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易错考点专练,Unit 4 Problems and advice,1,2,1,2,考点,1,提示,:点击 进入习题,答案呈现,考点,2,A,A,regretted making,regretted that,3,to say,3,nice of,1,2,考点,3,heard of/about,heard from,4,careless of,4,taking,5,important for,答案呈现,考点,4,1,2,B,B,3,D,4,C,考点,5,1,2,C,B,keep,3,4,lend,borrow,5,考点,6,1,2,annoyed,annoying,annoyed,3,考点,1 Its,+adj,.+of sb.+to do sth.,和,Its,+adj,.+for sb,.+to,do sth.,的辨析。,【,易错点津,】,Its,adj,.,of sb.,to do sth.,意为“某人做某事是,的”。此处常用,kind, nice, clever, foolish, polite,等描述行为者性格、品质的形容词,; Its,adj,.,for sb.,to do sth.,意为“做某事对某人来说是,的”,此处常用,important, necessary, difficult, easy, useful,等描述动作的形容词。,一、单项选择。,1,. It is very kind,_ you,to help me.,A. of,B,. for,C,.,in D.,at,A,2,. Its very dangerous,_ the,mobile phone,while crossing,the street.,A. for us to answer,B,. for us answering,C. of us to answer,D,. of us answering,A,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一,词。,3.,你给我让座,你真好。,Its very,_,_,you,to offer me a seat.,4.,她丢了这么多东西,真是太粗心了。,Its _ _,her,to lose so many things,.,nice of,careless of,5,.,在日常生活中练习英语口语对你来说是非常重要的。,Its very _ _,you,to practice oral,English in daily life.,important for,考点,2 regret,的用法。,【,易错点津,】,regret doing sth.,后悔曾做过某事,对已经发生的事情感到遗憾,对已经做过的事情感到后悔,“做某事”在先,“遗憾,/,后悔”在后,; regret to do sth.,遗憾要做某事,对将要做的事情表示遗憾或抱歉,后面常跟表示“说”“告知”等意思的词。,一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,1.,她立即后悔做了那个愚蠢的决定。,She immediately,_,_,that stupid decision,.,2.,我后悔没接受她善意的邀请。,I _ _,I,was unable to accept her,kind invitation,.,regretted making,regretted that,二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。,3. I regret _ (say ) you failed the exam. But dont give up, try again next time.,4. I regret _ (take) his advice at that time. If not, I wont fail now.,to say,taking,考点,3 hear from,和,hear of/about,的辨析。,【,易错点津,】,hear from,意为“收到某人的来信”,后接人作宾语,; hear of/about,意为“听说,(,某物,/,某人,)”,,后接事物或人作宾语。,根据汉语意思完成,句子。,1.,我从来没有听说过这样处理事情的人。,I have never,_,_,anyone,doing a,thing like,that,.,heard of/about,2,.,自从很久以前他给我们打了一次电话之后,我们就没有,收到他,的信。,We havent _ _,him,since he called,us a,long time ago.,heard from,考点,4 none, no one/nobody,和,nothing,的辨析。,【,易错点津,】,none,既可以指代物,也可以指代人,用于回答,how many,或,how much,提出的问题时,可与,of,连用,; no one/nobody,通常指代人, 用于回答,who,提出的问题,不与,of,连用,; nothing,通常指代物,用于回答,what,提出的问题。,单项选择。,1.【2020,黄冈,】Amazing! Tom got the,best grade,in the test last week,.,_is,impossible. He studies really,hard online,this term.,A. Anything,B,. Nothing,C. Everything,D,. Something,B,2.【2020,安徽,】This time, we must depend,on ourselves,to solve the problem., I agree.,_ but,we ourselves can find a,way out,.,A. Everybody,B,. Nobody,C. Somebody,D,.,Anybody,B,3.【2020,凉山州,】All the volunteers,were very,tired, but _,of,them had a rest.,They were busy helping the firemen.,A. both,B,. neither,C. all,D,. none,D,4.【2020,宜昌,】 Its unbelievable that,5G technology,is progressing in such a rapid way!,_ is,impossible.,A. Something,B,. Anything,C. Nothing,D,. Everything,C,考点,5 borrow, lend,和,keep,的辨析。,【,易错点津,】,borrow,借入, 常用于,borrow sth. from sb. ; lend,借出, 常用于,lend sb. sth.,或,lend sth. to sb. ; keep,在表示借的意思时,通常表示“借某物多长时间”,常接,for,时间段。,一、单项选择。,1,.【 2019,达州,】Can I,_,Robinson,Crusoe,? Mrs,. Zhao!, Sure, its very interesting, but you can,only it,for two weeks.,A. borrow; lend,B,. lend; borrow,C. borrow; keep,D,. lend; keep,C,2,. I wonder if you could,_ me,100,yuan,. Ill,pay you,back in a week.,A. borrow,B,. lend,C,. keep,D,. take,B,二、选词填空。,3. He would,_ in,touch with us wherever he was.,4. Would you please _,me,your pencil?,5. Return the book in time so that you can _,it without,difficulty next time.,borrow, lend, keep,keep,lend,borrow,考点,6 annoying,和,annoyed,的辨析。,【,易错点津,】,annoying,使恼怒的,使生气的,常指事物令人烦恼,修饰事物,; annoyed,烦恼的,生气的,说明人的感受,常用结构:,be annoyed at sth.,。,根据汉语提示完成句子。,1. I was,_(,烦恼的,) and,upset for days.,2. That _,(,使,恼怒,的,) situation,makes me crazy.,3. We were _,(,使烦恼,) at,being beaten.,annoyed,annoying,annoyed,


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