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课时,1,Getting ready & Reading,Unit 7 Memory,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,答案呈现,B,B,B,B,meeting; talking,forgotten,better,miles,do,memory,spelling,corner,improve,mentioned,15,A,答案呈现,16,17,18,silly,unless,Corner,19,mention,20,method,21,22,23,trouble learning,how; cycle works,is worth,24,between; and,25,to imagine; mind,基础巩固练,答案呈现,能力提升练,26,27,28,F,D,E,29,G,31,32,33,success,if,to keep,30,A,34,35,taught,memory,36,37,38,at,to make,special,39,40,others,together,答案呈现,能力提升练,41,42,43,B,A,D,44,45,C,B,46,47,48,B,C,D,49,50,A,B,一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。,1. He is very worried about his bad,_(,记忆力,).,2. Han Liang doesnt do well in English.,His,_,(,拼写,)is,bad.,3. There is a post,office,on the _,(,角落,)of the street.,memory,spelling,corner,4. Our teacher gives us a good way to _ (,改进,) the pronunciation.,5. The newspaper _ (,提到,) the problem of pollution yesterday.,improve,mentioned,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,6. My new neighbour is so outgoing(,外向的,) that he enjoys _(meet) and _ (talk) to people.,meeting talking,7. I have _(forget) the whole thing. Dont mention it again.,forgotten,8. The young usually have _ (good) memories than the old.,better,9. The small village is five _ (mile) away from that town.,miles,10. Remember to help your parents _(do) some housework.,do,三、单项选择。,11. There,_some,old people taking a walk in,the park,.,A. is,B,. are,C,. has,D,. have,B,【,点拨,】,因为主语为,some old people,所以用复数,故选,B,。,12.,(易错题),【,中考,泸州,】Your dream will,not come,true,_you,keep trying your best.,A.,when B,. unless,C.,whether D,.,because,B,13,. She forgot to take a map, so she had _,finding the,way.,A. fun,B,. trouble,C. interest,D,. question,B,14,.,(易错题),You,must remember it in your,_.,A. brain,B,. mind,C. idea,D,.,head,B,15,.,【,中考,天水,】Were not sure if,it_ tomorrow,. If it _,we wont climb the,South Hill,.,A. will rain; rains,B. will rain; will rain,C. rains; rains,D. rains; will rain,A,【,点拨,】,分析句子结构可知,第一个空格处是,if,引导的宾语从句,由句中的时间状语,tomorrow,可知动词要用一般将来时,will rain;,第二个空格处是,if,引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。故选,A,。,四、选词并用其适当形式填空。,16. Dont do _things. People will laugh at you.,corner, method, unless, silly, mention,silly,17. I cant finish the work _ you help me.,corner, method, unless, silly, mention,unless,18. There are many articles in Memory _ to help students improve their memory.,corner, method, unless, silly, mention,Corner,19. The girls story didnt _ her father.,corner, method, unless, silly, mention,mention,20. Millies article is about a _ for remembering something well.,corner, method, unless, silly, mention,method,五、根据汉语意思完成句子。,21.,这个男孩学习英语有困难。,The boy has,_,_,English,.,trouble learning,22.,你知道水循环是如何进行的吗,?,Do you know,_ the,water _ _,?,how cycle works,23.,她的项链值一万元。,Her,necklace _ _,10,000,yuan,.,is worth,24,.,第一个字母和最后一个字母之间有一英里。,There is a “mile,”,_,the first letter,_,the last letter,.,between and,25,.,一种能帮助你记事情的好方式是在你的大脑中构想一幅,它的,图画。,A good way to help you remember something,is _,_,a,picture of it in your _,.,to,imagine mind,A,: Sorry. Im late, Tony.,B,: What happened?,A,: _26,B,: Thats all right, Tom. _27,A,: Oh, no!,六、补全对话(有两项多余),A. Youd better do something about it.,B. Dont say that.,C. Youre welcome.,D. Ive just got here myself, so I havent been waiting long.,E. Ive forgotten to bring the tickets with me.,F. The minibus broke down, so we had to wait for it to be fixed.,G. Its so bad these days.,F,D,B,: Whats wrong?,A,: _28,B,: How could you do that?,A,: Its my memory. _29 I cant remember anything any more.,B,: _30,E,G,A,A. Youd better do something about it.,B. Dont say that.,C. Youre welcome.,D. Ive just got here myself, so I havent been waiting long.,E. Ive forgotten to bring the tickets with me.,F. The minibus broke down, so we had to wait for it to be fixed.,G. Its so bad these days.,七、词语运用(有两项多余,)。,At school, many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have,_31,in a school play. We may feel sorry _,32,we lose an important game. We want _,33,the memory for the rest of our lives.,other, memory, teach, specially, put, succeed,at, keep, together, make, if, have,success,if,to keep,other, memory, teach, specially, put, succeed,at, keep, together, make, if, have,How to keep the memory? Our English teacher, Miss Wang _34 us a good way of remembering thingsto make our own yearbook. What is a yearbook? A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the _ 35 of exciting moments. Its usually made _ 36 the end of the year.,taught,memory,at,other, memory, teach, specially, put, succeed,at, keep, together, make, if, have,Last December, we began _37 our yearbook. First, we chose the persons who had done something _ 38, then some students interviewed them. Some wrote down their stories, _ 39 took photos of them.,to make,special,others,other, memory, teach, specially, put, succeed,at, keep, together, make, if, have,Everyone in our class had something to do. Finally, our teacher helped us put things _ 40. We had our first yearbook.,together,八、完形填空。,A good memory is helpful in learning a language. Everybody,_41,his own language by remembering what,he_ 42,when he is a small child,.,41. A. listens,B,.,learns C,. watches,D,. sees,42,. A. hears,B,.,listens C,. sees,D,. finds,B,A,Some boys and girls who live in foreign countries,_43,their parents seem to learn two languages almost as,_44,as,one.,43. A. in,B,.,on C,. together,D,. with,44,. A.,easiest B,. easier,C. easily,D,. more easily,D,C,At school it is not easy to learn,_45,second language because the pupils,have _46,time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too,.,45. A. an,B,.,a C,. the,D,. one,46,. A. such little,B,. so little,C. so few,D,. such few,B,B,A mans mind is rather,_47,a camera. It takes photos not only of what we see, but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste,.,47. A. same,B,. similar,C. like,D,. unlike,C,【,点拨,】,句意:一个人的大脑很像照相机。,same,同样的,; similar,相似的,; like,像,; unlike,不像。,be like,的意思是“像,一样”,,like,作介词。所以选,C,。,_48,we take a real photo with a camera, we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to,_49,it to our friends,.,48. A. Where,B,.,Who C,. Why,D,. When,49,. A. show,B,.,offer C,. borrow,D,. lend,D,A,In the same,_50,there is much work to be done before we can take a picture forever in our mind,.,50,. A. school,B,. way,C. time,D,. street,B,


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