( )5.In China, we shake hands _ each other when we meet for the first time.,A.with B.for,C.to D.from,A,shake hands with sb.,“,和某人握手,”,。,.从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话。(其中有两项多余),A: Excuse me. Would you mind helping me?,B: 1._ Whats up?,A: One of my American friends invited me to her house to attend her birthday party, but I dont know much about the customs and manners. 2._,F,B,看选项,B: Sure.When are you supposed to get there?,A: 3._,B: Well, the first thing is that you should get there on time.,A: All right. 4._,B: You are supposed to say Happy birthday.,A: OK. 5._,D,G,A,看选项,A.Thank you very much.,B.Can you help me?,C.What gifts shall I take?,D.Im supposed to get there at 11: 00 a.m.,E.What time am I supposed to leave?,F.Of course not.,G.What am I supposed to say?,12,35,谢谢观看,Thank you for watching!,


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