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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Review!,比较级、最高级变化规那么,1.单音节和少数双音节单词,一般在词尾加“er或“est。,2.以不发音字母“e结尾的单词,直接在词尾加 “r或“st。,3.以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加“er或“est。,4.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,应先改“y为“i,在加“er或“est。,5.其他双音节单词和多音节单词,都在其前面加“more或“the most。,不规那么变化,1.,good/well better the best,2.,bad - worse - the worst,3.,many/ much more the most,4.,little less - the least,many,、few,+ C,muc,h、little,+ U,I have many friends.,I have,more,friends.,I have much money.,I have,more,money.,Attentioon!,Read and compare :,hot,few,big,short,small,old,fine,easy,hungry,early,heavy,exciting,carefully,hot,ter,the hot,t,est,few,er,the few,est,big,g,er,the big,g,est,short,er,the short,est,small,er,the small,est,old,er,the old,est,fine,r,the fine,st,eas,i,er,the eas,i,est,hungr,i,er,the hungr,i,est,earl,i,er,the earl,i,est,heav,i,er,the heav,i,est,more,exciting,the most,exciting,more,carefully the,most,carefully,Revision,idea,a little,teaspoonful,less,a few,pity,instead,advice,n.,主意,少许,n.,一满茶匙,adj.,较少的,更少的,几个,n.,遗憾,adv.,代替,n.,建议,忠告,Lesson 111,The most expensive model,十大电视机品牌榜中榜/彩电品牌1索尼SONY(世界品牌,国家免检产品)2长虹CHANGHONG(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家 免检产品)3三星SAMSUNG(中国著名商标,国家免检产品)4LG(世界品牌,国家免检产品)5TCL(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品)6创维SKYWORTH(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品)7康佳KONKA(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品)8厦华XOCECO(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品)9海尔Haier(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品)10海信Hisense(中国名牌,中国著名商标,国家免检产品, 100, 300, 500,It costs,It s,the most,expensive model in the shop.,It costs ,This model is,less,expensive than that one.,汇率知多少,New words and expressions:,model mdl n.型号,式样,afford f:d v.付得起钱deposit dipzitn.预付定金,millionaire ,miljn n.百万富翁,model,mdl,n.型号、式样,,,1.,这台电视是最新型的。,This television is the latest model.,2.,飞机模型、火车模型,model,plane,3.,凯特是个模特。,Kate is a,model,.,模型,,,模特,afford f:d v.付得起钱 有足够的金钱,时间做通常与can, could, be able to 连用多用于否认句和疑问句,我们买不起新车。,We cant,afford a new,car.,We cant,afford to buy,a new car.,I cant,afford,the time.,我抽不出时间。,afford + n.,afford + to do, deposit /dipzit/,n.1) 预付定金,押金,保证金通常以单数的形式表示,Make a deposit of 500 yuan on a new camera.,为买新的照相机付500块的定金。,2) 存款,定期存款 a fixed deposit,活期存款 a current deposit,提取存款 draw out ones deposit,v. 3) 把钱存起来,deposit money in a bank 把钱存入银行,instalment,inst:lmnt,in / by / on,instalments以分期付款的方式,他以分期付款方式买的房。,He bought his house on instalment,s,., price /prais/,n. 1)价格,prices表示物价的意思,The prices of vegetables are going up.,蔬菜的价格正在上涨。,the market price 市价,市场价格,2)表示price 价格的上下时,用形容词high,low,,The prices of watches are very low at that store.,那家店的手表很廉价。,3)询问价钱时,price与what连用,,What is the price of this watch?,How much is the watch?,这手表多少钱?,Millionaire,n.,百万富翁,Slumdog Millionaire,Millionaire,?贫民窟的百万富翁?,?Slumdog Millionaire?,billionaire,亿万富翁,Its written,Watch the video and answer question:,Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments?,Listen to the tape ,and then answere the,questions:,1.Can Mr. Frith buy the television,on instalments?,2How does it work?,MR. FRITH: I like this television very much.,How much does it cost?ASSISTANT: Its the most expensive model in the shop.,It costs five hundred pounds.,MR. FRITH: Thats too expensive for us.,We cant afford all that money.= How much is it?,How much 多少询问价格或不可数名词的量 ,这个手提包多少钱?How much is the handbag?,the least expensive,hundred 与数字连用时,不加s,两百个学生,two hundred students,成千上百的,hundreds of,pound 可数 如: dollars,MR. FRITH: I like,.,How much,?,ASSISTANT: Its,in,the shop. It,pounds.,MRS. FRITH: Thats,us.,We cant,.,this television very much,does it cost,the most expensive model,costs five hundred,too expensive for,afford all that money,ASSISTANT: This models less expensive than that one.,Its only three hundred pounds.,But, of course,its not as good as the expensive one.,MR. FRITH: I dont like the model.,The other models more expensive,but its worth the money.,cheaper,one= television,the other 两者中的另一个,我又两支笔,一支是红色,另一支是蓝色。,I have two pens. One is red. The other is blue.,worth (adj.)值 的, 价值的,这枚戒指值10,000元。,This ring is worth 10,00 yuan.,ASSISTANT: This models,than,that one. Its only,.,But, of course, its,the,expensive one.,MR. FRITH: I dont like,.,The other models,but its,the money.,less expensive,three hundred pounds,not as good as,the model,more expensive,worth,Can we buy it on instalments?,情态动词的一般疑问句。介词短语on instalments作方式状语。,buy on instalments以分期付款方式购置,=buy in (by) instalments,Can we buy it on instalments?,Can we buy it in instalments?,Can we buy it by instalments?,ASSISTANT: Of course.,You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.,MR. FRITH: Do you like it, dear?,MRS. FRITH:I certainly do, but I dont like the price.,You always want the best, but we cant afford it.,Sometimes you think youre a millionaire!,MR. FRITH: Millionaires dont buy things on instalments!,pay a deposit 付的定金,为购置这辆车,你需要先付10,000元。,You need to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan for this car.,省略了pay,do = like it,价格高 The price is high.,价格低 The price is low.,东西的贵或廉价用 expensive & cheap,MR. FRITH: Can we buy it,_?,ASSISTANT: Of course.,You can pay _ of thirty pounds,and then fourteen pounds,for,three years.,on instalments,a deposit,a month,MR. FRITH,: ,dear?,MRS. FRITH:I,do,but I dont like,.,You always want,but,.,Sometimes you think,youre a,!,MR. FRITH: Millionaires dont buy,things _!,certainly,the price,the best,we cant afford the price,millionaire,on instalments,Do you like it,Watch the video again, then try to retell the text,Fill in the blanks.,MR. FRITH: I like,.,How much,?,ASSISTANT: Its,in,the shop. It,pounds.,MRS. FRITH: Thats,us.,We cant,.,this television very much,does it cost,the most expensive model,costs five hundred,too expensive for,afford all that money,ASSISTANT: This models,than,that one. Its only,.,But, of course,its,the expensive one.,MR. FRITH: I dont like,.,The other models,but its,the money.,less expensive,three hundred pounds,not as good as,the model,more expensive,worth,MR. FRITH: Can we buy,it,_?,ASSISTANT: Of course.,You can pay _ of thirty pounds,and then fourteen pounds,for,three years.,on instalments,a deposit,a month,MR. FRITH,: ,dear?,MRS. FRITH:I,do,but I dont like,.,You always want,but,.,Sometimes you think,youre a,!,MR. FRITH: Millionaires dont buy,things _!,certainly,the price,the best,we cant afford the price,millionaire,on instalments,Do you like it,Language points,1.How much does it cost?,Cost表示花费时间,金钱,主语一般是物,This book costs me 10 yuan.,这本书我花了10美元。,Spend 花时间,金钱,主语一般是人,Spend moneyon sth. 在方面花钱,She spent much money on the clothes.,她花很多钱在衣服上。,Spend time in doing sth 花时间做某事,I spent a lot of time in reading.,我花很多时间读书。,How much 可以用来询问不可数名词的数量,也可以用来询问价格。,How much milk is in the cup? 杯子里还有多少牛奶?,2. Its the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.,expensive 形容词,昂贵的,多音节词,比较级和最高级要用more 和 most,five hundred pounds,hundred 有具体数字在前面,不用复数,pounds 复数形式,more/less expensive,the most/least expensive,two,hundred students,hundred,s,of,students,4. Thats too expensive for us. We cant afford all that money.,afford,动词,付得起,一般用于否认句和疑问句中,,cant afford 负担不起,He cant afford so much money for a house.,他负担不起买这座房子的这么多钱。,Can you afford a car? 你买得起一辆轿车吗?,to buy,5. But, of course, its not,as good as,the expensive one.,as good as 和一样好,asas 和一样,Your brother is as tall as I am. 你的哥哥和我一样高。,Not asas 不如怎么样,这辆车没有那辆车新,.,This car is not as new as that one,.,Language points,6.,The other,models more expensive, but its,worth,the money.,the other,是指,两者中,的另外一个,I have two sisters,:,one is tall,;,the other,is short.,我有两个姐姐,一个高,一个矮。,be worth,值,钱,This book,is worth,50yuan.,这本书值,50,元。,Its worth,the money.,它值这么多钱。,Language points,7. Can we buy it on instalments?,buy on instalments 以分期付款的方式购置,你为什么不以分期付款的方式购置这座房子呢?,Why dont you buy this house,on instalments,?,8. You can,pay a deposit of,thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.,pay a deposit of,付,的定金,You need to pay a deposit of three pounds for this car.,你要先付,300,英镑的定金来买这辆车。,钱数前面用,of,,买什么东西用,for,fourteen pounds,前面省略了一个动词,pay,for three years,分期付款,,3,年付清,Grammar,形容词与副词都有三个等级,原级,比较级,最高级。,原级比较:as as,Bill is as fat as Tom . Bill和Tom一样胖。,He runs as fast as you. 他和你跑得一样快。,在as as 中间使用的形容词和副词一定要用原级.,否认用not as as,翻译句子,他的车和我的车一样贵。,我的家和他的家一样大。,我女朋友比他女朋友漂亮。,他没有我胖。,我每天喝的水和我妈妈喝的水一样多。,这块表太贵了,我买不起。,我付了,500,块钱定金买那个手机。,我分期付款买了新房子,但是我要每月付,1500,元,,20,年付清。,你不是百万富翁,你不能花那么多钱买车!,Exercises:,根据提示填写单词,。,1. You can find all this books in the _(,当地的,) library.,2. Mary wants to live in the best _(,旅馆,) in this city.,3. Please _(,开,) your car carefully.,4.On teachers Day, I gave some _(,明信片,) to my teachers.,5. The classroom is very _(,安静,) because the students are all on the playground.,local,hotel,drive,postcards,quiet,根据首字母提示填空。,1. Get up early this morning. Dont m_ the school bus again.,2. She will go to Shanghai to visit her aunt s_.,3. My grandparents g_ vegetables by themselves every year.,4. Now Li Ming can go to work by u_ in Zhengzhou.,5. He wants to o_ a happy family.,iss,oon,nderground,row,wn,单项选择,1.- Is your father going to Nanjing by _ plane this time?,- No. He will take _ train.,A. a; the,B. /; a,C. a; /,D. /; /,2. - Look at the trainers, Simon. They look like yours.,- No. Mine _ black and white.,A. is,B. has,C. have,D. are,3. - It is late now. We must go back to the _.,- OK. I really need a good sleep.,A. hotel,B. restaurant,C. theatre,D. hospital,4. There are lots of hills _ our town. They make the town warm in winter.,A. on,B. around,C. between,D. from,5. Please come and join _! You can be in _ club.,A. us; us,B. us; our,C. our; us,D. our; our,6. Disneyland is a good place _ fun.,A. to have,B. having,C. has,D. have,7. Lang Lang is _ as a great pianist. Many people like him very much.,A. fresh,B. famous,C. interesting,D. important,8. - Let me help you carry the bag.,- No, thanks. It is big, _ there is nothing in it.,A. and,B. so,C. but,D. because,9. - How do you like the bike?,- It looks nice. But _ price is too high.,A. it,B. its,C. its,D. its,10. - What would you like to do this weekend?,- Id like to _ my friends _ Yangzhou.,A. show; around,B. make; around,C. take; visit,D. show; visit,11. Im _ meeting my favourite singer Jay chou.,A. planning to,B. getting ready to,C. waiting to,D. looking forward to,12. - Do you have a party on _ Day every year?,- Yes, we do. And we have a party on _ Day, too.,A. Teachers; Childrens,B. Teachers; Childrens,C. Teachers; Childrens,D. Teachers; Childrens,13. - The fish _ nice. Your mother is a great cook.,- Really? Try some and you will like it more.,A. eats,B. smells,C. cooks,D. sees,14. - Were going to have a party for the exchange students this afternoon.,- _. And say hello to them for me.,A. Good idea.,B. Have fun.,C. Best wishes.,D. Youre welcome.,15. - _ is your home from the school?,- Only ten minutes walk.,A. How much,B. How often,C. How far,D. How long,Thank you!,Lesson112,asas,像一样,1,not asas,不像一样,2,单击添加文字内容,3,_is handsome,_is more handsome,_is the most handsome,形容词原级比较构造: as+adj. (原级)+as,李敏镐和陈柏霖一样帅。,Lee MinHo is as handsome as Berlin.,她和蜜蜂一样忙。,She is as busy as a bee.,形容词原级否认比较构造: not as+adj. +as,绿苹果没有红苹果甜。,The green apple not as sweet as the red one.,Zhou Jielun is,as,tall,as,Lin Zhiling.,Is Shen Chunyang,as,tall,as,Xiao Shenyang?,No,she isnt.,Shen Chunyang is,not,as,tall,as,Xiao Shenyang.,This green apple is,as,sweet,as,the red one.,Is the fruit cake,less,delicious,than the chocolate one?,No,it isnt.,Its,more,delicious.,Its,the most delicious,cake,I have ever eaten.,Is Li Meiqi,more beautiful,than Zhao Yazhi?,No, she isnt.,Zhao Yazhi is,the most beautiful,actess that Ive ever seen.,Are these sweets,as,sweet,as,those ones?,No,they arent.,These sweets are,not as,sweet,as,those ones.,Exercises,1. Of all the students in our class, she is _.,A. most careful B. careful C. more careful D. the most careful,2. The snow storm which hit this area last night was _ in recent years.,A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. the heaviest,3. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as _ as the nurses.,A. muchB. many C. more D. most,4. -Allofusareproudof theprogresshesmadeduringthe past fewyears.-Yes,weresurehewillbe even_.,A. successful B. more successful C. most successful D. successfully,5. Lily and Jane are both good at singing.,-Who sings _?,A. nice B. well C. better D. the best,


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