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,Unit6,Go with Transportation!,Lesson33,Life on Wheels,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,comes/ appears,2,machine,3,environment,4,pull,6,7,8,9,10,wheels; engines; wings,appeared; hundred; full of,was able to power,even; space in spaceships,everywhere by bike,课内知识,夯实基础,5,imagine,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,A,2,C,3,been able,4,D,6,7,8,9,10,C,D,D,Can you imagine,D,题组专训,突破考点,5,D,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,D,2,A,3,B,4,A,6,7,8,9,10,Over 50 students are in my class,Jim has a new mountain bike,They went to Hainan last summer,Are the children able to swim,The room is full of fresh air,课后巩固,拓展延伸,5,C,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,11,12,13,14,15,How; get to,Long ago; to pull,the beginning of,comes from,a lot by,课后巩固,拓展延伸,16,17,18,19,20,C,D,C,B,A,21,22,23,24,25,B,B,C,A,B,一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语,词汇,1. Do you know the lyrics,(,歌词,) “,Sunshine,always,_,(,出现,) after,rain.”,2. The fully automatic,(,自动的,),washing,_,(,机器,) can,save much time,.,comes/ appears,machine,3. It is important for us to keep the,_ (,环境,) clean,.,4. It is easier to,_ (,拉,),down than build.,5. Just,_ (,想象,)going,all that way for nothing,!,environment,pull,imagine,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子,6.,好像一切都有轮子、引擎或者翅膀。,Everything seems to have,_, _ or _.,wheels engines,wings,7.,第一辆小汽车出现在大约二百年前,现在路上,满是,小汽车。,The first car,_ about,two,_ years ago, and,now the roads are,_ _ cars.,appeared hundred,full of,8.,然后蒸汽能驱动船和小汽车。,Then,steam _ _ _ _ boats,and cars,.,was,able to power,9.,现在人们甚至能乘宇宙飞船去太空旅行。,Now people can,_ travel to _ _ _.,even space,in spaceships,10.,在我的城市里,我喜欢骑自行车去各个地方。,I like to go,_ _ _ in,my city.,everywhere,by bike,1. Who _,the,computer?,Sorry, I ve no idea. But it has changed the,world greatly,.,【,中考,武汉,】,A. invented,B,.,discovered C,. made,D,.,played,【,点拨,】,词义辨析法,。句意为“,谁发明了电脑,? ,抱歉,我不知道。但是它极大地改变了世界”。,invented,发明, discovered,发现,发觉,; made,制作,; played,玩。故选,A,。,A,2. New energy cars have been _,to,cut down,air pollution (,污染,).,【,中考,葫芦岛,】,A. discovered,B,.,found C,.,invented,D.,refused,【,点拨,】,词义辨析法,。句意为“为了减少空气污染,新能源汽车已经被发明出来”。,discovered,发现,指本来存在但是人们不知道的东西被发现了,; found,找到,发现,把本来丢了的东西重新出现,; invented,发明,把本来没有的东西发明出来,refused,拒绝。结合句意及分析,可知选,C,。,C,3.,在科学家们的巨大努力下,中国已经能够制造,像,C919,这样的大飞机。,【,中考,宜宾,】,With scientists great efforts, China,has _ _ to,make big planes like C919,.,been able,4. From the top of the Autumn Hill people _,enjoy the,fullest sight of Ge Garden.,【,2020,扬州,】,A. have to,B,. need,C. should,D,.,can,D,5. The environment here becomes better and better,. _ birds,are coming back.,【,2020,百色,】,A. Hundred,B,. Hundreds,C. Thousand,D,. Thousands,of,D,6. There are about three _,students,in our school.,【,中考,河池,】,A. thousands,B,. thousands of,C. thousand,D,. thousand,of,【,点拨,】,结构分析法,。空格前有,three, thousand,表示确,数,应为原形,且后面也不加,of,。故选,C,。,C,7. We waited for him at the school gate, but he,didnt,appear,until nine,.,_,A. know,B,. finish,C,. look around,D,.,come,【,点拨,】,句意分析法,。句意为“我们在学校门口等他,但是直到,9,点他才出现”。,appear,出现,露面。,know,知道,; finish,完成,; look around,环顾,; come,来。故选,D,。,D,8.,Jack, the,Maldives (,马尔代夫,) may,_,because of,the rising sea levels.,God! We must do something to stop that happening.,【,中考,东营,】,A. rise,B,. move,C,. grow,D,.,disappear,【,点拨,】,语境法,。由,the rising sea levels,可知是指马尔代夫可能会“消失”。故选,D,。,D,9.,你能想象人工智能将在很多领域取代人类,吗?,(imagine),【2021,宜昌模拟,】,_ _ _ that,AI will take,the place,of human beings in many fields,?,Can you imagine,10. Can you imagine _,as,a nurse?,A. he work,B,. him work,C. he to work,D,. him working,D,一、单项,选择,1,. _,volunteers,will be needed for 2022,Beijing Winter,Olympic Games.,【,中考,大庆,】,A. Two thousand of,B,. Two thousands of,C. Thousand of,D,. Thousands,of,D,2. When night falls, stars,_.,A. appear B,. go,C,. disappear,D,.,leave,A,3. Can you imagine _,in,the sky?,A. fly B,. flying,C,. to fly,D,.,flew,B,4.,Bi,Sheng, an ancient Chinese,invented,movable type,printing in the 1040s,.,_,It was developed in China but served the world.,A. created B,. discovered,C,. searched,D,.,found,A,5. I shall,_ finish,the work next,week.,A. can,B,. could,C. be able to,D,. am able,to,C,二、连词成句,6. are, in, 50 students, over, my class,_,.,Over 50 students are in my class,7. has, mountain bike, a, Jim, new,_,.,8. went to, they, last, Hainan, summer,_,.,Jim has a new mountain bike,They went to Hainan last summer,9. the, to, are, swim, able, children,_?,10. fresh, the room, full, is, air, of,_.,Are the children able to swim,The room is full of fresh air,三、 根据汉语意思完成句子,11.,你可以怎样到达北京?,_,can,you _ _,Beijing?,How,get,to,12.,很久以前人们用马拉车。,_ _,people used,horses _ _ carts.,Long,ago to,pull,13.,蒸汽机是火车的开始。,The steam engine,is _ _ _ trains.,the,beginning of,14.,航天员景海鹏来自山西。,The astronaut Jing Haipeng _ _,Shanxi,.,comes,from,15.,现在人们经常乘飞机旅行。,Now people travel,_ _ _ plane,.,a,lot by,四、 完形填空,The bicycle is one of,the simplest,and most,useful inventions in,the world. More,surprisingly, before,it,was _,16, the,great inventor,Leonardo da Vinci,had drawn,pictures for bicycles, flying machines and,some other,things,.,16,. A. invent,B,.,inventing C,. invented,D,. to,invent,【,点拨,】,由空前,was,可知应用动词的过去分词表被动。故选,C,。,C,Those things were not produced _,17,long after he died,.,17,. A. before,B,. when,C,. since,D,.,until,D,A person riding a bicycle uses _,18,energy (,能量,),to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at all when he is riding.,18,. A. few,B,. quite a lot,C. very little,D,.,many,【,点拨,】,根据常识可知,骑自行车消耗能量很少。故选,C,。,C,Even so, in developed _,19, most people dont go to work by bicycle.,19,. A. world,B,. countries,C,. land,D,.,earth,B,It is because _,20,cars on the roads has increased,.,20,. A. the number of,B,. a number of,C. this kind of,D,. all kinds,of,A,It certainly becomes _,21,to ride a bicycle.,21,. A. safer,B,. more dangerous,C. dangerous much,D,.,safe,【,点拨,】,根据常识可知,路上小汽车数量增加,骑自行车就会更危险。故选,B,。,B,As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work _,22,their cars. And in this way, the situation (,情况,) becomes more serious.,22,. A. by,B,. in,C,. with,D,. on,B,_,23,the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths only for bicycles, and to make _,24,difficult and expensive for drivers to drive their cars into the city.,23. A. Hardly,B,.,EvenC,. Perhaps,D,. Nearly,24. A. it,B,. them,C,. us,D,. that,【,点拨,】,23. hardly,几乎不,; may be,可能是,在句中作谓语,; perhaps,或许,; nearly,将近,几乎。句意,为,“,或许,使骑自行车更安全且更受欢迎的最好的方式是设立自行车专门的通道,”,。故选,C,。,C,A,Then they will go back to _,25,their bicycles,.,25. A. use,B,. using,C,. used,D,. uses,【,点拨,】,go back to doing sth.,重新开始做某事。,B,


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