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专题十四情景交际,1,.,致谢,常用,句式,Thank you (very much)./Thanks a lot.,非常感谢。,Thank you for your help.,谢谢你的帮助。,Its very kind/nice of you.,你真善良。,常见,答语,Not at all./Youre welcome./Thats OK./All right.,没关系。,Its my pleasure./With pleasure.,乐意之至。,2.,道歉,常用,句式,Excuse me,,,please.,打扰一下。,I beg your pardon.,请再说一遍。,Im sorry./Sorry.,对不起。,Im sorry about/for,对于,我很抱歉。,I apologize for,我向,道歉。,常见,答语,It doesnt matter./Thats all right./Thats OK./Never mind./Its nothing./Forget it.,没关系。,3.,寻求帮助和提供帮助,常用,句式,Can/May I help you,?我能帮你吗?,Can/Could you,for me,?你能为我做,吗?,Will/Would you please,?你可不可以,?,What can I do for you,?我可以为你做些什么?,Let me help you.,让我来帮你。,常见,答语,肯定答语:,Yes,,,please./Yes,,,thanks./Thank you.,好的,,,谢谢。,That would be nice/fine.,那真是太好了。,否定答语:,No,,,thanks.,不用,,,谢谢。,Thank you,,,but,.,谢谢,,,不过,。,Thank you all the same.,还是要谢谢你。,Thats very kind of you,,,but I can do it myself.,你真是太好了,,,但是我可以自己做。,4.,祝愿和祝贺,常用,句式,G,ood luck!祝你好运!,Wish you all the success!祝你(们)成功!,Best wishes to you.向你致以最美好的祝愿。,Congratulations!祝贺你!,Enjoy yourself!玩得开心!,Have a good day/time!玩得高兴!,Have a good journey/trip!旅行愉快!,Happy New Year/birthday!新年/生日快乐!,Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!,4.,祝愿和祝贺,常见,答语,Thank you.谢谢你。,You,too.你也是。,The same to you.同样也祝愿你。,5.,劝告与建议,常用,句式,Youd better/should/need (to) turn off TV right now.,你最好/应该/需要现在就关掉电视。,What/How about going to the movies this weekend?,这周末去看电影怎么样?,Why dont you/not come to my house this evening?,为什么今晚不来我家呢?,Shall we meet at the school gate at 7:00 p.m.?,我们今晚7点在校门口见,好吗?,Lets go to the park this afternoon!咱们下午去公园吧!,5.,劝告与建议,常见,答语,肯定回答:,OK./All right./Sure./Certainly.好的,没问题。,Thats a good idea./Good idea.真是个好主意。,Sounds good/great.听起来不错/太棒了。,否定回答:,Im sorry,but/Im afraid that I很抱歉,我,Sorry,Im afraid I cant.不好意思,恐怕我不能。,Yes,Id love/like/be glad to,but/Im afraid that I好的,我很想/乐意去,但是我恐怕,6.,日常问候,常用,句式,Hi!/Hello!嗨!,Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好。,How are you?你好吗?,Hows it going?最近如何?,Hows everything?一切顺利吗?,How was your weekend?周末你过得怎么样?,常见,答语,Im OK.我很好。,Fine,thanks,and you?不错,谢谢。你呢?,Very well,thank you.挺好的,谢谢你。,7.,邀请,常用,句式,Shall we?我们好吗?,Will/Can you?你可以/能吗?,Would you please?请你好吗?,Would you like (to do) sth.?你想(做)吗?,Why dont you/Why not?为什么不呢?,Lets!让我们吧!,7.,邀请,常见,答语,肯定答语:,Yes,Id like/love to.是的,我很乐意。,Yes,Ill be glad to.是的,我很乐意去。,Yes,its/thats very kind of you.是的,你真是太好了。,With pleasure.十分乐意。,That would be nice.那挺好的。,Thank you.Id like to very much.谢谢。我非常想去。,Yes,thank you for inviting/asking me.是的,谢谢你邀请我。,Thank you for your kind invitation.谢谢你的好意邀请。,7.,邀请,常见,答语,否定答语:,No,thank you.不,谢谢。,Sorry,Im afraid I cant.对不起,我恐怕去不了。,Thank you,but Im not free.谢谢你,但是我没时间。,Id love/like to,but我很乐意去,但是,I wish I could,but我希望我能去,但是,8.,请求与允许,常用,句式,Could you please?你能吗?,Would you mind (if)?(如果)你介意吗?,Do you think?你认为?,常见,答语,肯定答语:,Yes./Sure./Certainly./Yes,please.可以。,Of course (you may/can/could).当然可以。,I think/hope so.我希望是这样。,8.,请求与允许,常见,答语,否定答语:,Of course not.当然不。,No,please dont.不,请不要。,No,you mustnt/cant/couldnt.不,不可以。,Im afraid not.我恐怕不行。,Im sorry,you cant.对不起,你不能。,I dont think so.我不这样认为。,No,not at all.不,一点儿也不。,Youd better not.你最好不要。,Sorry,Ill do it right now.对不起,我马上去做。,9.,打电话,常用,句式,Hello!Could/May I speak to John?喂,可以让约翰接电话吗?,Is John in?约翰在吗?,Is that John speaking?是约翰吗?,Id like to speak to John.我想找约翰。,常见,答语,接电话人(本人):,Hello!This is Lucy speaking.你好,我是露西。,Yes,speaking please.Whos that speaking?,是的,请讲。你是谁?,9.,打电话,常见,答语,接电话人(非本人):,Hold on (a moment),please.请稍等一下。,Hold the line,please.请稍等。,A moment,please.等一下。,Sorry!He/She is not in.Can I take a message for him/her?,对不起!他/她不在。我能帮他/她带个口信吗?,Would you like to leave a message?你想留口信吗?,10.,关切和安慰,表示关切的常用句式,Whats wrong/the matter?发生什么事了?,(Is there) Anything wrong?出什么事了?,What should we do?我们应该做什么?,表示安慰的常用句式,Dont worry/be afraid. 不要担忧/害怕。,Itll be OK/all right.会好的。,Its (quite) all right. 没关系。,It doesnt matter at all.一点也不要紧。,Its nothing serious. 没什么严重的。,There is no need to worry about没有必要担心,【,典例剖析,】,(2020,滨州,),Mr.Wang,,,can I go to play football with my classmates as soon as school is over?,_We have to prepare for the coming Art Festival together.,A,.,Why not,?,B.I hope so.,C,.,Im afraid not. D.Of,course.,剖析:,句意:,王老师,放学后我可以和同学们一起踢足球吗?,_,我们得一起为即将到来的艺术节做准备。,Why not,?为什么不呢?,I hope so.,我希望如此。,Im afraid not.,恐怕不行。,Of course.,当然。根据答句中“,We have to prepare for the coming Art Festival together.”,可知,老师不同意说话者的请求。“,Im afraid not.”,符合语境。故选,C,。,单项选择,(,),1.,(2020,恩施,),My family and I will travel to Qingdao next week.,_,A,.,Wish you a happy journey!,B,.,Good idea.,C,.,See you then.,A,(,),2.,(2020,十堰,),Hi,,,Wu Lei.We havent seen each other for long time.,_.,A,.,Good luck,B,.,Thats great,C,.,Best wishes,D,.,Nice to see you again,D,(,),3.,(2020,黔西南,),We will go to interview a scientist tomorrow,,,and Id like you to go with us.,_,!,Ill have an important meeting to attend.,A,.,Congratulations B.What a pity,C,.,Good idea D.A good job,(,),4.,(2020,毕节,),Jacks uncle has got the COVID19.Now he is in a hospital.,_.,A,.,It doesnt matterB,.,Thats all right,C,.,Im sorry to hear thatD,.,Be careful next time,B,C,(,),5.,(2019,武汉,),May,I help you,,,young lady?,_.,A,.,Good for you B.Well,done,C,.,Yes,,,please D.Take it easy,(,),6.,(2019,天津,),Will you join in the discussion tomorrow?,_ Maybe Ill have a meeting.,A,.,Well,,,Im not sure.B,.,Thatll be great!,C,.,Certainly.D,.,Youre welcome.,C,A,(,),7.,(2019,安徽,),Sorry,,,I took the wrong seat.,_.I will take yours instead.,A,.,No way B.Better not,C,.,Excuse me D.Thats all right,(,),8.,(2019,连云港,),I dont know what to say at the interview.,_.Just be polite and answer honestly.,A,.,Dont mention itB,.,Its a pleasure,C,.,Dont worryD,.,OK,,,thanks,D,C,(,),9.,(2019,眉山,),Could you please help me wash the car,,,Tony?,_.Im studying for my coming English test now.,A,.,Thats right B.Im sorry,C,.,It doesnt matter D.Not at all,(,),10.,(2019,昆明,),Gina,,,could you please play the drums on the art festival?,_.I can only play the guitar.,A,.,Im afraid I cantB,.,Yes,,,I can,C,.,Sure,,,Id love toD,.,Not bad,B,A,


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