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期末专项训练,专项四,词语辨析,1,2,3,4,一、,(,一,),答案呈现,besides,beside,except,except for,提示,:,点击 进入习题,1,2,3,4,(,二,),5,other,else,others,the other,else; another,6,the others,答案呈现,1,2,(,三,),million,millions of,1,2,3,(,四,),In the end,By the end of,at the end of,1,2,3,4,(,五,),dying,dead,death,died,答案呈现,1,2,(,六,),reach,get,1,2,(,七,),beat,won,1,2,3,(,八,),find out,invented,discovered,3,arrived,4,arrive,答案呈现,1,2,(,九,),later,in,1,2,3,(,十,),lent,keep; lend,borrow,1,2,3,(,十一,),in,use,with,3,after,答案呈现,1,2,(,十二,),matter,wrong,1,2,3,(,十三,),take,spend,cost,1,2,3,4,(,十四,),take part in,join in,join,joined,4,paid,3,wrong,答案呈现,1,2,(,十五,),lies,lying,1,2,3,(,十六,),is made in,are made of,is made from,1,2,3,(,十七,),stopped eating,stopped; (from) going,stopped to,4,is made up of,3,lay,4,laid,答案呈现,1,2,(,十八,),tells,say,1,2,3,(,十九,),wear,dresses,put on,1,2,(,二十,),almost,nearly/almost,4,in,3,speak,4,talks,答案呈现,1,2,(,二十一,),a bit,a bit/a little,1,2,3,(,二十二,),some time,some times,sometime,1,2,3,4,(,二十三,),5,surprised,surprise,surprised,surprise,surprising,4,Sometimes,3,a little/a bit of,答案呈现,1,2,(,二十四,),including,includes,(,二十五,),every day; everyday,1,2,3,(,二十六,),rising,raised,risen,1,2,(,二十七,),ill; illness,sick,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,二,5,答案呈现,A,C,C,A,B,C,C,C,B,C,11,12,13,14,15,A,A,A,D,C,17,B,D,18,19,20,B,D,B,16,答案呈现,21,22,23,24,25,A,C,D,C,A,27,A,B,28,29,30,A,B,B,26,32,B,A,33,34,35,C,D,B,31,C,36,一、选择合适的词汇填空,有些需要变形,。,(一),beside; besides; except; except for,1. Your writing is pretty good,_some spelling,mistakes.,2. You should also eat vegetables _,fruit,.,3. Mike is the boy who sits _,his,mother.,4. Everyone is in the classroom _,Tony,.,besides,beside,except,except for,(二),else; other; the other; another; others; the others,1. What,_ do,you want?,I want _,cup,of tea.,2. I cant do _,things,on Sundays.,3. Can you do anything _,to,help us,?,other,else,else,another,(二),else; other; the other; another; others; the others,4,. Some boys are reading, and _,are,playing.,5. She has two bicycles. One is red; _,is,black.,6. There are forty students in our class. Twenty-two,are boys,; _,are,girls.,others,the other,the others,(三)基数词,+million; millions of,1. There are,_visitors,visiting the Great,Wall every,year.,2. The man is rich and he has three,_,yuan,.,million,millions of,(四),at the end (of); by the end (of); in the end,1. The shop is,_ the,street. You cant miss it.,2. _,with the help of their teacher,they finished,the work on time.,3.,_ this,week, we will finish,learning the,fifth unit.,In the end,By the end of,at the end of,(五),die; dead; dying; death,1. Im sorry to hear that his grandpa,_ two years ago,.,2. Please help the dog; it is _,.,3. The boy lives with his mother because his father,has been,_,for,many years.,4. His mothers _,made,him very sad.,dying,dead,death,died,(六),get; arrive;,reach,1. When will you,_ to,the beach?,2. The visitors will _,our,school soon.,3. They _,at,the station at 7:00 yesterday morning.,4. They will _,in,Shanghai this evening.,reach,get,arrived,arrive,(七),win; beat,1. He,_the,first place in the test last week.,2. They wanted to _,us, but they failed.,beat,won,(八),discover; invent; find out,1. Do,you know who,_America?,2. We cant _,who,broke the window.,3. Edison _,many,useful things and he was a,great inventor,.,find out,invented,discovered,(九),in; after; later,1. Dont worry. He will give you a new book,_ a week,.,2. As long as you train hard, you will beat him,sooner or,_,.,3. My father went to Beijing on business and came,back home,_,two,days.,later,in,after,(十),borrow; lend; keep,1. You can,_ this,dictionary from the library.,2. He _,his,money to the poor man yesterday.,3. How long can I _,the,book?,For three weeks. But you cant,_ it,to others.,lent,keep,borrow,lend,(十一),use; with; in,1. The chair is made of the wood. Dont cut it,_ a knife,.,2. Its too dangerous. You cant do this _,this,way.,3. The girl always leaves her pen at home and has,to,_,her,deskmates.,in,use,with,(十二),matter;,wrong,1. There is something,_ with,her leg.,2. Whats the _,with,your horse?,3. Whats _,with,your watch?,matter,wrong,wrong,(十三),spend; take; pay; cost,1. How much does the ticket,_ from,Shanghai,to Beijing,?,2. It will _,us,several years to learn a,foreign language,well.,3. How much money did you _,on,the dictionary?,4. I _,15,yuan,for this new book last year.,take,spend,cost,paid,(十四),join; join in; take part in,1. My brother,_ the,army in 2002.,2. I didnt want to _,the,sports meeting.,3. Do you want to _,the,discussion?,4. You are welcome to _,us,.,take part in,join in,join,joined,(十五),lie; lay,1. I saw an old man,_ on,the street.,2. Dont believe him. He always _,.,3. My mother asks me to _,the,table before dinner.,4. The bird has _,an,egg in the nest.,lies,lying,lay,laid,(十六),be made in, be made of , be made from, be made up of,1. This bottle of wine ,which tastes delicious, _ grapes,.,2. My favorite scarf is the one,that _ China.,is made in,is made from,(十六),be made in, be made of , be made from, be made up of,3,. Boys and girls, the bottles _,glass,and we should,be careful,not to break them.,4. Our class,_ six,groups and there are eight students,in each,group.,are made of,is made up of,(十七),stop doing, stop to do, stop sb. (from) doing,1. We,_ rest,because we were so tired.,2. I,_ (,eat) and looked at him.,3. They,_ me _ (,go) out of the,door just,now.,stopped eating,stopped (,from) going,stopped to,(十八),speak, talk, say, tell,1. Dont forget to,_ “,Thank you” when someone has helped you.,2. Granny often _,me,funny stories.,3. We can _,both,Chinese and English.,4. Tom misses his friends in America and,often,_,with,me about his American friends.,tells,say,speak,talks,(十九),dress, put on, wear, in,1. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd,better _ your,raincoat.,2. Nancy, dont always _,that,old jacket. It looks terrible.,But I think its cool, Mom,.,wear,put on,(十九),dress, put on, wear, in,3,. My little brother is too young. Mom _,him,every morning.,4. The man _,black,is my father.,dresses,in,(二十),almost; nearly,1. Be careful! That car,_ hit,you .,2. The speaker said _,nothing,worth listening to.,almost,nearly/almost,(二十一),a bit; a bit of ;a little,1. Shes feeling,_ tired,after working day and night.,2. Hes not _,like,his brother. They are different from,each other,.,3. There is,_ food,left in the fridge. Lets go and buy,some more,.,a bit,a bit/a little,a little/a bit of,(二十二),sometime; some time; sometimes; some,times,1. My dream will come true,_.,2. Please take care of this when you have _,.,3. He didnt give up though he had failed _,.,4. I have dinner at home. _,I,go out to eat with my parents.,some time,some times,sometime,Sometimes,(二十三),surprise; surprised;,surprising,1. Its not,_for,him to fail the exam, for he is lazy.,2. They were _,and,happy to see each other after so many years.,3. To everyones _,he was very rude to his parents,.,surprised,surprise,surprising,(二十三),surprise; surprised;,surprising,4,. What he said at the meeting _,me,.,5. There is something in the sky. Everybody stops to look,at it,in _,.,surprised,surprise,(二十四),include;,including,1. My work,_ cooking,meals, cleaning the house and so on.,2. I have much work to do, _,cooking,meals and cleaning the house.,including,includes,(二十五),every day; everyday,Joe plays football _and it is one of his,_,activities.,every,day,everyday,(二十六),rise; raise,1. The population of the city has,_to,five million.,2. The house price still keeps _,so many people cant afford it.,3. He _,his,hat to me as a sign of respect.,rising,raised,risen,(二十七),ill; illness; sick,1. He visits his,_ uncle,in hospital every day.,2. Tom has been _,for,a week because of the serious _,.,ill,sick,illness,二、单项选择,。,1. The temperature will drop,_ zero,tomorrow.,A. under,B,. in,C,. below,D,. behind,C,【,点拨,】,below,在,下方,,under,在,正下方。,below zero,零度以下。,2. Two boys are walking,_ the,forest.,A. through,B,. across,C.,cross,D,.,over,A,【,点拨,】,through,从内部穿过,,across,从表面穿过,,cross,动词穿过,,over,在,上方。,3,. We _,those,who say the truth.,A. agree to,B,. agree on,C. agree with,D.,agree,about,C,4,. As teenagers, we have _,pressure,in our lives.,A. many too,B,. much too,C. too much,D,. too many,C,【,点拨,】,much too,太, 修饰形容词或副词,,too much,太多,修饰不可数名词,,too many,太多,修饰可数名词复数。,5. Mary lives,_,but she doesnt feel _,.,A. alone; lonely,B,. lonely; alone,C. alone; alone,D,. lonely;,lonely,A,【,点拨,】,alone,独自地,,lonely,孤独的。,6,. Can you help me _,who,took my book by mistake?,A. find B,. find out,C,. look,D,. look,at,B,【,点拨,】,find,找到,,find out,查明,,look,看,,look at,看,(,某物,/,人,),。,7,. He cant go to sleep because of the loud _,in,the street.,A.,sound B,. voice,C,. noise,D,. sneeze,C,【,点拨,】,sound,声音,,voice,嗓音,,noise,噪音,,sneeze,打呼声。,8. People often,_ what,they think interesting.,A. talk,to B,. talk with,C. talk about,D,. talk,in,C,【,点拨,】,talk to,对某人说话,,talk with,与某人聊天,,talk about,谈论。,9,. 【2020,重庆,B,卷,】The bank is _,the,left,of the,supermarket. Its not far.,A. in,B,. for,C,. on,D,. at,C,10.【2020,上海,】 Randy wrote two novels,. _of,them were made into films. Ive seen them.,A. None,B,. Both,C,. All,D,.,Neither,B,11,.【2020,本溪,】Dad, _,will,my mom,come back,? I miss her very much.,In a month.,A. how soon,B.,how often,C. how long,D,. how far,A,12.【2020,天门,】Linda,_ her,mother., Yeah. Both of them have curly hair and,blue eyes,.,A. looks like,B,. looks at,C. looks after,D,. looks,for,A,13,. I havent been to Europe . He hasnt _,.,A. either,B,.,too,C.,also,D. as,well,A,【,点拨,】,either,也,用于否定句。,too,也,用于肯定句句末。,also,也,用于肯定句句中。,as well,也,用于肯定句句末。,14,. The writer is very famous _,he,has,written lots,of great books.,A. so,B,. if,C,. but,D,. and,D,【,点拨,】,so,所以,,if,如果,,but,但是,,and,并且。,15. He is a happy and,_ kid,.,A. alive,B,. asleep,C,. lively,D,.,sleepy,C,【,点拨,】,alive,活着的,,asleep,睡着的,,lively,活泼的,,sleepy,困乏的。,16,. Some tree leaves fell on my hat. I had to,brush them,_,it,.,A. to,B. off,C. under,D,.,with,B,【,点拨,】,brush sth. off sth.,将某物从某物上刷下来。,17,. To protect the machines _,the,rain,the workers,covered them.,A. with,B,. to,C.,for,D,.,against,D,【,点拨,】,protect sth. against sth.,保护某物免受某物,(,伤害,),。,18,. Whats your plan for this weekend?,Im going to _,it,with my grandparents.,A. cost,B,. spend,C,. give,D,. pay,B,【,点拨,】,cost,价钱为,物作主语,; spend,花费,度过,人作主语,; give sb. sth.,给某人某物,; pay,付款,人作主语。,19.【2020,无锡,】What do we know about,the next,Olympic Games?, Very,_.,The only news is that they,wont cancel,it.,A. a few,B.,few,C,. a little,D,.,little,D,20,. Dont punish him. _,he is just a child.,A. At all,B,. After all,C. All together,D,. In,all,B,【,点拨,】,at all,一点也,,after all,毕竟,,all together,一起,,in all,总共。,21,. I didnt _,to,his question because it is,too difficult,.,A. reply,B,. answer,C,. ask,D,.,say,A,【,点拨,】,reply to,回答,,answer,回答,,ask,询问,,say,说,22,. She works _,a,secretary in that company.,A. like,B,. before,C,. as,D,. in,C,【,点拨,】,like,像,,before,在,之前,,as,作为,,in,在,里。,23.【2020,徐州,】I met Nancy,_ my,way,home yesterday,.,A. in,B,. at,C,. by,D,.,on,D,24,. We have to put off the meeting _,the bad weather,.,A. as a result,B,. because,C. because of,D,. so as,to,C,【,点拨,】,as a result,结果,,because,因为,后加句子,,because of,因为,后加名词,,so as to,以至于。,25,. I _,going,out at night.,A. am afraid,of,B. am afraid that,C. am afraid to,D,. am afraid,A,26. Remember to,_ your,book here tomorrow.,A.,bring,B. take,C,. fetch,D,.,carry,A,【,点拨,】,bring,带来,,take,拿走,,fetch,去拿来,,carry,扛着。,27,.【2020,新疆,】I dont know how to _,the old,clothes.,You can give them away to the charity.,A. hand in,B.,deal with,C. take up,D,. clean,up,B,28,. Do you know who _,the,steam engine,(,蒸汽机,),?,A. invented,B,. discovered,C. found,D,. set,A,【,点拨,】,invent,发明,,discover,科学发现,,find,发现,,set,设置。,29.,_ of,my parents is at home today.,A. None,B,. Neither,C,. All,D,.,Both,B,【,点拨,】,none,三者或三者以上都不,,neither,两者都不,,all,三者或三者以上都,,both,两者都。,30,. What do you think of the mobile phone?,I really like it, but I cant _,it,.,A. stand,B,. afford,C,. spend,D,.,refuse,B,【,点拨,】,stand,忍受,,afford,付得起,,spend,花费,,refuse,拒绝。,31,. Look at the sign “No Smoking”.,Sorry, Ill _,my,cigarette,(香烟),at once.,A. put,up,B,. put out,C,. put on,D,. put,off,B,【,点拨,】,put up,张贴,,put out,熄灭,,put on,穿上,,put off,推迟。,32,. Do you like your new T-shirt?,Yes. It _,very,soft.,A. feels,B,. sounds,C,. smells,D,. tastes,A,【,点拨,】,feel,摸起来,,sound,听起来,,smell,闻起来,,taste,尝起来。句意:,你喜欢你的新的,T,恤衫吗?,是的。它摸起来很柔软。柔软的感觉是通过摸的动作实现的。,33.,_,you guys! You dont want to miss,the train, do you?,A. Look up,B,. Give up,C. Hurry up,D.,Grow,up,C,【,点拨,】,look up,指查询,,give up,指放弃,,hurry up,指快点,,grow up,指长大,从后面的句子“你们不想错过火车,是吗?”,说明要让他们快点。,34,. Lisa, we need to clean the kitchen. Could,you,_,the,trash?,Yes, sure.,A. take after,B,. take off,C. take place,D,. take out,D,【,点拨,】,take after,像,,take off,起飞,,take place,发生,,take out,带走。,35. Please,_ your,things and put them in,order. Your,room is in a mess.,A. take away,B,. put away,C. throw away,D,. move,away,B,【,点拨,】,take away,拿走,,put away,收拾好,,throw away,扔掉,,move away,搬走。,36,. How can I _,well,with my lessons, Dad?,Practice makes perfect.,A. work on,B,. hold on,C. get on,D,. keep on,C,【,点拨,】,work on,从事,,hold on,别挂断,(,电话用语,); keep on,保持,,get on,和,with,构成,get on well with. . .,“与,相处得好”。所以选择,C,。,


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