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先 锋 图 书,上一页,下一页,返回首页,Unit 9Can you come to my party?,第 四 课 时Section B (,2,a,2e,),一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。,1After Tony left the club,they,(删除) his name from the list.,2I walked,(向前) to ask him for help when I saw a man coming.,3Look out! Theres lots of,(胶水) on your chair.,4I was,(悲伤的) to hear that the actor Qiao Renliang died.,5Sam has to finish the article and,(打印) it out this afternoon.,deleted,forward,glue,sad,print,二、根据句意用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。,1Everyone was,(surprise) to see her at the party last night.,2We are glad,(meet) you here.,3Its important to know how to turn down an,(invite) politely.,4Thanks so much for,(plan) this.,5He left without,(reply) to my question.,surprised,to meet,invitation,planning,replying,三,、单项选择。,( )1._your help,I cant get good grades.,Its my pleasure.,AWith BWithout CFor DAfter,( )2.(20192020沭阳县修远中学八年级月考)The math problem was not,difficult,but he didnt know _.,Awhat to do it Bhow to do it,Chow to do Dto do what,B,B,( )3.Mrs.Li helps me to_ the house and flowers when Im out.,How kind she is!,Alook like Blook after Clook at Dlook out of,( )4.I wonder why he _ such a fantastic job.,Maybe he want to find a better one.,Aturned on Bturned off Cturned down Dturned up,( )5.Im preparing for a birthday party for my son.,Hope you can _.,Amake that Bmake sure Ckeep it Dmake it,B,C,D,四、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。,1你经常收到朋友的来信吗?,Do you often,your friends?,2上周他们去大连旅行了。,Last week they,to Dalian.,3我愿意帮助做聚会的任何准备工作。,Id like to,any of the,at the party.,hear from,took a trip,help out with preparations,4我努力学习以便能赶上其他的同学。,I study hard,I can catch up with other students.,5我们盼望着观看新世界。,We,New World.,6晚会是告别和道谢的最好方式。,The party is the best way,thank you and,.,so that,look forward to watching,to say goodbye,五、完形填空。,I always enjoyed singing.However,I was very shy and I,_1_,sang in front of others.So when I heard that our school choir(合唱团) needed a girl,I thought,“This is my chance(机会) to be a,_2_,,but as part of a team.”,But when we got started,the choir teacher said we would have many,_3_,,,and everyone would have to do a solo(独唱)I was nervous(焦虑的) all week about ( )1.A.even Bnever Cstill Donly,( )2.A.writer Bteacher Csinger Dscientist,( )3.A.practices Bexamples Cholidays Dproblems,D,C,A,having to sing in front of many people.,_4_,the day of the first practice,I told the choir teacher I decided to leave the choir.,That night,the choir teacher came to my home.She wanted me to sing a song to,_5_,At first,I was too nervous to sing a word.“Dont let your fear(恐惧) stop you from being all you can be,”she said.That made me,_6_,“Maybe I could give ( )4.A.From BFor CAt DOn,( )5.A.him Bher Cthem Dyou,( )6.A.forget Bask Cthink Drun,D,B,C,it a try,” I said to myself.I sang loudly and clearly.It felt really,_7_,“Cathy,”the teacher said,“I have some good news and some bad news.The good news is that I will invite you to,_8_,the choir again.The bad news is that you will be the soloist.Youre too good to be in the back.,_9_,you do it?”,I still felt nervous,,_10_,on the inside,I was happy.“Yes,I can,”I said.,( )7.A.warm Breal Cright Dgreat,( )8.A.join Bstart Creach Dimprove,( )9.A.Should BMight CNeed DCan,( )10.A.so Bif Cbut Dbecause,D,A,D,C,六、阅读还原。,根据短文内容,从下面七个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。其中有两项为多余选项。,1,.,People who,know each other very well,visit each others houses,without an invitation,but,usually an invitation is,needed.When people invite,AThey just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are “Yes,that would be nice.” or “OK,yes,thanks.”,BIn Britain,people often invite friends to a meal,a party or just coffee.,CYou should say “Id love to.”,DThese are usually just polite(礼貌的) ways of ending(结束) a talk.,EIs it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?,FHowever,it is not polite to say “No,we wouldnt!”,GDo you often invite your friends to a party?,B,someone to their homes,they often say “Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?”Answers are“Thanks.Wed love to.What time?” or “Im sorry.Wed love to,but we have tickets to the concert.” 2,.,.,Sometimes,the British,may say “You must come,over for a drink sometime.”,or “Lets go out for a meal,one of these days.”3.,.,They sound like invitations.,But they are not.Because they dont mention(提及) a certain time or day.4.,.,So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully.5.,.,.,AThey just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the,answers are “Yes,that would be nice.” or “OK,yes,thanks.”,BIn Britain,people often invite friends to a meal,a party or just,coffee.,CYou should say “Id love to.”,DThese are usually just polite(礼貌的) ways of ending(结束) a talk.,EIs it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?,FHowever,it is not polite to say “No,we wouldnt!”,GDo you often invite your friends to a party?,F,D,A,E,七、短文填词。,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填上适当的单词。,Dear Ted,,Thank you for your 1.i,.I cant 2.v,you this week because Im very busy.This afternoon I have to go to the 3.c,with my brother.You know I like music very much.And on Tuesday,I have to 4.h,my brother with his chemistry because he isnt 5.g,at it.On Wednesday,Im having volleyball,6.t,with my friends.And on Thursday evening,I have a piano 7.,l,.,nvitation,isit,oncert,elp,ood,raining,esson,I have to help my mother 8.l,after my sister on Friday.On the 9.w,,Im going to Hong Kong for 10.v,.Can you go to Hong Kong with me?,Wish you happiness! Please write back to me soon!,Yours,,David,ook,eekend,acation,


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