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Yes, it is.,M3知识点,M3U1:,school,学校, library,图书馆, toilet,厕所, hall,大厅,,,剧院,playground,操场, in/on the playground,在操场上, classroom,教室, what,什么, is,是, this,这,这个, that,那,,,那个, my,我的, your,你的, yes,是, no,不是,.,句子:,What,s this ? It,s my school. Is this your classroom ? No. It,s the hall.,new,新,的, old,旧的, here,这里, there,那里, welcome,欢迎, loot at,看,picture(photo),图片, our,我们的, read and write,读写, sing and dance,唱歌和跳舞, play basketball,打蓝球, my school,我的学校,句子,:,Thank you. You,re welcome.,Is that the library ? Yes, it is.,M3U2:,apple,苹果,,,orange,桔子,,,banana,香蕉,,,peach,桃子,,,strawberry,草莓,plum,李子,,mango,芒果,,pineapple,菠萝,,cherry,樱桃,,lemon,柠檬,,melon,瓜,,watermelon,西瓜,,grape,葡萄,,help,帮助,,please,请,,shop,商店,in the shop,在商店里,shopping,购物,shopping list,购物单,how many,多少,how much,多少,sure,当然可以,buy,买,bye,再见,by,到,supermarket,超市,at the supermarket,在超市,in the supermarket,在超市里,go to a supermarket,去超市,toy,玩具,this,这,that,那,happy,高兴,some,一些,any,一些,want,想要,what,什么,句子:,Can I help you ? =What can I do for you ?,我能帮你吗?,May I have some apples, please ?,请问苹果有吗?,Here you are.,给你。,May I,have five bananas, please ?,请帮我拿,5,根香蕉好吗?,Sure.,当然可以。,There are many toys in the supermarket,.,超市里有许多玩具。,They buy some apples too,.,他们也买一些苹果。,M3U3:,in the park 在公园里, look at,看看, see看见, what clolur,什么颜色, have, has,有, kite,风筝, fly a kite,放风筝, flower,花, boat,小船,ship,轮船, balloon,气球, blue,蓝色, ball,球, mix,拌和, white,白色, black,黑色, red,红色, pink,粉红色, yellow,黄色, orange,桔黄色, blue,蓝色, purple,紫色, green,绿色, grey,灰色, brown,棕色, here,这里, hear,听见, there,那里, high,高的, tall,高, hi,你好, swing,荡, swim,游泳, sky,天空, in the sky,在空中, know,了解, no,产, round,圆的, cloud,云, cloudy,多云的, pupil,小学生, tube,管子, music,音乐, make the music,发出乐声,句子:,1. What colour is it ? It,s red and yellow.,它是什么颜色? 它是红色和黄色的。,2. Look at the sky. It,s. blue看天空。它是蓝色的。,3. It,s your kite. 它是你的风筝。,4. Here,s your kite. 给你风筝。,M4U1:,lady,女士,bird,鸟,ladybird,瓢虫,bee,蜜峰,butterfly,蝴蝶,fly,苍蝇,飞,ant,蚂蚁,dragonfly,蜻蜓,moth,飞蛾,insect,昆虫,yellow,黄色,purple,紫色,black,黑色,what,什么,what colour,什么颜色,rabbit,兔子,draw,(paint),画画,colour,涂颜色,cut,切,剪,stick,粘贴,beautiful=nice,漂亮的,duck,鸭子,sun,太阳,summer,夏天,spring,春天,autumn,秋天,winter,冬天,句子:,What is it ? It,s an ant.,它是什么?它是一只蚂蚁。,What,s this ? It,s a ladybird.,这是什么?它是一只瓢虫。,What,s that ? It,s a butterfly.,那是什么?它是一只蝴蝶。,What colour is it ? It,s red and black.,它是什么颜色?它是红色和黑色的。,M4单元知识点,M4U2,:,on,the farm,在农场里,how many,多少,how much,多少钱,chick,小鸡,hen,母鸡,duck,鸭子,pi,g,猪,dog,狗,cat,猫,count,数一数,Kitty,s dream,Kitty,的梦,put on,穿上,take off,脱下,shoe,鞋,open the,door,打开,门,open the,gate,打开,大门,the end,结束,句子:,1. What colour is it ? It,s red and yellow.,它是什么颜色? 它是红色和黄色的。,2. Look at the sky. It,s blue,看天空。它是蓝色的。,3. It,s your kite.,它是你的风筝。,4. Here,s your kite.,给你风筝。,M4U3:,plant,植物,leaf , leaves,树叶,branch,es,树枝,trunk,树杆,root, roots,树根,flower,花,tree,树,seed,种子,small and brown,小的棕色的,rain,雨,rainy,雨天,happy,快乐,sad,悲伤,sun,太阳,sunny,晴天,feel,感觉,warm,温暖,bud,芽,grow,成长,sunflower,向日葵,on the tree,在树上,in the tree,在树里,under the tree,在树下,tell me,告诉我,句子:,Look at the plant.,/,This is a plant.,I,t has roots. They are thin and short.,I,t has leaves.,T,hey are green.,T,hey are small.,I,t has a flower.,I,t is pink.,I,t is beautiful.,I,like the plant.,按要求写单词,1.black(反义词),2.sky(同类词),3.ferry(近义词),4.balloon(同类词),5. it(复数),6.is、am(复数),7.new(反义词),8. I(宾格),9.here(反义词),10.here(同音词),11.you(所有格),12.he (复数),13.I (复数),14.you(复数),15.that(反义词),16.they(单数),17.are(否定形式),18.do(否定形式),19.no(同音词),20.sheep(复数),21.mice(单数),22.monkey(复数),23.that(复数),24.this(复数),25.farmer(同类词),26.two(同音词),27.put on(反义词组),28.on(反义词),29.my(主格),30.door(近义词),31.four(同音词),32.open(反义词),white,there,me,old,are,they,kite/ball,boat,monkeys,mouse,sheep,know,dont,it / he / she,arent,this,you,we,they,your,hear,sun/moon,too / to,take off,under,I,gate,for,close,these,student /teacher,those,33.fly(动作词),49.colour(动作词),35.leaves(单数),36.root(复数),37.student(同义词),38.up(反义词),39.sit(反义词),40.tall(反义词),41.tree(同类词),42.big(反义词),43.see(同音词),44.animal(复数),45.cant(全写),46.photo(同义词),47.box(复数),48.desk(同义词),34.has(复数),50.paper(复数),51.fat(反义词),52.like(单三),53.do(单三),54.does(否定式),55.hot(反义词),63.it is(缩写),62.whats(全写),61.butterfly(复数),60.body(复数),59.fish(复数),58.nice(近义词),57.strawberry(复数),56.toy(复数),68.what(同类词,),ies,(单数),66.baby(复数),65.Kittys(全写),64.they are(缩写,),box,es,table,who、 how,family,bab,ies,Kitty is,colour,paper,they,re,its,what is,bodies,butterfl,ies,fish,beautiful,strawberr,ies,toys,cold,does,nt,do,es,like,s,thin,sea,anima,s,can not,picture,pupil,down,stand,short,trunk /branch,small,fly,have,leaf,roots,用所给单词的适当形式填空:be/ have/has/can,1. My mother and I,in the park. We,happy.,2. Danny,ten years old. He,a dog.,3. This,my teacher, Miss Zhang. She,many books.,4. What,your name? My name,Kitty.,5. Look at the rabbits. They,white. They,red eyes.,6. Tom is six years old. He,read. But he,write.,7. Mr and Mrs Li,in the park.,8. What are,(it)? Sorry, I,(do)know.,9. Hello, my name,Kitty.,10. My tail,short. My ears,long. I,a rabbit.,11. Here,the mice. They,small.,12. How many,(apple)? Five, please.,13. How,(many) is it? Its two yuan.,14. Look at the,(cat). They are fat.,15. What colour,(be)the pigs?,(it) are pink.,16. Sit,the chair, please.,17. I like,play,my yellow ball.,are,apples,is,is,are,they,is,has,are,are,is,dont,cant,is,can,are,on,are,T,hey,cats,to,with,much,is,are,are,am,is,have,I like our best.,Its .,We can in it. We can in it.,We like in it.,We like our ,.,I like our library best. Its big. There are many books in it. We can read books in the library. We can borrow books too. We like reading in it. We can read picture books, story books, newspaper, magazines and so on. I like the library.,I love my school. Its big and beautiful.,Look, this is our classroom. We can read and write in it.This is our library.we can read books in the library, but we cant run or jump in it.Look, this is the hall. We can sing and dance in it.How beautiful!,quick respond,营业员 顾客,Can I help you? May I havepears?,How many pears? Eleven, please.,Here you are. Thank you.,Goodbye. Byebye.,顾客 营业员,May I have,please? Sure.,How much? _yuan.,Thank you. Youre welcome.,word,su,supermarket,超市,buy,买,Its a fine day.,I,put on,my _.,Then I,open,the _.,I see many animals on the farm .,I,count,the _.They run down and run up. So I,open,the _.They are _.,And thats the end.,Oh!Its my,dream,.,shoe,door,chicks,gate,eating rice now,Describe the animals,Look at the_.,Its_.,Its_.,It can_.,It likes to eat_.,.,Look and say,a flower,a leaf,leaves,roots,This is a plant.,It has roots.,They are thin and short.,It has leaves.,They are green.,They are small.,It has a flower.,It is pink.,It is beautiful.,I like it very much.,We are seeds. We are,small and brown.,It is rainy. We are happy.,It is sunny. We feel warm.,Look! Now we have roots.,We have buds too.,We grow and grow. Now we,have leaves and flowers.,We are sunflowers.,谢谢观赏,


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